Wednesday 13th July 2016
Dear Parents,
Video recording of year 5/6 show 2016
We would like to make you a fantastic offer, which should hopefully help you enjoy this year’s performance and give you a memento for many years to come!
A parent has kindly offered to video both productions (bothdress rehearsals and Tuesday evening show) and then edit in order to ensure as many pupils as possible feature in the video. We would then intend to post the video onto a private, restricted YouTube channel and to give our year 5 and 6 families a link, free of charge, to that channel as well as post the on the year 6 page of our website. Restricted YouTube channels do not come up in Google searches.
This would allow parents and relations to settle back and enjoy the shows, with less need to worry about photos and videos on the evening. What’s more, children will be able to see the audience reaction rather than a sea of i-pads!
I have spoken to NYCC Legal and they confirm that this is possible but require us to have written permission from families for their child to feature in the recordings.
We therefore need EVERY family to say ‘yes’ for this to happen. Please use the reply slip below and send/email back to the Office ASAP.
I am happy to discuss this further should you have any concerns.
Kind regards,
Ian Yapp
Year 5/6 Shows 2016
I have read the letter dated 13th July with regard recording of this year’s Joseph performances.
I give/do not give permission for my child to be included in the video recording. I understand that the recording will be available via a restricted YouTube channel and via the school website.
Child’s Name (s): ______
Signed: ______Date: ______
Telephone: 01937 832899 Fax: 01937 531707 Email:
Headteacher: Mr I Yapp B.Sc (Hons)