Video Guide Level: P1 Focus on Vocabulary and suggestions
/ Universidad Estatal a DistanciaVicerrectoría Académica
Dirección de Extensión Universitaria
Language Center - English Program /
Costa Rica
In pairs, answer the following questions:
-Do you like traveling?
-Where do you usually go?
- Talk about the places you usually visit. Think of places to go, things to do and see.
- What about your town? What can you do there? What are some of your suggestions?
How much do you know about your city? Town? Costa Rica?
Get to know (verb): If you get to know someone, you find out what they are like by spending time with them.
♦to get to know sb
Distinguish (verb):To perceive as being different or distinct.
Feature(noun):somethingofferedasaspecialattraction:Thismodelhasseveraladdedfeatures.A prominent or distinctive aspect, quality, or characteristic:a feature of one's personality; a feature of the landscape.
Up to date (adjective):1.Informed of or reflecting the latest information or changes:an up-to-date timetable.2.Being in accord with the latest ideas, improvements, or styles:up-to-date technology; up-to-date fashions.
Export (verb): To send or transport (a product, for example) abroad, especially for trade or sale.
Eradicate (verb): toremoveordestroycompletely;extirpate:toeradicatesmall pox throughouttheworld.
Literacy (noun): the ability to read and write. The ability to use language proficiently.
C.1. Listen and take notes to answer the following questions:
- What is the territory?
- Where is it located?
- What is the weather like?
- How many species of flora and faura are there?
5. How much percent of the Costa Rican territory is devoted to the protection of nature? How is it used?
- How can Costa Rica be distinguished from any of the other countries in the region?
- What products does Costa Rica export?
C.2. Listen carefully and take notes to complete the following chart. Then, compare your notes with a partner.
Places to visit / Things to do / Things to seeExtra Information
D.1. Based on what you have seen on the video and your point of view, discuss (in small groups) the following questions with your partners.
-What do you think are the most important attractions of Costa Rica? Why?
-What suggestions would you give to a person who is visiting Costa Rica for first time?
-What should this person do? What places should this person visit?
-In your own words, What is Costa Rica like?
D.2. Role Play: In pairs or small groups, make some suggestions for someone planning to visit your country for a long weekend.
Use phrases such as:
- It’s a good idea…
- You could…
- How about…
- Why don’t you…
Practice your role play and present it for the rest of your class.
D.3. In small groups, plan a trip for a young marriage visiting Costa Rica. They are from another country and they are staying for a week. They love extreme activities and fresh air. They want to know more about Costa Ricans and visit as many places as possible. Finally, present your ideas to your partners and vote on the most interesting trip.
Here you have some more links related to traveling in Costa Rica; it can be useful for students as well
(National Geographic,
Answer Key
C.1. Listen and take notes to answer the following questions:
- What is the territory?
20.000 square miles
- Where is it located?
In the middle of the Americas, in Central America. Between Nicaragua to the north and Panama to the south.
- What is the weather like?
Due to its tropical location the country has exceptional weather.
- How many species of flora and faura are there?
500.000 species
5. How much percent of the Costa Rican territory is devoted to the protection of nature? How is it used?
25% of the Costa Rican territory is devoted to the protection of nature in areas such as national parks, biological reserves; forest reserves and private manage areas.
6. How can Costa Rica be distinguished from any of the other countries in the region?
Smarter Infrastructure, Energy production, Harmony with nature, up to date telecommunication system.
- What products does Costa Rica export?
Electronic equipment, Fresh tropical flowers and fruits, textiles, Non-traditional products, bananas and gourmet coffee.
C.2. Listen carefully and take notes to complete the following chart. Then, compare your notes with a partner.
Places to visit / Things to do / Things to seeVisit the different volcanoes and national parks
Visit the capital San José and cold mountains of Heredia or the warm mountains of Alajuela
North and Pacific region
Middle Pacific
Manuel Antonio
Arenal Volcano
Limón / Sunbathe
Taste the typical food
Go dancing
Practice Golf, Canopy, Horseback riding
Practice water sports such as deep sea fishing, sea kayaking, surfing,Windsurfing
Hot Springs / Colorful beaches
Flora and fauna
Magnificent night views
Green islands
Extra Information
Spectacular beaches, exuberant national parks, exciting flora and fauna
Ticos have very diverse ethnic features, are helpful, educated and spontaneous.
Multinational investments.
Strong democratic country.
Open economy.
There is a high literacy rate
Costa Rica has decreased the mortality rate to one of the lowest in Latin America
Sandra Rojas