Dear SAFCEC member.

SAFCEC as a member driven organization has a long history of monitoring economic issues and publishes the prestigious State of the Industry Report, being valued by many industry stakeholders such as economists, analysts, government, engineers and journalists.

We depend on our members to ensure that we publish valid and credible information. In the interest of your business and the industry as a whole, we ask that you spend a few minutes to complete this survey. The surveys and the report are collated by an independent and reputable 3rd party (Industry Insight). The identity of all respondent member companies and the information provided is completely confidential and is not disclosed in any manner to any other party. SAFCEC assures you of absolute anonymity and confidentiality.

The purpose of this survey, which will be referred to as Quarter 1of 2017,is to gather information with respect to the civil engineering construction industry on economic growth, industry activity, employer confidence, order books and projected government expenditure, which will provide vital economic particulars to you and our members. Please note that data is collected for the Current Quarter (CQ) for the Report being Oct-Dec ’16, and reference is also made to the Previous Quarter (PQ) of Jul-Sep’16. In Section D (Question 13), reference is made to “This Quarter” which is the periodJan-Mar’17, and the “Next Quarter” meaningApr-Jun’17. In other words:

1)This survey is collecting data for the period Oct-Dec’16, being referred to as the “Current Quarter (CQ)”,

2)The “Previous Quarter (PQ)”, is thus Jul-Sep’16.

3)“This Quarter (TQ)” is the period we are now in, being Jan-Mar’17, and

4)The “Next Quarter (NQ)” isApr-Jun’17.

As a valued SAFCEC member, you will receive the “State of the Industry Report” each quarter on date of its publication.Thank you in advance for your participation.
Pleasereturncompletedsurveyson or before 24 February 2017 to:

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South African Forum of Civil Engineering Contractors | LR 2/6/3/138

Please complete the questionnaire and return to . Data received from members will be treated as strictly confidential and only collated figures from a recognized and reliable third party (Industry Insight) will be released. / B. Human Resources
3. Please indicate the current total number of employees, both permanent and limited duration employees:
A. Company Profile
/ Period
Jul-Sep’16 (PQ) / Oct-Dec’16 (CQ)
RSA only /
Limited Duration
  1. Please indicate the current company CIDB rating, by also selecting your company status as an established or emerging contractor:

As an Established Contractor / 1-3 / 4-5 / 6-7 / 8-9 / None
As an Emerging Contractor / 1-3 / 4-5 / 6-7 / 8-9 / None
  1. Please indicate company turnover as per the most recent set of financial statements:
  1. Please indicate thetotal number of employeesemployed through Labour brokers/Temporary Employment Service. Task grades level 1 – 9

/ Total
Jul-Sep’16 (PQ) / Total
Oct-Dec’16 (CQ)
C. Financial Statistics
  1. What was the company’s total value of Civil Engineering construction certified for payment (or claimed by you) in respect of works done? (no cumulative values)
/ 8. Total value of late payments, for civils works completed and already invoiced? (value of late payments owed to the company):
Previous Quarter / Oct-Dec’16 (CQ)
RSA / R / R
EX-RSA / R / R
/ Jul-Sep’16 (PQ)
Previous Quarter / Oct-Dec’16 (CQ))
RSA / R / R
EX-RSA / R / R
  1. What was the company’s gross salary and wage bill for the past two Quarters?
/ 9. Total value and time of late payments per Client, R’000:
Jul-Sep’16(PQ) / Oct-Dec’16 (CQ)
RSA / R / R
EX-RSA / R / R
/ Payment Profile by days and client type: Oct-Dec’16 (CQ)
Up to 30 days outstanding / 30 – 60 days outstanding / 60-90 days outstanding / >90 days outstanding
RSA ONLY / National Government / R / R / R / R
Provincial Government / R / R / R / R
District/ local/ Metro / R / R / R / R
Parastatal / R / R / R / R
Private / R / R / R / R
EX-RSA / Foreign Clients / R / R / R / R
Total: R
9a. During the period Oct-Dec ’16 (CQ), how severe would you express the extend (gap) between the amounts claimed for payment against the amounts certified for payment, generally experienced by your organisation? Please indicate the severity by ticking against only oneof Options 1,23, in one of the Columns only – thus only one tick in this table:
% of Projects / Intolerable / Manageable / Not a Problem
1. Less than 20%
2. > 20% to 50%
3. More than 50%
  1. Total value of “Two year Forward Order book”, i.e. Civils Works outstanding, not yet started:

Jul-Sep’16 (PQ) / Oct-Dec’16 (CQ)
RSA / R / R
EX-RSA / R / R

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D. Industry Profiles: RSA ONLY
10.Indicate the percentage breakdown of work you were involved in during the current quarter of Oct-Dec’16: (Total must add up to 100%) / 11. Indicate the percentage distribution of turnover by client type during the current quarter of Oct-Dec’16: (Total must add up to 100%)
Discipline / Percentage Share
Oct-Dec’16 (CQ)
Roads / %
Earthworks / %
Water Bulk Infrastructure / %
Water and Sanitation / %
Rail / %
Harbours / %
Power (Bulk) / %
Power (Services) / %
Airports / %
Mining Infrastructure / %
Mining (surface earthworks) / %
Other / %
Total / 100%
/ Client Type / Percentage Share
Oct-Dec’16 (CQ)
National Government / %
Provincial Government / %
District/Local/Metropolitan Council / %
Parastatals / %
Private Sector / %
Total / 100%
12. Please indicate the percentage distribution of executed works by geographic area during the current quarter of Oct-Dec’16: (Total must add up to 100%)
Area / Percentage share of works
Oct-Dec’16 (CQ)
Gauteng / %
Western Cape / %
Eastern Cape / %
Northern Cape / %
Mpumalanga / %
KwaZulu Natal / %
Free State / %
Limpopo / %
North West / %
Africa / %
International (Excluding Africa) / %
Total / 100%

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E. Economic Indicators: RSA ONLY
13. The tempo of civil engineering work within your company was? Please note the different time span as this question is based on your opinion today: / 17. The developing trend in profit margins during the current quarter Oct-Dec’16? (Tick one):
Receding / Static / Improving
18. During the current quarter ofOct-Dec’16, your assessment of conditions was?
Nil / Low / Satisfactory / Good
Volume of tender invitations
Value of Contracts awarded to you
Your order book is
Your Turnover was
19. Indicate the company’s general capacity utilization in terms of general plant and resources for the current quarter Oct-Dec’16. (Tick one):
0-25% / 26-50% / 51-75% / 76-90% / 91-100% / >100%
20. What percentage of the company’s internal plant was idle for the current quarterOct-Dec’16?
(Tick one)
0-25% / 26% -50% / 51-75% / 75-90% / 90-100% / >100%
Very Quiet / Quiet / Satisfactory / Quite Busy / Very Busy
This Quarter:
14. Competition for tenders in the current quarter (Oct-Dec’16): (Tick one)
Up to 5 / 5-10 / 11-25 / >25
15. Tender prices in the current quarter were? (Oct-Dec’16): (Tick one)
Very Low / Keen / Reasonable / Good
16. Profitability of your company in the current quarter was? (Oct-Dec’16): (Tick one)
Very Low / Low / Satisfactory / High

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E. Economic Indicators: RSA ONLY (Continued)
21.What was your overall assessment of business conditions during the quarter under review, beingOct-Dec’16 (Please ensure to distinguish between RSA and EX-RSA activities):
Very Poor / Poor / Average / Good / Very Good
South Africa
Cross Boarder
(if applicable)
/ Key Issues affecting the outlook for the
Civil Engineering Sector in the Short to Medium term
the short to medium term
22. What is your current overall assessment of business conditions for this quarter ofJan-Mar’17 (Please ensure to distinguish between RSA and EX-RSA activities):
Very Poor / Poor / Average / Good / Very Good
South Africa
Cross Boarder
(if applicable)
Thank you for your time completing this Survey.
Company Name
Contact Person
Contact Details

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South African Forum of Civil Engineering Contractors | LR 2/6/3/138