Special Education Counselor Evaluation Form

Name ______Date ______

Social Security No. ______Evaluator ______

Rating Number Rating Notations

4 Exceptional Performance

3 Above Average Performance

2 Good Performance

1 Below Standard Expectation *

No Notation Not in a Position to Evaluate This Skill

* Any comments for indicators can follow the criterion. Any indicator score of Below Standard Expectations (1) must have written justification at the end of the appropriate criterion

Criterion I: Instructional Management (Effective Expectations

instructional management is maintained

through a series of activities)

The primary responsibility will be to provide counseling

services to eligible students.

1. Develop a program of counseling for each eligible 4 3 2 1

student in accordance with his/her IEP and objectives.

2. Develop and maintain a schedule of counseling 4 3 2 1

services in accordance with the ARD committee


3. Maintain records of counseling contract via counseling 4 3 2 1

notes and weekly log.

4. Monitor students’ progress in counseling via teacher 4 3 2 1


5.  Report students’ progress towards counseling IEP 4 3 2 1

goals and objectives through written progress reports

and or attendance at ARD meetings.

Criterion II: School/Organization Climate Expectations

(A productive positive, caring environ-

ment exists)

Parent involvement (provide consultation, training, and/or counseling

to parents to eligible students on an as needed basis)

1. As needed, work with parents in developing and maintaining 4 3 2 1

home behavior management programs.

2. Serve as a liaison between parents and the school or other 4 3 2 1

community agencies.

3. Maintain contact with parents through conferences and 4 3 2 1

attendance at ARD meetings.

4. Coordinate efforts with campus administrators, diagnosticians, 4 3 2 1

LSSP and other school personnel to assist parents.

5. Maintain a record of parent contacts via weekly log and/or 4 3 2 1

case notes

Criterion III: Personnel Management Expectations

(Effective personnel management

practices are implemented)

1. Complies with Medicaid procedures for implementation 4 3 2 1

of School Health and Related Service (SHARS), as required.

Criterion IV: Administration and Fiscal Facilities Expectations

Management (Administrative, fiscal and

facilities are effectively and efficiently


Gather necessary data about students to determine eligibility

for counseling.

Administer appropriate assessment instruments and 4 3 2 1

develop written summary report.

Observe referred students in the classroom and/or 4 3 2 1

other environments.

Interpret assessment results and report observations 4 3 2 1

to parents, teachers, and ARD committees as necessary.

Use obtained information to develop counseling IEPs 4 3 2 1

for eligible students.

Maintain collected information in a secure and confidential 4 3 2 1


Criterion IV: Administration and Fiscal Facilities Expectations

Management (Administrative, fiscal and

facilities are effectively and efficiently


Central Office Responsibilities

1. Attend scheduled meetings. 4 3 2 1

2. Maintain documentation of students served and service 4 3 2 1


3. Submit reports and communicate information to the 4 3 2 1

special education Coordinator assigned to counselors

as requested.

4. Maintain and report Medicaid paperwork to appropriate 4 3 2 1

person within required time lines (e.g., MACM, SHARS,

and assessment logs).

5. Continue professional growth and responsibilities. 4 3 2 1

Criterion V: Management of Student Services Expectations

(Positive student conduct, self-concept

and collaborative interaction are promoted

through a variety of activities)

1. Keep current of legal requirements, federal state and local 4 3 2 1

policies, and current diagnostic procedures.

2. Attend and/or present programs at professional meetings 4 3 2 1

including district meeting.

3. Assume responsibility for specific tasks assigned by Director 4 3 2 1

of Special Services.

Special Education Counselor’s Comments:





Evaluator’s Comments:





______ Signature of Evaluator Signature of Counselor


Date Date

* The counselor signature indicates neither agreement or disagreement with ratings given.