************** Invitation to the Links into Languages London Events ************

Dear Languages Colleague,

As Co-Regional Directors of the Links into Languages, London Programme,

we would like to invite you to register for a number of free events to be held at the London Regional Centre in the Summer Term as listed below:

Enduring Success in Language Learning? : Linking Experience and Ideas

Time: 4.30-6pm (with refreshments available from 4pm)

Date: Wednesday 24th June and Thursday 9th July 2009

Place: Cayley Room, University of Westminster, 309 Regent St., London W1B 2UW

Each of these sessions is an informal discussion and consultation event for languages teachers and managers. There will be two short presentations by experienced language teachers from two very different London schools on some of the challenges faced in their language teaching and some of the solutions adopted. This will be followed by a discussion of issues faced by primary and secondary school language teachers, also addressing transition from primary to secondary, and with a view to hearing about your needs and ideas for Links Professional Development work within the London region.

Register for either of these events at http://www.linksintolanguages.ac.uk/events/86/register


Getting to Grips with the New Secondary Curriculum

Time: 1.30-4.30pm (with lunch available from 12.30pm)

Date: Monday 6th July 2009

Place: Cayley Room, University of Westminster, 309 Regent St., London W1B 2UW

This session will cover the changes to the whole of the secondary curriculum which create such great opportunities for languages. It will explore in particular the way that the new secondary curriculum concepts can support transition from primary to secondary. The workshop will provide practical examples and allow time for participants to share ideas and ask questions.

Who should attend: Subject leaders and classroom practitioners in secondary schools, and others involved in the development of the languages curriculum in schools.

To register for this event, please visit the Links into Languages courses and events page:


The workshop is supported by the DCSF as part of CfBT/ALL subject specific support for the new secondary curriculum.

“Interface with Linguistics 2009”

Time: 9.45am-4pm

Date: Thursday 9th July 2009

Place: Old Cinema, University of Westminster, 309 Regent St., London W1B 2UW

Before the 9th July session there is also the opportunity to attend a one-day conference at the University of Westminster showcasing ways in which linguistics interacts with language teaching. Keynote speakers are Dr. Terry Lamb from the University of Sheffield and Hugh Dellar from the University of Westminster. Attendees will then be able to attend the Links event at 4pm.

Online pre-registration is essential for this free event at:

http://www.wmin.ac.uk/sshl/page-4148 (closing date for pre-registration is Friday 3rd July 2009)

We very much look forward to meeting you and to building the Links into Languages Programme in the London Region with you.

Yours sincerely

Debra Kelly and Michelle Laufer

Department of Modern and Applied Languages

University of Westminster

309 Regent Street

London W1B 2UW
