Harlan Boys Choir



50th Anniversary Year

Marybeth Christman, Director


Phone:573-8750 (school)

Marilyn Schraeder, Assistant Director


Statement of Purpose

The goal of the Harlan Boys Choir is to:

  1. Provide the opportunity for musical excellence
  2. Receive a quality musical education
  3. Provide a variety of performance experiences
  4. Foster growth in…
  5. Singing and performance skills
  6. Music comprehension
  7. Developing positive social and personal skills

Required Materials:

  • Pencil – Having a pencil in class is essential. We often do sight reading, listening exercises, and assignments that require students to have a pencil available. Valuable class time is lost when students do not come prepared for class. (It’s not necessary to bring paper as any handout necessary for the task will be given to the students)
  • Uniform *these will be addressed by our outfit chair at the first parent meeting
  • Green Boys Choir Polo (old members)
  • White Rookie Shirt (new members)
  • Khaki Pants
  • Black Belt
  • Black Dress Shoes


  • Parents will be contacted by a variety of sources including email, paper notes sent home, and phone calls. Parents can also sign up to receive important group texts concerning parent meetings and concert reminders on the back sheet of this syllabus).
  • Mrs. Christman can be contacted at the school during her planning from 11:10-11:50 or by email (see contact info above).

Honors Choir Events

  • The choir program at Harlan Independent is proud to offer several honor choir opportunities throughout the school year. Most of these events occur on school days and weekends and usually require overnight or multiple day travel. Here is a current list of Honors Choir Events in which our students have the opportunity to participate:
  • KYACDA : Bowling Green, KY; 5th-9th Grade (2 nights) *Recorded Audition
  • SKMA MS All-Festival: London KY; 5th-9th Grade (1 school day) *Nomination
  • SKMA HS All-Festival: London KY; 10th-12th (2 nights, 3 days) *Live Audition
  • U of L : Louisville KY: 9th-12th Grade (2 nights, 3 days) *Nomination
  • MS KMEA:Louisville KY; 5-9 Grade (1 night, 2 days) *Recorded Audition
  • HS KMEA: Louisville, KY; 10th-12th (3 days& nights) *Live Audition

Grading Policy

  • Mandatory Concerts – 150 Points
  • Mrs. Christman must know about any major schedule conflicts as soon as possible before the concert for the absence to be considered excused. A parent or guardian must relay emergencies that occur on the day of the concert. Without a note from a parent or guardian, the excuse will be considered unexcused.
  • Points will be taken off for tardiness to the concert, unacceptable behavior (talking, texting, etc…) during the concert, and not wearing the complete Boys Choir uniform
  • Missing a concert, whether excused or unexcused, will result in a make-up assignment of some kind
  • Mandatory concerts this year – 50th Anniversary Reunion Concert, Fall Preview Concert, Auction Performance, District Christmas Concert, Twelfth Night Concert, and Spring Concert.
  • Volunteer Opportunities – Bonus Points / Assignment Cards
  • Several Volunteer Concerts and events will pop up throughout the year. Mrs. Christman will offer bonus points or an assignment card (gives the student the option to opt out of an approved assignment) for performing in these concerts or helping out at the events. The reward will depend on the event and time spent preparing for the event outside of the school day.
  • Because volunteer opportunities depend on each person to do their part, failure to come to volunteer concert without a call to Mrs. Christman will result points being subtracted from the grade.
  • Daily Grades – 10 Points per day
  • Full points will be given for being prepared for class, sitting attentively, and participating fully in class. This includes singing when asked to sing.
  • Quizzes – 20 or 30 points
  • Several quizzes will be throughout the year over terminology, music theory, and music history.
  • Assignments – 10 to 30 points
  • Several assignments will be given on terminology, music theory, listening, and sight-reading. These Assignments will be worth 10-30 points depending on the complexity of the assignment. Failure to complete an assignment will result in a letter grade lowered each day until it is received.
  • Performing Tests – 30 points
  • Individual performing tests will be given during the year (usually 1 each 9 weeks or as needed) in which each student will perform simple musical selection, scale, or sight-reading passages for Mrs. Christman. These tests are not performed before the entire group, but in the choir office. Please do not stress over these tests, as they are meant to be positive experiences that allows Mrs. Christman to see how an individual student has grown musically over the span of the course and how she can best help them reach their next level of achievement.

50th Anniversary of the Harlan Boys Choir

  • This is a very special year with the Harlan Boys Choir. The choir is celebrating the 50th Anniversary this year with a special celebration weekend including a reunion concert in which the current group will perform in addition to the alumni. Several volunteer opportunities or performances may become available, as the schedule for the weekend is set. This is going to be an amazing experience, and I am so excited that this year’s group will be a part of it!

Important Dates*:

  • September 5th – 50th Anniversary Boys Choir Reunion Concert (M)
  • September 17th – UC Choir Workshop (HS Honors Choir interested students)
  • September ____ – High School All-Festival Auditions (HS Honors Choir students)
  • October 22nd – Middle School All-Festival, London, KY (MS selected students)
  • October 5th – Fall Preview Concert (M)
  • October _____ - High School All-State Auditions (HS Honors Choir Students
  • October 29-31 – KyACDA Honors Choir (5-9 audition selected students)
  • November 3 – Boys Choir Election Day BBQ Fundraiser (V)
  • November 21st - Boys Choir Auction (M)
  • November 22-24 – High School All-Festival, London, KY (HS auditioned students)
  • December 18th – District Wide Christmas Concert (M)
  • December 24th – Christmas Eve Service (V)
  • January 7th – Twelfth Night Concert (M)
  • January ____- U of L Honors Choir
  • February 3-5 – Middle School KMEA Honors Choir
  • February 3-6 – High School KMEA Honors Choir
  • May 9th – Spring Concert (M)

*Many of the honors choir audition and festival dates will be will be set during a regional teachers meeting in late August

Class Rules & Expectations

  • Students will treat each other, the teacher, the room, the materials, and the music with respect at all times. (No back talking, rude talk, making fun of others during performance, bad language, etc…) We are a supportive family!
  • Students should be on time to class. When you come into the classroom, please get your materials and go to your seat.
  • Listen to the teacher at all times and follow directions without complaining. Talking while the teacher is speaking or giving instructions is rude and never appropriate.
  • Only water is permitted in the classroom. No candy, food or other drinks will be allowed.
  • No chewing gum. Gum causes singing to sound jumbled and can be dangerous if inhaled while singing.
  • No horseplay or vulgarity will ever be permitted!
  • Unless there is specific permission given, please do not go into the teacher office.
  • Please use the restroom before coming to class. Break time is just before class, and you should have plenty of time to go during that time.
  • Always come prepared for class! This means be ready to sing and participate to the fullest!
  • Bring your best attitude and work ethic everyday! With this we can accomplish so much!

Harlan Boys Choir

Syllabus Confirmation

Please complete this form and return no later than Monday, August 10th

Student Name:______Grade______

Birthday: ______Age:______

Parent/Guardian Name(s): ______

Mailing Address: ______

Parent/Guardian Phone #: ______

Would you like to receive text reminders: ______Yes _____No Cell # ______

Parent/Guardian email: ______

Extracurricular activities:______

I, ______, have read the syllabus

(Print Student Name)

and understand the class rules and expectations of the Harlan Boys Choir. I will do my very best

to follow these rules and give my best work ethic and attitude.


(Student Signature) (Date)

I, ______, have read the syllabus

(Print Parent/Guardian Name)

and understand what will be expected from my Harlan Boys Choir student.


(Parent/Guardian Signature) (Date)

(Received by Mrs Christman on ______Initials______)