Customer Name (Please Print)
CD 1
Bank’s Ref. No.: MM
Deposit Amount:
Change Item:
Account to be credited at maturity:
Renewal options:
Rollover upon maturity: yes no. If no, principal plus interest will be credit to your designated account.
Renew Amount: Principal Principal plus interest
New Term: 1M 3M 6M12M Other
New Interest Rate: / % Type: Fixed
CD 2
Bank’s Ref. No.: MM
Deposit Amount:
Change Item:
Account to be credited at maturity:
Renewal options:
Rollover upon maturity: yes no. If no, principal plus interest will be credit to your designated account.
Renew Amount: Principal Principal plus interest
New Term: 1M 3M 6M12M Other
New Interest Rate: / % Type: Fixed
CD 3
Bank’s Ref. No.: MM
Deposit Amount:
Change Item:
Account to be credited at maturity:
Renewal options:
Rollover upon maturity: yes no. If no, principal plus interest will be credit to your designated account.
Renew Amount: Principal Principal plus interest
New Term: 1M 3M 6M12M Other
New Interest Rate: / % Type: Fixed
Acknowledgment: I/We acknowledge that I/we have received a copy of the CD Terms and Conditions and have read and agree to abide by the terms and conditions set forth therein. And I/we require amendments to the existing CD(s) as per above-mentioned instructions.
X / X
Customer Signature 1 / Customer Signature 2
Bank Use Only
In Person Mail Email
Customer signature(s) verified by:
Transaction Processed by :
Account Administration Officer Name: (Please Print)
Name: / Transaction Processed by :
Account Administration Officer Name: (Please Print)
X X / X
Date: /
If you choose to send us this application electronically, please email to in PDF version.
China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd. New York Branch
535 Madison Avenue, 18th Floor, New York, NY 10022