Rotary International Thomas M. Thorfinnson

Vice President, 2010-2011

Director, 2009-2011

14 March 2011

To Zones 28 and 29 Leaders

Re: Disaster Relief for Japan

Dear Rotary Leaders:

We have all witnessed the horrible devastation caused by the earthquake and resulting tsunami that hit Japan last week. Obviously we all want to step forward and assist. No doubt many of you are wondering how best to help. In anticipation of those inquiries I am sending out this letter.

As most of you know, Rotary is at its best in helping with regard to medium and longer term recovery following a disaster. Long after the emergency teams have gone home, Rotary remains involved and in fact steps up its efforts focusing on how best to rebuild the communities affected. We are the ones that will be in it for the long haul, since we have Rotarians living in those hard hit communities.

I am sure as time passes we will hear the stories of the hardships encountered not just by these communities, but by our own fellow Rotarians. Many of you may recall the devastation experienced by Sri Lanka following the last major tsunami. However, this devastation was followed by some amazing long term work from the Sri Lankan Rotarians as they drove the rebuilding efforts for 20 elementary schools in Sri Lanka.

Unfortunately with some recent disasters our Rotary Foundation funding for longer term recovery has taken a back seat as Rotarians have instead focused on short term emergency relief efforts. I realize that contributing to short term emergency relief is important. I also know that it is sometimes not as emotionally satisfying to give to long term recovery. However, the Japanese Rotarians will desperately want and need funds to help build back the communities involved.

In light of the above, a few comments and suggestions:

1.  The Trustees of the Rotary Foundation have established the Rotary Japan and Pacific Islands 2011 Disaster Recovery Fund. Donating to this fund in cash or DDF will help assure that there are adequate funds to match any and all rebuilding projects that will no doubt come forward from the Japanese clubs and districts involved. Details on this fund can be found at the following website: .

2.  Establish your own district fund to use in the coming months in order to partner with Japanese districts as they come forward with the most appropriate projects that they feel will help rebuild their communities. (If your district does not its own charitable foundation, I can no doubt connect you with another district, where the funds can be received and held for you thereby allowing the appropriate tax deductibility for the donors).

3.  No doubt in short order a separate fund will be established by the DGs in Japan for short term emergency relief. I will let you know as soon as I am aware of the establishment of such a fund.

4.  Consider emergency relief avenues such as Red Cross or ShelterBox. Honestly, there is a concern among a number of the members on the current Board of Directors relative to ShelterBox. We are trying to negotiate to work through these concerns. Realize at present it is not in any way an official program of Rotary International. It was started by Rotarians, but is no longer a club or district project and has become a separate foundation. With separation comes concern about its right to use the Rotary wheel, contact Rotary clubs, proper transparency, involvement of local Rotarians in distributions, etc. Despite this, it certainly does extremely good work, helps those in need and can be a very good image for Rotary. Moving forward we really would hope to see a good healthy relationship with ShelterBox that is beneficial to all concerned.

5.  Finally, do continue to keep the annual fund of The Rotary Foundation front and center in the minds and hearts of our members. Understandably with this disaster one of our strongest giving countries, Japan, will no doubt struggle to reach their normal level of giving to the annual fund. We need to help pick up the slack. Future beneficiaries in need are dependent on our annual contributions. Annual giving is the engine that drives much of our good works through the Rotary Foundation.

I urge each of you to make certain that there is a balance to the giving by all involved. We need to make certain that we provide immediate help and we also must make certain that Rotary is able to help our own Japanese clubs rebuild their communities. After all it is all about building communities and bridging continents.

It is no easy task, but you need to help lead our Rotarians in the right direction.

Yours in Rotary,

Tommie T

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