Transition from Current CEO to Appointment of New CEO

Time Line Summary

Time Line / Tasks
One year ahead of resignation / -President and CEO meet to review succession plan process, discuss Search Committee Chair, composition, and charge.
-Executive Committee meets for review and revision of job description and qualifications, decisions made regarding scope of Search, nature of desired candidate, compensation and benefits package.
-The Board of Directors may also be asked to provide input regarding the CEO position as it relates to the agency’s strategic plan.
11 months ahead of resignation / -President appoints Search CommitteeChair and Committee Members, discusses charge and time line.
10 months / -Search Committee activated, decisions made regarding scope of Search, Search process and timeline, and implements process.
2 months ahead of resignation / -Up to three candidates agreed upon and recommended to Executive Committee.
-Executive Committee interviews and selects candidate.
-Executive Committee makes recommendation to Board of Directors.
-Board of Directors votes on the candidate.
After Board meeting / -Board President notifies and makes an offer to the selected candidate.
After candidate selection and acceptance / -The Executive Committee determines the role of the outgoing CEO during the transition period.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee will review the CEO job description and qualifications. The Committee should outline the skills, background, experience and expertise it is seeking in the next CEO. The Committee will also need to establish a salary range and benefit package for the position.

The Committee will prepare a revised and updated job description and a description of the ideal candidate for use by the Search Committee. This description should include salary range and employment package description.

As a part of the process of determining the job description and qualifications, the Executive Committee may wish to seek input from agency funders, CEOs of similar Agencies in other cities, current and former Board Members, and community leaders. The Committee may also wish to interview staff and seek their input.

Key questions to ask in reviewing the job description include the following:

  • Will the job duties continue to be the same as the current duties? What do we want in a CEO? In what ways will the position be different than the current structure - will it be different in year one or in three to five years from now? What are the important characteristics to consider in a new CEO considering the agency’s strategic plan?
  • Do we want a different leadership model than we have had in the past?
  • Do we want to restructure the position in any significant ways or changeour expectations about key responsibilities of this position?
  • What is our total compensation package? Can we make it attractive to people with different compensation priorities?

The Executive Committee will develop an interview plan for the Search Committee. This plan may include the following:

  • Timeline for interviewing and selecting candidates.
  • A plan for advertising the position.
  • Setting up a mailbox to receive all resumes and applications.
  • A marketing kit (email PDF) on the agency and the position.
  • Ranking criteria and selection process to interview up to 7 candidates.

The President shall appoint a Search Committee consisting of at least four other Board Members who agree to manage the Search process.

Search Committee

The Search Committee will carry out the CEO Search process and screen and review all resumes submitted for the position. The committee may wish to use other current board members to assist in screening candidates. The Committee may also wish to conduct preliminary telephone interviews with candidates. The Committee shall recommend up to three finalists for consideration by the Executive Committee.

In reviewing candidates, the Search Committee may wish to consider the following potential qualifications:

  • Management (human resource, financial, and program)
  • Community knowledge and connections
  • Fundraising including marketing and public relations
  • Industry specific knowledge
  • Strategic thinking and communication skills
  • Leadership skills and adaptability in responding to unexpected challenges to the agency
  • Educational Level

The Search Committee shall keep the Board informed of its progress in selecting candidates for interview by the Executive Committee. Agency staff will be informed of the process and given updates as appropriate.

Selection Process

Up to three candidates shall be recommended by the Search Committee to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will develop an interview protocol and questions. The Executive Committee will arrange for background checks on all candidates.

The Executive Committee, in consultation with the Finance Committee, will determine whether an out of town candidate's expenses will be reimbursed.

Upon completion of the interviews, the Executive Committee shall select a candidate to recommend to the full Board for its approval.

The Board President shall make an offer to the selected candidate after the candidate has been approved by the Board of Directors.

The Executive Committee shall contact other candidates to inform them that the position is no longer available once the candidate has accepted the position.

The Board shall develop a plan to announce the appointment of the new CEO. An announcement should be made to agency staff, agency funders, and key stakeholders. A press release should also be prepared for distribution to local media.

Orientation of the New CEO and the Role of the Departing CEO

The departing CEO shall be retained in a consulting role in order to orient, assist, and advise the new CEO. The Board President and departing CEO will develop an orientation program for the new CEO. This program will include orientation to the strategic plan, the agency financial and program operations, the staff, and the Board of Directors. The orientation process will also assist the new CEO with attendance at key meetings and with meeting important community contacts.

The departing CEO shall not be involved in management of the organization.

Supervision of the New CEO

The Board President shall establish a written set of 90 day, six month and annual performance objectives with the new CEO. The Board President and new CEO shall meet within the first month of employment to review the job description based on the CEO’s assessment of the agency and his/her job duties. A similar meeting will occur after the second month of employment.

The Board President will conduct performance reviews after six months and after one year of the new CEO's employment with the agency. After the first year of employment, the CEO will receive a performance review by the Board President on an annual basis.

Plan approved by the VIA LINK Board of Directors on May 30, 2012.

President ______Date: _____ CEO ______Date: _____