Somerset Beekeepers Association
Burnham & District Division

APPLICATION FORM (for new and existing members) – 2017


Title...... Name ......

Address ...... ……………………....……....……………….

Post Code……………………… Telephone ...... ……………………...... …….….……..
EMail Address……………………………………………………………………….....……

Total Number of Hives to be Insured …..…….

Full Membership / Rate
£30.50 / Your Sub
Partner Membership / £18.00 / Please enter the Partner Members Name
Junior Membership (Under 18s) - £10.50
Juniors receive a grant of £5 towards their beekeeping costs paid for by the Burnham and District Division. / £5.50 / Please enter the Junior Members Name.
Extra Bee Disease Insurance
Make sure that the hives of Partner and Junior members are included in your hive count / - / See table of rates below
Please add a donation for Bee Disease research. £2.00 is suggested
Associate Membership of the Burnham and District Division. Over 18?...£2.00 Under 18?...Free / £2.00 or Free / Please enter the Associate Members Name
TOTAL / - / £

Please make cheques payable to BURNHAM & DISTRICT BEEKEEPERS and return with this membership form;

John Cook, 71 Spring Hill, Worle, Weston super Mare, Somerset BS22 9BB Tel 01934 628606
Please do not send Cash and let me know if you wish to pay by online banking or at a Lloyds Bank.

The Regional Bee Inspector wants to be able to contact Beekeepers quickly should the need arise. Our secretary will give your contact details to the Regional Bee Inspector unless you tell us not to.
Are you registered with BeeBase? Its facilities are free. Go to to sign up. / Yes / No


Gift Aid

We can reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 of your subscription from HMRC (The tax man), if you are willing to gift aid it and are a taxpayer at no extra cost to you. If you wish to gift aid this and future subscriptions please sign the declaration on the next page.

Gift Aid donations are an important source of revenue to the division. They are used for the promotion, education, development and support of bees and beekeeping and in recent years have allowed us to put on courses and buy a gazebo that helps to demonstrate and educate beekeepers and members of the public.

Gift Aid

Name of Charity; - Somerset Beekeepers Association –Burnham and District Division

Please treat my subscription and all future subscriptions to the above as Gift Aid donations.

I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I understand the charity will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give.

Signature ------Date ------/------/------

All donors must sign. HMRC rules do not allow an individual to gift aid the subscription of another.

Please notify us if you:

-Want to cancel this declaration

-Change your name or home address

-No longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains.

If you pay Income Tax at the higher or additional rate and want to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self Assessment tax return or ask HM Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code.

Your Subscription details

At our Annual General Meeting in October divisional members agreed the subscription rates for 2017. The rates are set out below. For each subscription the amount of capitation that the division has to pay to BBKA, SBKA and Bee Disease Insurance Ltd is shown.

Membership / Subscription / BBKA Capitation / SBKA Capitation / BDI premium / Retained by the Burnham Division
BBKA Full Registered Member / £30.50 / 19.00 / 5.50 / 2.00* / 4.00
BBKA Partner Member / 18.00 / 12.50 / 5.50 / - / -
BBKA Full Junior Member / 10.50 / 9.50 / 1.00 / - / -
Divisional Associate / 2.00 / - / - / - / 2.00
Junior Divisional Associate / £Free / - / - / - / -

*Includes 3 hives

In addition, members agreed that BBKA Full Junior members should receive a grant of £5.00,payable by the Division, towards their beekeeping costs.

Extra BDI is required on more than 3 colonies. The additional premium for your total number of colonies is listed below. The cost remains the same as last year.

Total of 4-5 hives / £2.00 extra / Total 6-10 hives / £5.25 extra
Total 11-15 hives / £7.75 extra / Total 16-20 hives / £9.50 extra
Total 21-25 hives / £11.10 extra / Total 26-30 hives / £13.60 extra
Total 31-35 hives / £16.10 extra / Total 36-39 hives / £18.10 extra

Data Protection

Your details will only be used to manage the operation of the BBKA, SBKA and its divisions. Your details will not be passed or sold to any third parties for marketing purposes.

As an Hon. Member, Full Registered Member, Partner Member, Junior Member or County Member your details will be used by the BBKA; the SBKA and the divisions to enable them to maintain membership records and provide access to website membership benefits.

Your details will be published in the SBKA Year Book and maybe provided to members of the same division to facilitate a support and communication network.

If you do not want your details published or circulated to other divisional members you must advise the Treasurer in writing.