VFSAAA Board Meeting Minutes
Date:August 31st2017
From:Mark Garman, Secretary
Re:VFSAAA Board Meeting
June 30th 2017
Executive Board:
PresidentClay Overholt
1st Vice PresidentMarc Hackett—Absent
2nd Vice PresidentChris McClure
TreasurerHeather Jones
SecretaryMark Garman
Sergeant-at-ArmsGreg Locke—Absent
Immediate Past PresidentBrad Luxford—Absent
Legal ConsultantRick Conway—Absent
DFS ConsultantJeff Dwyer
Regional Directors:
Northern DirectorSteve Deveaux
Eastern Director Karyn Lawrence
Western DirectorJohn Rieger—Absent
Central DirectorCharles “Trey” Lucy—Absent
Benson CommitteeR. Brian O’Bier—Absent Audit Committee VACANT
Nominating CommitteeJim Gogan—Absent
Fhatima ShandsHonorary Member-Admin Assistant
Wendy BaileyMember (Past President)
Steve StockmanForensic Trainer-Member
Tom KillileaForensic Trainer-Member—Absent
Sam Shumatemember/Potential Western Director
The meeting was called to order by President Clay Overholt at approximately 11:55am.
A voting quorum was established with seven(7) voting Board members present.
Ethics Committee:
There was a period of general discussion by Wendy Bailey concerning an incident involving a member. It was determined that the investigation was still ongoing by the respective department. It was decided that the Ethics Committee will continue to monitor the matter and report to the Board at a later date.
This topic was brought up later in the meeting;
Treasurer Jones reported that she was contacted by the Chief of Police of a southwest Virginia jurisdiction. He reported that a graduate of the VFSA and a current crime scene investigator for the department is doing sub-standard work. He was inquiring if the VFSAAA could do something to improve work performance. There was a period of general discussion by the Board and it was decided that this is a departmental issue and not one the VFSAAA would or should be involved with.
Treasurer’s Report:
Heather Jones, Treasurer, presented a verbal Treasurer’s report. There was no official report due to the short time frame from the last Board meeting, April 2017, and the June 2017 meeting.
(Secretary’s note; below is the Treasurer’s Report submitted by Treasurer Jones and read by 1ST Vice President Hackett during the April 2017 Board Meeting.)
Treasurer's Report 11/8/2016-April 5, 2017
Heather Jones, Treasurer
Previous Available Balance: from Treasurer's Report November 8, 2016 $ 17,483.28
11/14/16 CC JoJo’s Famous Pizza (Lunch from board meeting)$ 126.00
11/17/16CCCheck Re-order Fees$ 19.00
12/20/161476Mark Garman (Web Service Payment)$ 110.04
1/31/171477Shenandoah Awards and Apparel (Conference)$ 3139.70
2/21/17CCAmerican Diabetes Association (Shands Memorial)$ 75.00
Total Debits-$ 3469.74
Balance (after debits) $ 14013.54
11/21/16Deposit (Dues, sales)$ 285.50
Total Deposits$ 285.50
Balance (after deposits)$ 14,299.04
Legacy Encumbered (90th session) $882.82
Benson Encumbered $624.35
Available Balance $12,791.87
CD Balance $ 6,842.22
Total Funds $ 19,634.09
The April 2017 Treasurer’s Report was never officially accepted and therefore a Motion was made by Mark Garman with a Second by Karyn Lawrence to accept the April 2017 Treasurer’s Report. There were no objections. The motion passed by a unanimous oral vote. There were no dissenting votes.
Wendy Bailey volunteered to head the Audit Committee and will begin her responsibilities during Retraining 2017.
Secretary’s Report:
The Meeting Minutes from the April 2017 Board Meetingwere presented to the Board via e-mail by Mark Garman, Secretary.
There were no questions or comments on the minutes.
A Motion was made by Chris McClurewith a Second by Steve Deveaux to accept the minutes. There were no objections. The motion passed by a unanimous oral vote. There were no dissenting votes.
Mark Garman, Secretary, indicated that the website was up to date.All forms, to include dues, Benson and Award have been updated. All currently available Retraining information as of June 30th2017 is on the site.
Mark Garman advised the Board that our current credit card reader, a “swipe reader”, issued by PayPal, was replaced by a “chip reader”. The cost was $79.00. Both readers will be available for use during Retraining 2017.
A request was made by Fhatima Shands to include additional fields on the PayPal Dues Form to the Agency name of the member and the ability to list multiple members when combined dues are paid. Mark said he would look into the possibility.
Raffle Committee:
John Rieger, Committee Chairperson, was not present and there was no official report. Clay reminded the Board that John will not be seeking re-election as the Western Director for the 2017-2018 term. Clay indicated that he would help the new Western Director with the Raffle Committee. He also said he would ask John Rieger for any possible assistance.
A Motion was made by Mark Garman with a Second by Chris McClure to give the Raffle Committee $500.00 for raffle items. There were no objections. The motion passed by a unanimous oral vote. There were no dissenting votes.
VFSAAA Crime Scene Certification Program:
Brad Luxford and Bob Zinn, Committee members, were not present and there was no official report.
Bob Zinn sent a letter/email to President Overholtand the Board of Directors resigning from the Audit, Bylaws, Ethics, and Crime Scene Certification Committees, from Bob’s email;
“Due to a number of ever-evolving work challenges and other obligations I find I cannot devote the time necessary to continue my participation with the VFSAAA audit, bylaws, ethics, and practitioner certification committees. Please accept my resignation from the aforementioned committees.”
Attempts to fill Bob’s openings will be made prior to,during Retraining, and at the Annual Meeting.
Plaque Updates:
The “Past Presidents” plaque and the “Dr. Paul Ferrara Award” plaque were all updated and returned by Secretary Mark Garman.
Mark Garman advised that he would have the VFSA challenge coins engraved for the 90th, 91st, and 92nd classes prior to retraining.
Benson Fund:
Brian O’Bier, Benson Committee, was not present. Fhatima Shands received an email from Brian with the following information;
The current balance for the Benson Fund as of 06/12/2017 is $21,740.13.
Benson will be running a Cornhole Tournament at Retraining.
Benson will be running 50/50 sales at Retraining.
There was no information on the number of Scholarships awarded this year.
Fhatima also reportthat that the Benson Fund received a $20,000.00 donation. Below is the letter that came with the donation;
Social Committee Report:
Steve Deveaux, Committee Chairperson, and new to the Board, had no information. There was a brief period of discussion by the Board on the Social. It was decided to go with the Mexican theme again and to limit the number of tickets to 150. It should be noted that over the past several years (Retraining Conferences) there have been 20 to 30 tickets left. The VFSAAA pays for these tickets at close to $27.00 each.
A motion was made by Chris McClure to authorize $500.00 for door prizes. There was a Second by Karyn Lawrence. There were no objections. The motion passed by a unanimous oral vote. There were no dissenting votes.
Steve indicated that he will work with Marc Hackett on running the Social.
Trey Lucy, Committee Chairperson, was not present and there was no official report.
Sales Committee:
Chris McClure, Committee Chairperson, and Fhatima Shands presented the following;
A full inventory of sales items will be done in late June. Possible new sales items for Retraining were discussed.
Fhatima will be ordering the new folder with the VFSA logo to be handed out at Retraining.
Golf Committee:
Karyn Lawrence, Committee Chairperson, has indicated the tournament this year will be at the Virginia Beach National Golf course.
Hospitality Suite Committee
Karyn Lawrence, Committee Chairperson, advised that the suite will be run much the same as usual.
The Board discussed policing the area of the suite for trash and beer bottles each night when closing.
Novelty T/shirts:
Karyn Lawrence, Committee Chairperson, for the 2016 Novelty T/shirt, spoke briefly about a potential design for the 2017 shirt. Mark Garman advised that only one potential design was sent in by a member. There were questions about possibly using an old design.
There was no decision made by the Board.
All appears to be set for Retraining.
There was a period of general discussion by the Board on the possibility of moving Retraining away from the Wyndham and/or away from Virginia Beach. It was suggested that the members be surveyed on the matter.
Memorial Table at Retraining:
The possibility of a Memorial Table at Retraining was again discussed. The idea will be presented to the membership at the Annual meeting in August 2017 to ascertain interest and locate a chairperson for the committee.
Dr. Paul Ferrara Award Committee:
Greg Locke,Committee Chairperson, was not present and there was no official report. Award Flyer/Letter has been posted on the website. To date there were no nominations.
Bylaws Committee:
The Board of Directors discussed the following possible changes to the following Standing Rules;
- The Board will pay for the lodging of Training Administrative Assistant (or designee) at the annual Retraining conference if not covered by the DFS.
- Rule amended by the Board during the June 30th 2017 Board meeting.
- Authorizes the spending of up to $75.00 for flowers in reference to the death/hospitalization of a member or an immediate family member of a Board member. Authorized by the Board 04/28/00. a. Rule amended by the Board during the June 30th 2017 Board Meeting toauthorize in lieu of flowers a donation of up the $75.00 tothecharity of thefamily’s choice.
12. The annual dues for the VFSAAA for the Fall class of the VFSA will be the full current dues of the Alumni Association as established by the Bylaws. The annualdues for the VFSAAA for the Spring class of the VFSA will be 50% of the current dues of the Alumni Association as established by the Bylaws. a.Authorized by the Board at the July 22nd 2011 Board meeting.
If there is a Summer class of the VFSA the annual dues for the VFSAAA will be the full current dues of the Alumni Association as established by the Bylaws. The dues will be good for the remainder of the current year and then the full upcoming year.
- Authorized by the Board at the June 30th 2017 Board meeting.
A Motion was made by Chris McClure with a Second by Jeff Dwyer to change the Standing Rules as discussed. There were no objections. The motion passed by a unanimous oral vote. There were no dissenting votes.
Nominating Committee:
Jim Gogan, Committee Chairperson, was not present. The following was posted on our VFSAAA website, prior to the meeting.
June 12, 2017
Clay Overholt, President
Virginia Forensic Science Academy Alumni Association
Virginia State Police
PO Box 577
Appomattox, VA 24522
Dear Clay,
As Chairman of the Nomination Committee and the Honorary Nomination Committee for the 2017/2018 Board of Directors, I respectfully submit the following names to you and the members of the Virginia Forensic Science Academy Alumni Association for consideration in the annual election at the Annual Membership Meeting to be held on August 31,2017 in Virginia Beach.
Executive Board:
• PresidentClay Overholt
• 1st Vice PresidentMarc Hackett
• 2nd Vice PresidentChris McClure
• TreasurerHeather Jones
• SecretaryMark Garman
• Sergeant-at-ArmsGreg Locke
Regional Directors:
Below are the Regional Directors elected by their respective regions at the Spring 2016 Regional Workshops.
• Stephen DeveauxNorthern Director
• Karyn LawrenceEastern Director
• Need a nominationWestern Director
• Charles “Trey” LucyCentral Director
Honorary Membership:
I have not received any nomination for Honorary Membership to the Alumni Association.
Jim Gogan, Nomination Committee Chairperson
Fairfax County Police, Retired
Committee Members:
Eastern Region – Charles A. McPherson and Dustin T. Weymouth-German
Central Region – Douglas G. Aloisio and Richard T. Goodpasture
Northern Region – Michael L. Jones and Mark L. Jones
Western Region – Gregory S. Haston and Derek M. Weeks
Chris McCluremade a motion to adjourn the meeting. There was a second from Jeff Dwyer.There were no objections. The motion passed by unanimous oral vote. There were no dissenting votes. The meeting adjourned at approximately 1:05 PM.
The next VFSAAA Meeting will be the General Membership Meeting on August 31st 2017 at approximately 4:00pm.
Mark E. Garman, Secretary/VFSAAA
Approved by the Broad of Directors
August 31st 2017