Veterans Memorial Park Foundation of Pensacola, Inc. Minutes

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

9:00 A.M.

Vince Whibbs Conference Room

1st Floor, City Hall


Members Present: Charlie Switzer, Mike Swinehart, John Clark, John Ochs, Roger Rowe, Joe Glover, Butch Hansen, David Glassman, Peter McKanna and Jack Brown (Ex-officio, Immediate Past President).

Legal Advisor: Ed Holt

Members Absent: Roberto Rivera, Jill Hubbs, Paul Entrekin, Jill Hubbs, Nancy Clark and Bill Weeks (City Representative).

President Butch Hansen called the meeting of the Veterans Memorial Park Foundation Board of Directors to order at 0900 and led those present in a moment of silence for those we honor at the Park and their families, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. He acknowledged and welcomed visitors.


Warren Palmer: Volunteer Coordinator

Bob Suhrhreinrick: Panhandle Alarm

President Hansen asked Bob Suhrhreinrick with Panhandle Alarm to provide the board with an overview of their proposal for a video surveillance system at the Park. A detailed overview of the security system proposed by Panhandle Alarm for the Park was presented. There would be 7 cameras, 4 around the kiosk, I in the kiosk and 2 on poles by the Wall. Housing would be needed for their Network Video Recorder (NVR) equipment in the kiosk and there is room in the kiosk for the NVR. There is also the ability for anyone who is monitoring the system could speak through a paging unit. Only item needed is some electrical work. However, this was not included in cost. How much video can be recorded will depend on motion and activity at the park. Ability to view at night will depend on light available at night (i.e. ambient night). These are extremely low light cameras. System is usually set up to motion record, if continuous record this means you have to rewind and view the entire video to capture any particular event. What triggers recording is pixel change, that maybe problematic because it is outside. Question on monitoring; Panhandle will explore the cost should they perform monitoring duties. Monitoring can be set up to any computer, smart phone, etc. Question about turnkey; which means that all costs are covered by the proposal. Only cost not included was electrical. It was agreed that Panhandle provide all costs in their proposal, including electrical. Current price was $25,344.00. There would be no monthly charge; only monthly cost would be monitoring if provided by Panhandle. Can have messages that would be automatically activated if the system picks up activity, for example after normal park hours. Roger Rowe suggested that we needed to discuss these matters with the police to see what their suggestions would be on some of issues discussed today. Panhandle will return with a turnkey proposal, including all electrical work costs and monitoring costs, should the board decide to pursue that avenue. It was also requested that they provide the names of some companies they currently work with in the area. Jack Brown also mentioned the possibility of securing a grant for this project such as Gulf Power. Pete McKanna asked it this proposal was adequate to cover “hot spots” and ability to expand. Bob Suhrhrienrick noted that once installed we can decide if this is adequate and if needed we can expand the coverage. Jack Brown reported that some board members and Panhandle had previously met at the Park to look at the areas that needed coverage. President Hansen asked for a complete written proposal, including items discussed today within the next two weeks. President Hansen thanked Panhandle for their proposal.

President Hansen reported that Dan Lindemann was going to make a presentation this morning about the contractual relationship between the Krewe of Quasimodo and the Park. They have decided they did not want a formal partnership with Park because of potential bureaucracy involved and other ongoing requirements. They indicated a willingness to raise funds for any necessary work on the Bell Tower. They turned over all material related to the Bell Tower to the board. It was noted that the Tower is owned by the City and we are stewards of the Tower as with other Memorials. Roger Rowe is familiar with the company that constructed the Tower and is comfortable about their ability and integrity. We may have to refocus how we set up any future agreement with an outside entity. Also were some questions about the Heroes Among Us series; as there was no formal agreement and they would have no way to solve the insurance question. The Park’s insurance may cover the cost of this event, if the Park is considered the sponsor. It was requested that we follow up with our insurance agent if that was the case. The Heroes Among Us series is a good program that we want to continue.

Following up on the security issue; Roger Rowe asked the question if we are taking this too far. That is, do we really want to spend this type of money when we cannot necessarily prevent vandalism, because the initial cost is only the beginning? Is there a fallback position that is less expensive; for example, one camera in the kiosk? Or we can self insure and pay for any vandalism that occur as we have already done with Purple Heart monument? Roger Rowe feels that we need to talk to the police for their input. Joe Glover agreed to discuss this with Chief Simmons and see what the police might recommend.

Minutes: The minutes were approved as submitted.

9:55 Break

10:06 Meeting called back to order

John Clark provided an overview of the Board Member Duties, Responsibilities and Expectations form that was developed at the request of President Hansen. This form would be signed and used by existing board members but also to give those who are considering membership on the board an idea of what is expected of board members. John Clark highlighted several sections; expectations as it relates to board attendance and excused absences, donating and fiduciary responsibility of board members. Michael Swinehart questioned item 11; “board members who fail to meet their obligations as a board member of VMP should voluntary resign.” It was suggested to reword this section to state that “board members who fail to meet their obligations as a board member of VMP should give serious consideration about continued board service.” Was moved and approved with the amended wording of number 11. Passed unanimously. Amended form is attached to these minutes.

Treasurer’s Report: John Ochs presented the Treasurer’s report. There is a balance of $102,690.83 for the end of the year. President Hansen reported that John Ochs is preparing an annual budget, which for now amounts to $11,286.11 for the year. Primary expenses are landscaping, Cox Communications, tax preparation, porta toilets and Boogey Inc. sound system. This amount does not include such things as web maintenance fee. Report was approved as submitted. President Hansen asked if everyone who donated last year had received a letter from the Park. John Ochs responded in the affirmative. He also provided a summary of the problem that recently was encountered when Cox reported they had not received payment. A check with City personnel indicated that check was mailed, using the BP grant funds. City mailed a second check and that was also lost As a result, John Ochs went to Cox in person and paid the bill. City will also stop payment on both checks and will reimburse us for the amount we paid out of our account. In both cases the service was terminated and had to be reinstated. We were not charged a reconnect fee. Treasurer’s report is attached to these minutes.

President’s Report

Summary of Goals: President Hansen noted that he had sent board members copies of the summary of 2015 goals and the process and standards for reviewing Park projects. He also reported that he included these goals in the annual report to the Mayor. Many of the near term goals could be decided/implemented quickly, such as social media and security. He reviewed items in the near term and short term goals. It was moved and seconded to approve these goals as submitted. Questions were raised about item 4 in short term goals as it relates to identifying groups who would undertake care and maintenance of specific memorials. This was raised in light of what happened today with the Krewe of Quasimodo and what groups might be willing to do vis a vis caring and supporting memorials, including financially. Motion was passed unanimously. Goals are attached to these minutes.

Annual Report to City: President Hansen next reviewed the Annual Report to the Mayor. Everyone was in agreement it was an outstanding report and unanimously approved the report to be forwarded to the Mayor.

Wallace Landscaping Proposal: President Hansen had received a proposal from Wallace Landscaping for the year. He reported that there was no change in cost. He reviewed briefly what the proposal covered in terms of yard maintenance. This also is in synch with the City’s contract with Wallace. Was moved and passed unanimously to approve contract and authorize the President to sign the contract.

Process and Standards for Reviewing Projects: President Hansen next presented a plan that would establish a process for reviewing future Memorial proposals that would come before the board. Efforts were made to keep the approval process at a high level versus being too specific. He met with City representatives and they are in agreement that the process should be kept simple. The VMP board was charged with the responsibility to develop standards and a process for reviewing plans for future Park Memorials. President Hansen sent a letter to the Mayor along with the Whitesell plan for the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) pavers’ project, noting that the VMP has approved this plan. He also is recommending that the process and standards for reviewing projects also be sent to the City along with our approval of the SAR pavers’ project. It was also recommended that these standards be added to the annual report to the Mayor. Moved and Seconded to approve the process and standards for vetting proposed memorials. Approved unanimously. Process and standards are attached to these minutes.

Social Media: Board members had received proposals from DigiPro Media and Sprout Content. There was a significant difference in cost. DigiPro submitted a cost of $500/month and Sprout Content was $2,557/month. Before discussion began, David Glassman noted his conflict of interest which has previously been noted.

David Glassman noted that for the sake of marketing, the VMP is more difficult to market versus many other projects. However, DigiPro is suggesting that a calendar/blog of 500 words or more be done each month highlighting a memorial bringing in some content of historical significance and any local tie-in that might be appropriate. This would be put out in social media. Also need “good” and active e-mail addresses but we cannot send out a blast to just any e-mail addresses we might have available, unless that address had expressed a willingness to “opt-in.” We do not want our platform blocked as spam. There was discussion about the need to identify a volunteer or someone to handle inquiries for information via phone and e-mail. David Glassman pointed out that this was a year proposal which will allow time to evaluate project. President Hansen offered to help locating a volunteer.

Was moved and seconded to approve the DigiPro proposal. Question was raised if we actually needed a blog or whether we only needed more of a calendar on the website. However, the DigiPro proposal does offer us the opportunity to test the validity of social media and its effect on the VMP. David Glassman noted that the Park resonates with our community and we need to step it up a notch and this will be a vehicle to do that. Motion passed unanimously. DigiPro will send a contract to President Hansen.

Wall South Website: This is an ongoing issue as we try to implement and expand our web presence. The continued presence of their website causes confusion in the minds of those visiting the VMP website. Efforts to resolve this confusion have been stymied. It has been very difficult to have meaningful communication with Wall South group regarding their website and possible resolutions. Everyone was in agreement that it was time to have an attorney contract the Wall South Group. President Hansen will speak to Ed Holt.

Committee Reports

Roger Rowe commented that we needed to move ahead on the signage. If we can agree with overall signage, we could put it on the computer/kiosk. President Hansen has proposed wording from Roger Rowe. There was discussion about verbiage and where to locate signs. Ideas should be sent to Roger Rowe.

There was some discussion about changing out flags as they become worn. Bill Weeks provided a website where we can purchase flags. It was agreed that we should purchase flags as necessary.

Roger Rowe contacted President of the Rose Society and they agreed to take on the care and maintenance or flowers. He is also working with the City to resolve any lighting concerns on the Wall and the kiosk.

Jack Brown discussed the upcoming Destination 2020 summit sponsored by Visit Pensacola. This is an effort to gather input on marketing ideas for the Pensacola area. Jack Brown will attend as a representative of the Park. He feels this could provide some useful ideas for our plans and will report back to the board on the meeting. David Glassman says he feels information will be useful to DigiPro.

Pete McKanna updated members about repair, maintenance and possible addition of names to the Wall. He will have some proposals by the next board meeting. It appears that the last panel on the Wall to the right could be used to add additional names and it would not be necessary to remove the panels. We are not sure of exact numbers of names on the Wall. However, no names have been added since the Wall South’s construction. He will try to get names and compare them to D.C. list.