7th Grade World History and Geography

Course Outline for 2013 - 2014

Social studies issues, both past and present, will make up a large part of our class this year. The purpose of this study is to help you know more about the different people, places and events of the past, and to help you learn how to be involved in your own community. We will frequently travel back hundreds of years and to places far from the United States, but we will always look for similarities in the lives of those we study to our own lives and experiences.

The textbook for the course is History Alive! The Medieval World and Beyond, published by Teachers Curriculum Institute (TCI). We will also use newspapers, magazines, poems, stories, letters, and other types of literature.

Each of the activities assigned for this course has been designed to help the student reach the outcomes developed by the district and the state. These include making students self-directed life learners, critical thinkers, and able to comfortably collaborate with other students. The History Alive! program is one that truly engages students in learning. Your child will become an active participant instead of a passive observer. The California State History-Social Science Standards form the backbone for the course. You'll find the standards in the back of your child's History Alive! textbook.

The standards for grade 7 cover the period between ancient and modern times, or the medieval world; life in medieval Europe and the Byzantine Empire; the history of Muslim empires and the rise of Islam; the cultures of West Africa; imperial China; medieval Japan; the Mayan, Inca, and Aztec civilizations; and Europe's Renaissance, Reformation, Scientific Revolution, and Enlightenment.

As you can see by scanning the standards, seventh grade students learn about a number of sensitive and controversial topics, including the development of different world religions. The History Alive! materials were designed to deal with these topics objectively, respectfully, and in accordance with state guidelines.

Here are some tips on supporting your child's academic progress in this class.

· Discuss history and current events with your child, and listen to what your child has to say.

· Provide a quiet place, free from distractions.

· Finally, extend learning beyond the walls of the classroom by taking your child to historical sites or museums. Point out that history is all around us, that it shapes the present and the future, and that every one of us can play an active and positive role in it.

Course Requirements:

1. Be in regular attendance and participate in class activities. The course requires a high degree of student participation in discussions, presentations, and projects.

2. Class activities, chapter questions, and homework assignments will make up a large portion of the final grade. Students are strongly urged to regularly complete this work. It will help you learn and prepare you for the larger projects we do.

3. Examinations: An examination may conclude each of the major units. Exams will usually be composed of true/false, fill-in, short answer, matching, multiple choice, and essay questions. All tests must be made-up within five days of an absence. It is the student's responsibility to arrange to make-up the test.

4. Quizzes: Quizzes are given as a snapshot of a lesson or reading assignment. They usually are given the day after the information is presented in class. If your child misses a quiz, it will not be counted against their grade. Quizzes cannot be made up.

5. Dispatch: When the students enter the classroom, they will be given a task to do for the first 10 minutes. This may include reading a book of their choice; writing in their journal to a prompt, or a handout given to them at the door.

6. Agenda: Students are required to copy the agenda in their agenda books every single day. Information of homework, tests and projects are included in the daily agenda.

7. What's in a name?: As we travel through out the world, each student will select a name and identity from each culture we study. They will prepare and present a name card for each unit.

8. Grades: All grades will be based on a point system. Each assignment will be given a value and points will be totaled. All grades are cumulative from the beginning of the semester to the end of the semester. Failure to satisfactorily complete at least 70% of all assignments during each grading period will result in a lower grade and a "U" in work habits on the report card. Late assignments are absolutely not accepted.

90 - 100% = A

80 - 89% = B

70 - 79% = C

55 - 69% = D

0 - 54% = F

Citizenship grades are based on attendance, attitude, classroom behavior, and individual contribution to the favorable operation of class.

Extra credit assignments will be given on a regular basis. These assignments are built into the homework program and are not identified as extra credit. Therefore, those students who complete all their work will receive the maximum number of points. Every student will have an opportunity to do the extra credit.

When you are absent on the day an assignment is due, please bring the assignment in the day you return to school. Failure to do so will result in a grade of zero. Please consult with the teacher about receiving additional time to turn in assignments due to an absence. Remember when you are out, you are missing other classes. That will mean more work to make-up.

9. I always expect that students will try to produce their best work. If an assignment is poorly done, I will ask that it be revised according to the instructions and student's ability. You may only revise three assignments a year. All papers should follow these guidelines.

a. Put your name, date, date the assignment is due, and class period in the upper right hand margin of your paper.

b. Use a title, or appropriate heading, labeling the assignment on the top line of the first page.

c. Use only standard notebook paper. Do not rip pages from a notebook or tablet.

d. Use only dark blue or black ink on papers. Papers done outside of class may be typed. (One and one half space, font 12). No work done in pencil will be accepted, unless otherwise specified. Papers done in colorful ink or pencil will not be read.

e. Be neat. Do not fold or mutilate your papers.

f. Write legibly. Print or type if your handwriting is non-readable.

8. Notebook: Students are not required to keep a separate notebook for this course. However, all students must keep all papers returned to them with a grade. Interactive Student Notebook activities may be provided. These papers are very important because they may be used to study for the CST exam in the 8th grade. Therefore students should keep these pages in a notebook at home for future reference.

9. Three universal rules govern behavior and success in this classroom. Failure to follow them will result in a warning, a call home and then a reduction in your work habits and/or cooperation grades.

The rules are:

a. Always give UNCONDITIONAL, positive regard.

No put-downs, profanity, food, drink, forgotten materials, or tardiness will be allowed. Detention will be assigned for tardiness.


c. Who "I" am does make a difference.

If your child has special needs, i.e. frequent bathroom breaks, etc, please send a note from the doctor so I can make the appropriate accommodations.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call. The best way to reach me is through email. Go to our website and submit the email. I will respond to your request/concerns in a timely manner.


Phyllis Davidson

World History and Geography Teacher


Supply list

The following are items your child will need for my class:

Dark blue or black ink pens

A set of colored markers or pencils (pencils are preferred)

Report folders (three or four)

A composition book

A reading book of your choice

Poster board (22x24)

Empty shoe box

7th Grade World History and Geography

Course Outline for 2013 - 2014

Student's Name Period _____


I have read the 7th grade course outline my child received from you on

___________________. We have discussed its contents and have complete

understanding of what's expected.

Parent's/Guardian's (print name): ________________________________________

Parent's/Guardian's Signature: ________________________________________

Home Phone: __________________________________

Day Phone: __________________________________

Email: __________________________________