St Cenydd Comprehensive School Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918-1945

LESSON: Economic and Political Crisis 1929-33

Aims and Objectives: To find out why and how the Wall Street Crash affected Germany and how the depression within Germany after 1929 enhanced the popularity of extremist parties – especially the Nazis.

Resources: 1. PowerPoint - Wall Street Crash
The reasons for the Crash and its impact

2. Powerpoint – Optional Task Sheets
3. Worksheet
To be used alongside the Powerpoint upon the Wall Street Crash, or independently

4. Worsheet
This looks at the Political Crisis following the Wall Street Crash in 1929

Initial Activity: Students will be divided into groups of four. Each pupil will be sat on one of the four sides of a desk. Each group of four should be given a copy of the ‘The Golden Age of Weimar’ diagram. They will have a few minutes to add in as much information as they can to their ‘side’ of the diagram, e.g. ‘Economic Prosperity’. After a minute the diagram must be rotated, so that after four minutes each pupil has studied each of the four ‘sides’ of the diagram and added in their own information. A class discussion upon the Golden Years will follow using this information. Facts could be written up upon the Powerpoint version of the diagram if an Interactive Whiteboard or projector is being used.

Part One: Students will be presented with quote by Gustav Sresemann which could lead onto a discussion about the nature of ‘loans’ and the Dawes Plan of 1924. This in turn could form the basis of a study upon the economic problems associated with the Wall Street Crash with particular emphasis being placed upon the impact upon Germany. A series of sources will allow students to further their knowledge of the nature of the crisis in 1929 and why the economic fortunes of Germany were so closely linked to the economy of the USA.

Relevant sections of the worksheet should be used with these Powerpoint slides.

Part Two: Students are given the opportunity to study a visual source – election poster of 1932. This should enable them to consider how the state of the economy contributed to the rise of extremist parties within Germany – such as the Nazis. The election promises made by Hitler and the appeal of Nazism can then be discussed. The poster is reproduced within the worksheets along with a question that requires a more in-depth response.

Part Three: Students are asked to consider which sectors of society would be affected by the Wall Street Crash and how. The information that students need is found upon the worksheets. A blank diagram (to be filled in) has been provided in Powerpoint, but there is also the option of bringing up information to fill the diagram using pre-prepared information boxes.

Part Four: This explores the Political Crisis caused by the Wall Street Crash. The last page of the worksheet introduces this, but a separate worksheet has also been provided upon this topic. The Powerpoint provides sources for discussion and analysis and a key word/term glossary. There is also the opportunity for students to complete a diagram, or talk their way around the diagram during class discussion. This will be based upon how the political crisis helped Hitler increase his popularity within Germany over time.

Plenary: A series of diagrams have been provided for the
purpose of recap and the reinforcement of knowledge
gained by working through each task.