General Comment:
Very nice first version
I’ve re-arranged the GUI shots into the order in which they’re used, and with nothing used before it’s constructed.
Why are there 3 parts and why does only one have a title? Courses should be in the system independently of what course groups they happen to be in because an administrator should be able to add a course without any course group(s) s/he might want to put it in having previously been defined.
To David: There is a mistake. Perceive this screenshoot as a list of all course that were added to the system. If you click on a particular course you can edit it.
To John: Each table must contain courses with the same prefixes. Add titles for each table/prefix. (for your understanding: it is a list of all courses, but we are sorting them by prefix, that is why each table must contain one prefix and all courses of that prefix must be there).Maske scrolable list.
When a course is added to the system it isn’t added to a course group, so the list of all courses shouldn’t be shown with course groups they’re in.
To David: that is true. As I told before it was just a list of all courses (no groups) in the first screenshot, so course director (admin) could choose course to edit.
Schedule Year shouldn’t be included.
To David: we need to discuss this because if we delete this field, then it is not clear how course director (admin) will define the availability of this course.
In the box just below Schedule Year, years shouldn’t be included – just semesters and whether on campus or on webcampus.
The user also has to be able to edit and delete courses, and there has to be a button for actually adding a course. (There are also issues like what to do if the course the user is trying to add already exists or if the user doesn’t supply enough detail to define a course.)
To David: courses can be added by clicking on “Add new course” link.
To David: courses can be deleted from the first screen (list of all courses).
To David: all fields are reauired.
I’m not sure how parenthesization would be handled in prerequisites and corequisites.
To David: In some places we need to enter boolean combinations. For example,prereqs, coreqs, requirements, course groups. To do this we need to understand logic of the UI control (the way it works).In all cases I use Conjunctive normal form to define such boolean combinations.
For example, here is a Boolean combination of courses: (cs123 OR cs234 OR cs345 OR, …) AND (cs23 OR cs34 OR, …) ) AND (cs123 OR cs234) AND … .
So here are two dimensions: conjunctions and disjunctions.I used horizontal dimension (lines) for disjunctions and verticaldimension for conjunctions.Every time you click last OR button (or AND button) it adds a new fieldfor entering a course name.
This logic is also applicable for requirement combinations, coursegroups or in any other places where we use Boolean combinations.
Schedule Year – we need to have 2 options: 1. the same as the one we have now. 2. without a year box and without years in a table. We need two screenshoots.
We need a new page where admin will edit prefixes.
Add editing course screenshot.
Add course delete button and on the editing course screenshot.
Add / Save course buttonon these screenshots
We need check button for Boolean expression (everywhere).
It looks like each Course Group Name is a link to something. To what?
To David: to the screen where course director (admin) will edit this group. The edit screen looks the same as “add new screen”.
Typo: Humanities
“HUM or HLI” instead of“HUM and HLI”
We need to show messages(cautions) before deleting any elements in the system
When a new Course Group is added, there shouldn’t already be any courses in the group.
I’m not sure how parenthesization of Boolean combinations would work.
I’m also not sure how the first course in a new Course Group would be added to that Course Group.
Plus/minus buttons, add new screen shots for different states of the page (no items in a course list, several items in a course list)
We need to add some explanation how to use different part of the UI (list creation, boolean combinations) on the pages
Free Electives shouldn’t be the name of both a requirement and a Course Group. (Not a GUI design issue, except that it’s best for a GUI prototype not to be confusing to potential users.)
Same issue with Tech Electives (Not a GUI design issue, except that it’s best for a GUI prototype not to be confusing to potential users.)
To David: okay will need to figure out how to rename them.
Software Development Electives has wrong definition (Not a GUI design issue, except that it’s best for a GUI prototype not to be confusing to potential users.)
To John: Fix this (use documts given by David).
We need ANDs ORs and NOTs in descriptions.
To David: could you give an example where we need NOT. I haven’t seen this in requirements.
What’s a Degree Specific Pre/Corequisite?
To David: the same as regular prerequisites but applicable only for this particular degree. This allow as to handle issue with CS105 and CS115 course (one should follow before another but it is not a universal prerequisite).
What’s a pre-defined semester?
We need AND’s, OR’s and NOT’s and I don’t see how parenthesization is to be handled.
We also need a button to actually add a new Requirement…and…
How do we get to the page for adding a new Degree?
Do we edit a degree by clicking on its link?To David: yes.
To John: Add a button for adding new deree.
We need a button to actually add the new degree.
We also need to be able to edit a degree.
To John: We need to add another screenshot with few items in a degree.