Part 2 Service Type: Academic Enrichment

(educational activities that augment and enhance student learning)

Goal Objective: 1.2 Pre-Algebra & Algebra 1
Grade Level / Service Activity / Description / Details
7-12 / Math Activities / Math Summer Program / Students participate in summer camps or summer school offering math courses or math activities
Goal Objective: 1.7 School Initiative
Grade Level / Service Activity / Description / Details
7-8 / Academic Competition / Local /
Students can participate in a spelling bee
7-8 / Academic Competition / Local /
Students can participate in a geography bee
Goal Objective: 2.2 Dropout Prevention
Grade Level / Service Activity / Description / Details
7-12 / Award Recognition / Honor Roll & Perfect Attendance recognition / Students receive recognition for earning honor roll or perfect attendance status
7-12 / Award Recognition / Awards assembly / Most Improved, Best Math Student, Student of the Month, Year, Perfect Attendance, Honor Roll, & etc.
7-12 / Science Activities / International Wildlife Film Festival /
Hosted at Missoula, MT in the Roxy Theatre
7-12 / Other / Foreign Language Film Night / Host a Foreign Language Film night where students can hone in on their foreign language skills; afterward, ask students to write a paragraph in the foreign language on their favorite film.
7-12 / Club / After-school Cooking Class / Students learn independent living skills and healthy habits
Goal Objective:2.6 School Initiative
Grade Level / Service Activity / Description / Details
7-12 / Club / School-wide Book to Read /
Students and faculty as well as community members read a book together and discuss. Then hold a community night where students can display art and writing projects related to the book
7-12 / Other / Book Fair / Host a book fair for students to purchase or trade in books
7-12 / Club / Shakespeare in the Schools /
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Part 2 Service Type: Academic Enrichment

(educational activities that augment and enhance student learning)

Goal Objective: 3.1 College and Career Awareness
Grade Level / Service Activity / Description / Details
7-12 / Academic Competition / Local Essay Contest / Cross-curricular writing activity
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Part 2 Service Type: Tutoring/Homework Assistance

(services that provide additional academic instruction to increase the academic achievement of students)

Goal Objective: 1.3 Advanced Placement (AP) & Dual Enrollment
Grade Level / Service Activity / Description / Details
12 / Test Prep / Advanced Placement /
Prep students for Advanced Placement Assessments
12 / Test Prep / Compass/College Academic Assessment /
Prep students for college academic assessments
Goal Objective: 1.5 ACT’s College & Career Readiness System
Grade Level / Service Activity / Description / Details
7-8, & 10 / Test Prep / CRT/Smarter Balanced / Prep students for the CRT
8 / Test Prep / EXPLORE ASPIRE / Prep students for the EXPLORE through ACT online prep
10 / Test Prep / PLAN ASPIRE & PSAT /
Prep students for the PLAN and PSAT through ACT online prep
11-12 / Test Prep / ACT & SAT / ACT:
Prep students for the ACT and SAT through ACT or SAT online prep
Goal Objective: 2.2 Dropout Prevention
Grade Level / Service Activity / Description / Details
7-12 / Academic Tutoring / After-school & Lunch Study Hall / Students can participate in after-school or lunch study hall tutoring
7-12 / Homework Assistance / Study Hall
After school tutoring / Students can participate in study hall and after school tutoring for homework assistance
9-12 / Remediation/Credit Recovery / MT Digital Academy /
Students can participate in credit recovery through the MT Digital Academy
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Part 2 Service Type: Rigorous Academic Curricula

(courses in core academic subjects aligned with college-based curricula that prepares all students for postsecondary education upon graduating)

Goal Objective: 1.2 Pre-algebra & Algebra 1
Grade Level / Service Activity / Description / Details
7-12 / Academic Assessment Testing / NAEP, ISIP, MAP / Students participate in NAEP, ISIP, MAP testing
Goal Objective: 1.3 Advanced Placement (AP) and Dual Enrollment
Grade Level / Service Activity / Description / Details
12 / Academic Assessment Testing / Advanced Placement/Compass Testing / Students participate in Advanced Placement or Compass testing or college academic assessment testing
Goal Objective: 1.4 Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
Grade Level / Service Activity / Description / Details
7-12 / Advance/Rigorous Coursework / Robotics Course / Students participate in a course, aligned to common core, programming and building
Goal Objective: 1.5 ACT’s College & Career Readiness System
Grade Level / Service Activity / Description / Details
7-12 / Advanced/
Rigorous Coursework / Registered for Advanced/Rigorous Coursework /
MUS Rigorous Core Requirements: 4 yrs of English, 4 yrs of math, 3 yrs of lab science, 3 yrs of social studies, 3 yrs of college prep electives
7, 8, & 10 / Academic Assessment Testing / CRT/Smarter Balanced / Students participate in CRT/Smarter Balanced testing
8 / Academic Assessment Testing / EXPLORE/ASPIRE / Students participate in EXPLORE/ASPIRE testing
10 / Academic Assessment Testing / PLAN/ASPIRE / Students participate in PLAN/ASPIRE testing
11-12 / Academic Assessment Testing / ACT / Students participate in ACT
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Part 2 Service Type: Comprehensive Mentoring

(services are provided when GEAR UP staff, teachers, or other school staff identify students who would benefit from an ongoing supportive relationship with a trained, caring adult or older students)

Goal Objective: 2.3 Mentoring
Grade Level / Service Activity / Description / Details
7-12 / Traditional 1:1 / Traditional 1:1 / Teachers and community members mentor small groups of students. Discuss personal growth issues, behavior concerns-bullying, job site visits, career choices, community service projects
7-12 / Peer Mentoring / Peer Mentoring / High school students mentor junior high students
Seniors mentor freshmen, etc.
7-12 / Group / Group / Red Ribbon Week
Motivational Speaker
Instructors, community members and high school students provide mentoring; relationship building; job site visits; career exploration
7-12 / Team / Team / Builders Club (junior high student club mentored by high school club)
WHY TRY motivational & social guidance
Boys group that meets during advisory
Girls Circle (designed to foster self-esteem, help maintain authentic connection with peers and adult women in their community, counter trends toward self-doubt, and allow for self-expression through verbal sharing and creative activity)
Team building activities
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Part 2 Service Type: Financial Aid/Counseling Advising

(services that provide assistance to students to understand and navigate the complexities of financial aid)

Goal Objective: 2.5 College Application Week
Grade Level / Service Activity / Description / Details
12 / College Application / College Application Week / Students complete an application during College Application Week
Goal Objective: 3.2 Financial Aid Awareness
Grade Level / Service Activity / Description / Details
7-12 / Financial Aid / Presentation/Workshop / Student Assistance Foundation:
School Counselor
Dollars and Sense
7-12 / College Savings Plan / Parent/Student Activities / At Parent-Teacher Conferences, set up a “Booth” that displays the different costs (e.g., tuition, room and board, books, etc.) associated with various MT colleges.
Parents and/or their children can match the appropriate dollar amounts to the college line items. Host a Parent/Student night “So Your Student Wants to Go to College”
7-12 / Financial Aid / Financial Aid Information Disbursement / Have a “counselor corner” article in the district newsletter that provides FASFA and financial aid information
7-8 / Financial Aid / Presentation/Workshop / Receive 21st Century Certificates, go over financial aid material
Grade level financial aid presentation while on a college campus
Organize grade-specific activities using SAFMT outreach services
7-8 / Financial Aid / Financial Literacy Budgeting Activity / Introduce budgeting concepts using the M&M Game where each color represents either income or expense and students have to calculate a mini budget
As part of the Family Budgeting Activity, students visit the local grocery store to pretend shop for a week’s worth of groceries
9-10 / Financial Aid / Presentation/Workshop / Host event with guest speakers from SAFMT, financial institutions (banks) and local tax services
10-12 / Scholarship / Scholarship / US Senate Scholarship Testing: HS Counselor met and reviewed US Senate Scholarship (eligible students were given a one hour test during school)
Montana GEAR UP Achievement Grant/Pathways Scholarship
MPSEOC Scholarship
Gates Millennium Scholarship informational meeting
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Part 2 Service Type: Financial Aid/Counseling Advising

(services that provide assistance to students to understand and navigate the complexities of financial aid)

Goal Objective: 3.3 FAFSA Completion
Grade Level / Service Activity / Description / Details
11-12 / College Goal Montana / College Goal Montana /
Event for parents and students to begin/complete their FAFSAs
11-12 / FAFSA / FAFSA night /
Event for parents and students to begin/complete their FAFSAs
Goal Objective: 3.4 Parental Engagement
Grade Level / Service Activity / Description / Details
11-12 / Financial Aid / Presentation/Workshop / Coordinate with a local college to provide seniors & parents with financial aid services and awareness of said college
FAFSA4Caster and PIN Activity
For 2005 grantees: Pathways/Achievement Grant student applicants
Host event with guest speakers from SAFMT, financial institutions (banks) and localtax services
Invite tribal higher education department, if applicable
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Part 2 Service Type: Counseling Advising/Academic Planning/Career Counseling

(these services span a spectrum of activities with individual or a small group of students)

Goal Objective: 1.5 ACT’s College and Career Readiness System
Grade Level / Service Activity / Description / Details
8 / EXPLORE ASPIRE / EXPLORE/ASPIRE / Discuss results & create a plan utilizing student world-of work-map and student score report
10 / PLAN ASPIRE / PLAN ASPIRE/PSAT / Discuss results & create a plan utilizing student world-of work-map and student score report
PSAT is a qualifier for the National Merit
11-12 / ACT / ACT/PSAT/SAT / Discuss results & create a plan utilizing student world-of work-map and student score report
Goal Objective: 2.1 Alignment of Graduation Requirements
Grade Level / Service Activity / Description / Details
11-12 / Academic Planning / Review four-year plan and course grade monitoring / Counselors and advisors discuss with students if they are on track to graduate and review the four-year academic plan
Discuss strategies to increase students’ chances of graduating on time
Goal Objective: 2.3 Mentoring
Grade Level / Service Activity / Description / Details
7-12 / Personal/Social Counseling / Crew Class / Includes reading, study skills, college readiness, and community building
This class meets twice a week for 1/2 hour
9 / Personal/Social Counseling / Freshmen Academy / Students participate in a freshmen academy class where they develop interpersonal and professional skills for high school
12 / Personal/Social Counseling / Senior Academy / Students participate in senior academy class where they develop interpersonal and professional skills for college
Goal Objective: 2.4 Transition
Grade Level / Service Activity / Description / Details
7-12 / Academic Planning / Pre-registration / Students and counselor/advisor pre-registrar for classes according to student’s academic four-year plan
8-12 / Academic Planning / High School Graduation Requirements / Discuss high school academic four-year plan
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Part 2 Service Type: Counseling Advising/Academic Planning/Career Counseling

(these services span a spectrum of activities with individual or a small group of students)

Goal Objective: 2.5 College Application Week
Grade Level / Service Activity / Description / Details
12 / Academic Planning / College Application Week / Students complete an application during College Application Week
Goal Objective: 2.6 School Initiative
Grade Level / Service Activity / Description / Details
7-12 / Academic Planning / College Vocabulary Words Activity / Home room/advisory hour
On school website each day
Daily announcements
Goal Objective: 3.1 College and Career Awareness
Grade Level / Service Activity / Description / Details
7-12 / Career Counseling / Career Counseling Activities / Guest speakers
Career/professional day
Health/career fair
7-12 / Career Counseling / Exploratory Science/Hydrology Career Activities / Exploratory activity doing science experiments with water, talk about a career in hydrology; including job details and education and training
Spend time talking about science careers in general and the importance of taking math and science courses all 4 years in high school
7-12 / Career Counseling / Montana Career Information System / Career assessment
Explore careers online
Goal Objective: 3.5 Student Advisement
Grade Level / Service Activity / Description / Details
7-12 / MCIS / MCIS Portfolio / Have students work through MCIS: creating portfolios, taking interest inventories, creating resumes, and exploring scholarships
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Part 2 Service Type: Job Site Visit/Job Shadowing

(offer students exposure to the workplace in an occupational are of interest and reinforce the link between classroom learning and work requirements)

Goal Objective: 3.1 College and Career Awareness
Grade Level / Service Activity / Description / Details
11-12 / Job Site Visit / Job Site Visit: Winter Wildlife Monitoring / Students can spend time with the local Fish & Game Warden observing wildlife
while job site visit
7-12 / Job Site Visit / Job Site Visit / Survey students to find interested careers & place students in specific career interest trips, such as:
Hospital/Clinic (Doctors, Nurses, Specialists, Administrators, etc.)
County Court/Detention Center (Judge, County Clerk, Parole Officer, etc.)
Newspaper/Radio Station/TV Station (Broadcaster, Journalist, etc.)
Men’s/Women’s Prison (Guard/Administrator, etc.)
Electric and Telephone Cooperative (Electrician, etc.)
11-12 / Job Shadowing / Job Shadowing / Students can individually shadow a career or job of interest
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