New Functionality (since the last release
- Add/Update Client form has 2 new date fields and a new layout.
- Heading line items can now be exported to Xero.
Upgrade Notes
No issues for the end user. SmartTrade support staff must run the latest ‘upgrader’ if upgrading from a build older than, but if upgrading from, the upgrader does not need to be run.
Bugs fixed (after previous release
SmartTrade Essential
Bug # / Description / Bug Area9707 / Copy Timesheet to another Employee: Is using the old employee's labour rate on the new employee's timesheet / Office: Timesheet
9180 / Add many timesheets and searching for jobs in a session times out / Office: Timesheet
10054 / Preview quote and it displays quote for a completely different job and customer / Office: Reports
9993 / Find Invoices: After bulk previewing invoices with a format, single previews are using the wrong format / Office: Reports
7673 / Import Price Books: When template jobs are repriced, kitsets are repriced using MyData qty rather than job kitset's qty / Office: PriceBook Import
10344 / Partial pricebook imports are changing back MYDATA prices / Office: PriceBook Import
9350 / Update Price Request: this form is needing a "History" tab / Office: Price Requests
10153 / Find Orders: some orders are not showing in the grid / Office: Order Find
9939 / MyData KitSet: Try to delete the top kitset line item in the child grid and the LAST child is deleted / Office: MyData KitSet
7864 / Log history event if any repricing was done of a kitset header by any method! / Office: MyData KitSet
10327 / Problem creating Kitset / Office: MyData KitSet
7782 / MyData Items: Resizing form to minimum, sell % textbox is shrunk too small / Office: MyData
8277 / Add My data Items: Unit field is not filled with details from my data category / Office: MyData
8279 / Adding My Data Item: changing a supplier name on the add new item form doesn't save and no history event is logged / Office: MyData
8648 / Add New Line Item: inactive supplier is not displayed in the field - preventing users from adding an item / Office: LineItems Add/Edit/Delete
10183 / Should not be able to delete a job subtotal footer and leave header still there / Office: Job Subtotals
2365 / Job Sheet: "Sell Pricing" value is missing when ouput to CSV / Office: Job Sheet tab/Costing tab
9514 / Job Sheet grid: Entering gross sell values directly into grid sometimes not recalculating net sell value / Office: Job Sheet tab/Costing tab
8775 / Job Schedule tab: Job Due Date was not refreshed when a job schedule is moved after Due Date / Office: Job Schedule
10041 / Re-price Job: New prices on Price Book Products are not being used / Office: Job Other Actions
10097 / Reprice Job - gives runtime error if a line item is missing the Unit Sell "Nullable object must have a value" / Office: Job Other Actions
10110 / Edit Job and it shows the new primary contact for the site instead of the inactive contact saved for the job / Office: Job Add/Update
8451 / Find Invoice: Edit job does not refresh job details in find invoice grid / Office: Invoice Find
10102 / Add warning message if user tries to delete invoice that has been emailed or printed / Office: Invoice Delete
10123 / Consolidated invoice grid and report both have incorrect Total exc GST values / Office: Invoice Consolidate
10065 / Employee Schedule: Add <F5> to the Refresh button / Office: Employee Schedule
10204 / Syncing appointments to Google calendar is getting incorrect time / Office: Employee Schedule
10185 / Employee Schedule: Jobs to schedule grid not showing any Client Name if person client only has a last name / Office: Employee Schedule
10066 / Employee Schedule: Jobs to schedule form is not showing the workflow status from Preferences / Office: Employee Schedule
10168 / Employee Schedule: Jobs to Schedule grid is showing Client Last name instead of Site Street Address / Office: Employee Schedule
7696 / Timesheets: Major problems if labour rates have same descriptions - not linking to correct MyData Item / Office: Employee Labour Rates
10209 / Email Templates: Remove the "Delivery receipt" column from the grid / Office: Email Templates
9950 / Email Report: Unable to email report for Quote / Office: Email
7442 / Customisable Field => Time field: 24 Hour format in Regional Settings is not followed in Time type field / Office: Customisable Fields
9534 / Customisable fields: Unable to remove FIRST added Custom field due to missing Remove option / Office: Customisable Fields
10278 / Find Clients: search by client name is not working / Office: Client Find
9212 / Client Contact: duplicate contacts created when saving on "Contacts" tab / Office: Client Contacts
9635 / Update Client: Do an auto-save first when Other actions is clicked / Office: Client Add/Update
SmartTrade Accounting modules
Bug # / Description / Bug Area9779 / Accounting Export (Infusion): item with blank Job's Accounting Group should use the Preferences default IIC / Accounting: Export Invoices
10042 / MYOB_API - Errors importing clients and suppliers into ST / Import/export
10205 / QUICKBOOK DLL: Error importing clients from QB into SmartTrade / Accounting: Import
9937 / MYOB_API - allow supplier invoice numbers up to 20 to be exported / Accounting: Export Supplier Invoices
10036 / MYOB_ODBC - Error exporting supplier invoices / Accounting: Export Supplier Invoices
10001 / MYOB_API - Export supplier invoice giving 'Object reference' error / Accounting: Export Supplier Invoices
SmartTrade Ultimate – Asset/Project module
Bug # / Description / Bug Area9685 / Find Work Orders: Search by assigned employee needs to put inactive employees after active employees in the list / Asset: Work Order Find
9704 / Update Work Order: Work Order location is not displayed / Asset: Work Order Add/Update
8847 / Supplier Add/Edit - form should remain open after saving / Asset: Asset Add/Update
8088 / Update Asset => Asset Jobs: Closing Update Job form will automatically closed Asset Jobs form / Asset: Asset Add/Update
5249 / Archived Asset - form title is missing client name / Asset: Asset Add/Update
9720 / Claim Invoices: If credited, they are not showing as credit claim invoices and retentions are not recalculated / Office: Invoice Claim
10048 / Create Claim invoice - Unit Cost not calculated correctly (not taking into account other draft invoices) / Project: Create claim
9999 / Claim Invoice created is not logging any history events / Project: Create claim
10000 / Job Summary tab: No history event logged when CTC updated / Project: Summary tab
10049 / Project Claim - Retention line items have missing data and some mandatory fields are blank / Project: Create claim