Kindergarten Math
This is the time of year that many students will be experiencing their first formal introduction to the public schools. The following math activities should be done throughout the school year throughout the day. It is recognized that many materials will be teacher developed as you begin to explore the concepts of numbers, time, calendaring, shapes, and colors.
**In each chapter review “Reaching All Learners” and “Practice” and “Enrichment” activities for application
Sept-June / NCCSS / GLCE / Materials / Key Concepts / Evidence of Understanding / & Essential QuestionsShould be done throughout the school year throughout the day. / Implied National Core Content State Standard (NCCSS) / Introduce concept and spiral throughout the year (for mastery):
- Calendar
- Clock
- Geometric shapes
- Primary colors
- Patterning
Identify tools that measure time (clocks measure hours and minutes; calendars measure days, weeks, and months).
Know and use the common words for the parts of the day (morning, afternoon, evening, night) and relative time (yesterday, today, tomorrow, last week, next year).
Identify daily landmark times to the nearest hour (lunchtime is 12 o’clock; bedtime is 8 o’clock)
G.GS.00.03 Create, describe, and extend simple geometric patterns (picture, manipulatives, clapping). / Use teacher developed materials for
- Calendar
- Clock
- Geometric shapes
- Primary colors
Days of the week
Clock/Hands Minutes
Color Names
Skip Count
More than
Less than / Knows names of days of a week and months.
Knows 7 days make up a week and weeks make up months.
12 months in a year.
Identifies morning, noon, and night.
Knows and repeat patterns (clapping, objects, colors, etc) / What are the days of the week?
What are the months of the year?
What are some ways to show patterns?
Continue math group work.
MonthSept. 7-17 / Establish routines and procedures for your classroom. In group time introduce the concept of:
- Calendar
- Clock
- Geometric shapes
- Primary colors
Month / NCCSS / GLCE / Lessons / Key Concepts / Evidence of Understanding / Essential Questions
Sept. 20-Oct. 8 / Geometry
Describing shapes and space / G.GS.00.02 Identify, sort and classify objects by attribute and identify objects that do not belong in a particular group. / Required:
Chapter 1
Lessons 1, 2, 3,5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Read “Inside Messy Monkey’s Room”
Chapter 1 Lesson 4 / Above, Below, Behind, Beside
In front of, Next to
Does not belong
Sorting rule—size
2 dimensional
3 dimensional
Solid / End of Chapter 1 Assessment
Informal observation
Enrichment lessons / When can you tell when 2 things are same/different?
How is the group sorted?
Enduring Understanding: Students will create, describe and extend simple patterns.
Month / NCCSS / GLCE / Lessons / Key Concepts / Evidence of Understanding / EssentialQuestions
Oct 11-13 / Geometry
Describing shapes and space
(concept of greater, less, equal) / G.GS.00.03
Create, describe and extend simple geometric patterns
(pictures, verbal, manipulatives, clapping) / Required:
Chapter 2, Lessons 1
Read” Scaredy Skunk’s Dance:
Investigations 1 (pages 1-5) / Equal
More than
Less than / Enrichment 2
Informal observation / What is a pattern?
What are some ways to show patterns?
Enduring Understanding: Students will order and compare the numbers 1 to 5 using a one-to-one correspondence.
Month / NCCSS / GLCE / REQUIRED lessons / Key Concepts / Evidence of Understanding / EssentialQuestions
Oct. 18-29 / Counting
--Number names
--Counting to tell / N.ME.00.01
Count whole numbers and recognize how many objects are in sets to 30.
Use one-to-one correspondence to compare and order sets of objects to 30 using such phrases as “same number”, “more than”, or “less than”; use counting and matching.
Compare and order numbers to 30 using phrases such as “more than” or “less than.” / Chapter 3
Lessons 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10
Read “I Went to the Park”
Chapter 3 lesson 8 / More than
Less than
Count 1-5
Counting forward
Counting on
Compare and Order 1-5
Last number (name) counted
Counting forward is 1 greater
Written symbols for 1-5 / End of Chapter 3 Assessment
Counting to answer “how many” (objects arranged in a line, rectangular array, circle, scattered configuration)
-Counting with the concept of greater, less, equal,
- Informal observation / How does counting tell how many?
Enduring Understanding: Students will understand numbers 1-10, ways of representing them, relationship between numbers and number systems.
Month / NCCSS / GLCE / REQUIRED lessons / Key Concepts / Evidence of Understanding / EssentialQuestions
Nov. 1-19 / Counting
--Number names
--Counting to tell / N.ME.00.04
Read and write numerals to 30 and connect them to the quantities they represent. / Required:
Chapter 4
Lessons 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Read “Ollie Octopus Last a Shoe” / Count 1-10
Forward, Backward
Greater, Less
More than, Less than
Before, After / Informal Observation
4-11 Enrichment Problem Solving (p.97) / How many are there?
What is one more? One less?
Month / NCCSS / GLCE / Lessons / Key Concepts / Evidence of Understanding / Essential
Nov. 22-24 / Counting
--Number names
--Counting to tell / N.ME.00.04
Read and write numerals to 30 and connect them to the quantities they represent. / Wrap-up 1-10 counting
Story problems / Count 1-10
Forward, Backward
Greater, Less
More than, Less than
Before, After / Informal Observation / How many are there?
What is one more? One less?
Enduring Understanding: Students will understand numbers 1-20, ways of representing them, relationship between numbers and number systems.
Month / NCCSS / GLCE / REQUIRED lessons / Key Concepts / Evidence of Understanding / Essential QuestionsNov. 28-
Dec. 17 / Counting
--Number names
--Counting to tell / N.ME.00.06
Understand the numbers 1 to 30 as having one, or two, or three groups of ten and some ones. Also count by tens with objects in ten-groups to 100. / Required:
Chapter 5
Lesson 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 13
Read “One Fine Day”
Investigations 3 (pages 68-69)
How Many in All? / Count and write 1-20
Before, After
Base Ten Notation
Unit called a ten / Informal Observation
-Say number forward and backward beginning from a given number
Read and write 1-20 / How many are there?
What is one more? One less?
Month / GLCE
Jan 3-7 / Review counting 1-20 and counting to tell
Enduring Understanding: The student will count to 1-30 and understand how simple number patterns are created and extended.
(NCCSS requires a student to count to 20; Holly Area Schools standard will have students counting to 30)
Month / NCCSS / GLCE / REQUIRED lessons / Key Concepts / Evidence of Understanding / Essential QuestionsJan 10-21 / Counting
--Number names
--Counting to tell / N.MR.00.10
Create, describe, and extend simple number patterns.
Count orally to 100 by ones. Count to 30 by 2s, 5s and10s using grouped objects as needed. / Required:
Chapter 12
Lessons 1,
(Up to 30)
Read “Space Guy” / Count 1-100
Count by 10s
Write 1-30
“How many more”
Decade / Informal Observation
Counting to answer “how many” (objects arranged in a line, rectangular array, circle, scattered configuration) / How many are there?
Relate 10’s to decade
Enduring Understanding: Students will identify and name familiar 3 dimensional objects.
Month / NCCSS / GLCE / REQUIRED lessons / Key Concepts / Evidence of Understanding / Essential QuestionsJan 24-
Feb. 18 / Geometry
Shapes their attributes and spatial reasoning / G.GS.00.01
Relate familiar three-dimensional objects inside and outside the classroom to theirgeometric name, e.g., ball/sphere, box/cube, soup can/cylinder, ice cream cone/cone, refrigerator/prism. / Chapter 8
Lessons 1, 2,3,4,5,7
Read “Round is a Pancake” / Cube
Flat shape
Solid shape
2 D, 3 dimensional
Parts of shapes (vertices) / Informal Observation
-names of shapes regardless of orientation
-Enrichment activity 8-1
-A flat shape can be 2 D / Which shapes can make more than one solid figure?
Which figures can make more than one shape?
-Describe shapes you see in the environment.
Enduring Understanding: Students will understand that objects can be compared and ordered by capacity/volume and weight/mass.
Month / NCCSS / GLCE / REQUIRED lessons / Key Concepts / Evidence of Understanding / Essential QuestionsFeb 23-
March 11 / Measurement and Data / M.UN.00.04 Compare two or more objects by length, weight and capacity, e.g., which is shorter, longer, taller?
M.PS.00.05 Compare length and weight of objects by comparing to reference objects, and use terms such as shorter, longer, taller, lighter, heavier. / Required:
Chapter 6
Lessons 1, 2, 3,7,9
Read “The Empress and the Tallest Tree”
Investigations 1 (page 2-16)
How Many in All? / Counting to 30
Larger (bigger)
Smaller, Small
Smallest, medium
Large, Largest
Big, Bigger, Biggest
Longer than
Shorter than
Taller than
As short as
As tall as
Shortest, Longest, tallest
Empty, Full
Holds more
Most, least
Heavier (weighs more)
Lighter than (weighs less)
About the same
Category / Informal Observation
Counting to answer “how many” (objects arranged in a line, rectangular array, circle, scattered configuration) / Why does this container hold more than another container?
How would you measure this
Month / NCCSS / GLCE / REQUIRED lessons / Key Concepts / Evidence of Understanding / Essential Questions
March 14-18 / Measurement and Data / M.UN.00.04 Compare two or more objects by length, weight and capacity, e.g., which is shorter, longer, taller?
M.PS.00.05 Compare length and weight of objects by comparing to reference objects, and use terms such as shorter, longer, taller, lighter, heavier. / Required:
Chapter 5 Lesson 12 & 13
/ Numbers counting up to 30
Larger (bigger)
Smaller, Small
Smallest, medium
Large, Largest
Big, Bigger, Biggest
Longer than
Shorter than
Taller than
As short as
As tall as
Longest, tallest
Empty, Full
Holds more
Most, least
Heavier (weighs more)
Lighter than (weighs less)
About the same
Sort / Informal Observation / Why does this container hold more than another container?
How would you measure this
Enduring Understanding: Students will count to 30 and understand the relationship between numbers.
Month / NCCSS / GLCE / REQUIRED lessons / Key Concepts / Evidence of Understanding / Essential QuestionsMarch 9-30 / Counting to tell the number of objects
Composing and decomposing numbers / N.ME.00.01
Count whole numbers and recognize how many objects are in sets to 30.
Use one-to-one correspondence to compare and order sets of objects to 30 using such phrases as “same number”, “more than”, or “less than”; use counting and matching.
Compare and order numbers to 30 using phrases such as “more than” or “less than.”
Read and write numerals to 30 and connect them to the quantities they represent.
Count orally to 100 by ones. Count to 30 by 2s, 5s and10s using grouped objects as needed.
Understand the numbers 1 to 30 as having one, or two, or three groups of ten and some ones. Also count by tens with objects in ten-groups to 100. / Chapter 9
Lessons 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Read “Miss Bessy’s Pie” / Whole
Putting together
Taking apart
Number of objects left
Taken from
Decompose number
Compose number
Addition and Subtraction
Fact family
1 more
2 more
1 less
1 fewer
2 fewer / Informal Observation / What is one less?
What is one more?
Enduring Understanding: Students will understand the joining of groups (addition).
Month / NCCSS / GLCE / REQUIRED lessons / Key Concepts / Evidence of Understanding / Essential QuestionsApril 11-28 / Counting to tell the number of objects
Composing and decomposing numbers / N.MR.00.07
Compose and decompose numbers from 2 to 10, e.g., 5= 4 +1 = 2+3, with attention to the additive structure of numbers, e.g., 6 is 1 more than 5, 7 is one more than 6.
Describe and make drawings to represent situations/stories involving putting together and taking apart for totals up to 10; use finger and object counting. / Required:
Chapter 10
Lessons 1,2,3,4,5,6,8
Read Allie Gator Elevator”
Investigations 3 (page 52-53) / Word problems
Plus sign
Equal sign
Minus sign
Sum / Informal Observation / How many in all?
How many are joined?
Month / NCCSS / GLCE / REQUIRED lessons / Key Concepts / Evidence of Understanding / Essential Questions
May 2-20 / Counting to tell the number of objects
Composing and decomposing numbers / N.MR.00.07
Compose and decompose numbers from 2 to 10, e.g., 5= 4 +1 = 2+3, with attention to the additive structure of numbers, e.g., 6 is 1 more than 5, 7 is one more than 6.
Describe and make drawings to represent situations/stories involving putting together and taking apart for totals up to 10; use finger and object counting. / Required:
Chapter 11
Lessons 1-6, 8, 9
Read “Mystery of Missing Meat Ball” / Word problems
Plus sign
Equal sign
Minus sign
Sum / Informal Observation / How many in all?
How many are joined?
May 23-June 10 / End of the year wrap-up
Review skills based on assessment results.