Vermilion Minor Hockey

Executive Meeting

November 15, 2012

Members Present: Gerald Martin, Gord Rogers, Mike Webb, Darcy Wasylik, Sheri Martin, Corrine Rehmann, Sarah Stang, Leslie Carlson, Tracy Long, Faye Myshak, Diane Budzilka, Darin Stenhouse, Carla Anderson, Ryan Isley

  1. Call to Order: Darcy Wasylik called the meeting to order at 7:05pm.
  1. Approval of Agenda: Minor Hockey Week was added at 12a. Faye Myshak approvedthe agenda. Sarah Stang seconded it. All in favour. Carried.
  1. Approval of minutes: Gerald Martinapproved the amended minutesof the last meeting. Ryan Isley seconded it. All in favour. Carried
  1. Treasurer’s Report: Helen Millar provided the Balance sheet and Profit/Loss statement for October 31, 2012.
  1. Team Accounts: Carla Anderson reported for Leslie Johnson that there is $21,869.16 in Team Accounts and $6459.64 in the Tiger Pride Account as of September 30, 2012. The transfer to Tiger Pride should show up on the October statement. The individual team balance sheets are also available.
  1. Directors Reports

Initiation: Sarah Stang. Alberta Hockey mandates that anybody on the ice needs to be carded or have a special permit. Vermilion Minor Hockey will apply for a special event permitso that Jeff Woywitka can help instruct whenever he is available. If a team has female players, there has to be a female carded on that team. The female will have to take the Respect in Sport – Coach Course in order to be carded. If any individuals are having trouble fulfilling their duties of any team jobs, the executive recommends they step down from the position and someone else from the team fulfill the role.

Novice: Leslie Carlson. The Novice tournament is full.There was discussion about who would pay for the Dodge patches that are to put on all Novice Jerseys in recognition of the money provided to the Novice teams from Dodge.

Atoms: Ryan Isley: The Atom tournament is full. The Atom boy’s teams will each receive $500 from Scotia Bank.

Atom/Peewee Girls: The Atom girls’ team will receive $250 from Alberta Treasury Branches and an additional $250 to be supplied by Vermilion Minor Hockey. This $500 is to match the money the Atom boy’s teams receive from Scotia Bank. The girls also attended a special presentation on being Positive and Leanne Lupul provided an exercise class for them.

Peewee: Corrine Rehmann: The tier I tournament currently has 6 teams. The tier III team expressed some concerns they had with the concession and the tiering process. Vermilion Minor Hockey has mandated that there be an adult in the dressing room at all times. Justin Bowtell has offered to help goalies in the morning. A special permit will be applied for to cover these sessions. Directors are to ask their goalies how many would commit to coming to these morning sessions.

Bantam: The Tier I team lost in the A final of their home tournament that had 7 teams. The tier III team is doing well and has strong goaltending this year.

Bantam/Midget Girls Tracy Long: The Bantam girls won their first game of the season and only have 4 teams for tournament. The Midget girls have a weak team and do not have anyone registered yet for their tournament.

Midget. Gord Rogers. The Tier III tournament is full. Both teams have won and lost some games. Cole Whitten has re-registered with Vermilion Minor Hockey and will be on the tier I team.

Following is information for all directors to take back to their teams:

  • Any person on the ice that is over eighteen years of age needs to be carded or have a special permit.
  • All coaches and players must have their helmets done up.
  • Any minor hockey player must be in full equipment whenever they are on the ice.
  • If you have a player who is injured but wants to skate at practice, the player must still be in full equipment.
  • Gerald Martin will deal with any infractions of these rules.
  1. Operations:

a)Tournaments-responsibilities: When teams are hosting tournaments it is important they are aware of what is going on in the facility so that no vandalism occurs. Keys for change rooms may be handed out from draw table if tournament coordinator chooses.

b)Carded personnel: covered above.

c)Buses: Money to cover the cost of bussing may come out of team accounts, provided they have sufficient funds. There is to be no alcohol on buses that are transporting people to/from Vermilion Minor Hockey events.

d)Concession Shifts: It is not Vermilion Minor Hockey mandate to have the concession open it is the Town of Vermilion’s Concession. Darcy Wasylik met with Janice and the Town to come up with following recommendations regarding concession shifts.

  • The individual working the shift must be sixteen years old or older.
  • It is preferable to have the parent or designated adult work the shifts.
  • Whoever is working the shift, must realize they are required to work the entire 4 hours and complete tasks as asked.
  • If you are not comfortable working a concession shift, please hire a person approved by the Town.

e)Volunteer Bonds: It is a requirement that Vermilion Minor Hockey have someone serve on the executive of the NEAHL and the female league. It is recommended that if an individual served on either of these executives, their volunteer bond position would be fulfilled.

f)Late Registrations: Discussion about if late registrations or injured players should receive a discount or a pro-rated registration fee.

  1. Business: Mike Webb

a)Sponsors: The tournament sponsor list is updated and has been sent to the Vermilion Standard.

  1. Equipment: Darin Stenhouse: It was recommended the same tiger head appear on the New jerseys in order to maintain consistency and not outdate all the clothing embroidered with the tiger head. The New jerseys will also be posted on the website before they are ordered to provide players/coaches/parents/volunteers a chance for feedback. MOTION Mike Webb made a motion that a deposit of $300 must be provided to Vermilion Minor Hockey when goalie equipment is signed out. Ryan Isley seconded it. All in Favour. Carried.
  1. Fundraising:

a)November 24: Sheri Martin: There are still 10 tables left to sell for the event. A time needs to be set for all midgets to meet to complete clean-up on Sunday. Pictures are being collected for a slide show which will run all evening. The parent shifts that cover volunteer bonds need to be tracked and this information needs to be given to Faye Myshak.

b)Picture Night: The committee reported that the entire day ran according to the scheduled times. There was a 97% attendance rate. There were 40 referees in attendance for their photo. The feedback was that picture prices were considerably higher this year and the Vermilion Minor Hockey logo needs to be used, not the Vermilion Tigers logo.

  1. Website/TV: Directors need to make sure each team’s website is being updated regularly.
  2. Other Business

a)Minor Hockey Week: The suggested dates are January 13-20, 2013. Peewee boys are to meet and plan the activities. There was a suggestion that Vermilion Minor Hockey should give back to the community and collect items for the food bank during Minor Hockey Week.

  1. Next Meeting: December 13, 2012
  1. Meeting adjourned: Darcy Wasylik adjourned meeting at 10:20pm.