Foundations of Interior Design
East Ridge High School
2016 ─ 2017
Instructor: Name: Kerilyn Mongar
Telephone: (423)867-6200 EXT. 318
Email: *
Available after school: By appointments only, please confirm the date and time before your appointment.
*Asterisk denotes teacher’s preferred way of communication.
Course Description
Foundations of Interior Design is the first course in the Interior Design program of study intended to prepare students for careers in residential and commercial interior design. Projects will involve individual and team assignments. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to analyze and demonstrate the elements the principles of design, and apply these concepts using sketching techniques in the creation of perspective floor plans.
Course Policies
Students will be able to make up missing assignments, however, it is the students’ responsibility to ask for their missing work. Students will have 3 days to complete missing work once they have returned to school.
1. No talking while someone is presenting
2. NO CUSSING- students will be asked to stand in the positive zone (a bulletin board with encouraging words- for example; MAKE WISE CHOICES, STOP THINK ACT, etc.)
3. Respect others
*students have 3 strikes in the positive zone- a referral will be written after the 3rd strike
*students will sign in when tardy, taking responsibility of their action…after their 2nd tardy, parent contact will be made
Assessments and Grading
Students will be expected to complete they following types of assignments: group projects, individual projects, labs, daily work, short answer tests, multiple choice tests, and class presentations.
Your grade will be calculated as shown below:
Grading formula for each 9-week’s grade:
· Teaching tasks other than tests 50%
o ( homework, class participation, classwork, labs, daily work, journals)
· Assessments and Tests 50%
o (tests, projects, and presentations)
Grade Calculations for high school courses without a state-level test:
· 1st Nine Weeks – 40%
· 2nd Nine Weeks – 40%
· Exam – 20%
Grade Calculations for high school courses with a state-level test:
· 1st Nine Weeks – 50%
· 2nd Nine Weeks – 50% [which is made up of 75% teacher determined grades and 25% from the state-level test]
Course Topics and Schedule by Semester
Week / Semester 1 / Topic1 / Aug. 11-12 / What is Interior Design?
2 / Aug. 15-19 / Color Schemes
3 / Aug. 22-26 / Color, Shape, Form
4 / Aug. 29-Sept. 2 / Principles and Elements of Design- blueprint symbols intro
5 / Sept. 5-9 (Labor Day) / A. Line
B. Shape
C. Space/size/Stability
6 / Sept. 12-16 / D. Value
E. Color
F. Texture
7 / Sept. 19-23 / G. Unity
H. Harmony
I. Balance
J. Rhythm
K. Contrast/Variety
L. Dominance/Emphasis
M. Gradation
8 / Sept. 26-30 / Textiles Designers/ Interior Designers
9 / Oct. 3-7 (End of 1st quarter) / Industrial Designers
Oct. 10-14 / Fall Break
10 / Oct. 17-21 / Safety
11 / Oct. 24-28 / History of Architecture and Interior Design
12 / Oct. 31-Nov.4 / Trends in Design
13 / Nov. 7-11 / Career Investigation
14 / Nov. 14-18 / Traffic Patterns & Floor Plans
15 / Nov. 21-22 (Thanksgiving) / residential structures, assemble a design
16 / Nov. 28-Dec. 2 / dimensional floor plans and architectural blueprint symbols
17 / Dec. 5-9 / Interior Design Portfolio (assemble throughout the semester)
18 / Dec. 12-16 (End of Semester 1) / Interior Design Portfolio (complete)