Annual General Meeting
September 4, 2013
An Annual General meeting of the 2012-13 GAMHA executive was held at Glovertown Fire Hall. Executive in attendance were:
Kirby Tulk, President
Laurie Moss, Vice President
Leeann Rowsell, Secretary
Kim Pitts, Treasurer
Gail Budgell, Registrar
Sue Sweeney-Janes, Female Representative
Terri-Lynn Hiscock, Fundraising Coordinator
Christine Ralph, Head Parent Representative
Colin Heffernan, Referee and Chief (came in at 7:05 pm)
Meeting was called to order by chair, Kirby Tulk at 7:04 pm. Kirby welcomed everyone and began to introduce our special guest; Robert Bouzane from HNL, then gave a brief overview of the items on the agenda. A motion was made to accept the agenda. Agenda was accepted by Yolanda Collins/Florence Gosse. Motion carried.
Report of the new rules set out by HNL (Robert Bouzane)
Due to Colin running a little late, Kirby asked Robert if he would begin. Robert began by introducing himself. He explained that much research was done in relation to checking and concussions, after all the data was gathered it was decided that checking would be taken out of Peewee hockey. The second year Peewees would find the biggest learning curve. He noted that with all changes there will probably be some issues.
Lloyd Paul asked Robert if any contact will be allowed and Robert and Kevin Maher both agreed that proper pinning would be acceptable. When it comes to contact, it will be determined by the referee on the intent.
He noted that he is very accessible; his email is noted on HNL website. He expressed that if any of the membership would like to see changes in HNL, they should bring their request first to their association President and he would get it from there.
The second change Robert stated was with regards to the Provincial grading report. Beginning 2013-14 season the final grading report will the final decision. In years past you would have another 30 days to back out, now there is no extended time. Backing out would result in a $2000.00 fine. Perry Granberg asked about circumstances around low numbers and sick children. Robert noted there is an appeal process, however it is not guaranteed. Dick Kelly mentioned he has seen teams in the past pay the $2000.00 fee as it would be cheaper than the long travels.
Robert clarifies that homework needs to be done early to ensure a team gets in Provincials. Low numbers in associations is a challenge, however if a request is early he is confident kids will be able to play hockey.
Referee- in- Chief (Colin Heffernan)
Colin began by explaining the past season with officials. GAMHA had 79 games, several tournaments and a mega tournament. The association lost 4 officials last year, but pulled off a successful year!
He explained the need of recruiting some new mature officials, bringing in officials from out of town can get quite costly. He mentioned coaches/trainers maybe a good choice. It consists of an 8 hour course and some online tutorials. Completed in October, and the cost is paid by the association.
Respect in Sport Requirement (Christine Ralph)
Christine explained the new requirement by HNL. All registered kids must have at least one parent/guardian to complete an online tutorial designed around respect in sport. The cost is $13.56 and must be completed before your child is permitted on the ice this season.
It is a user friendly site and can be completed in several sittings.
Financials (Kim Pitts)
Kim passed out the financial breakdown of cost and revenue to the members present.
A few questions come from the floor. Lloyd Paul questioned expenses for coaches for Provincials. It was explained that only coaches without children registered would be covered.
Chris Bull asked about the balancing carrying over seems high. It was noted that we did have a good year and the mega tournament brought in good revenue that added to the bottom line. Chris then asked if we will see a decrease in fees this year due to the excess amount. Kim mentioned it would be up for the new executive to decide, however you would have to keep in mind that we would need at least $5000.00 in the account for startup for the next season. Worth mentioning as well is the $2500.00 in the account was donated from BNS to purchase jerseys for this upcoming season.
Kirby noted maybe getting a subcommittee together to discuss the fee structure. Robyn Tulk asked how he felt that would help. He explained he felt different views may help the process. Robyn felt that it may only complicate things.
Kim Powell noted that ice time cost was $24K and wondered about last year. Kim Pitts told her she didn’t have the exact numbers but it was lower.
Chris Jackson asked about the scholarships only being dispersed to Glovertown. He wanted to know if this was a policy change. Kim and Kirby reassured him, it was not a policy change, and it was just this year had no members of our association in Gambo or Eastport enrolled in our Association.
Dean Ralph asked about the $300.00 donation. This was deferred at this time as it was a Privacy issue disclosing who the funds were donated for (Christmas gifts and groceries)
Budget; Projection cost, fees and attendance (Kirby Tulk)
Kirby used an overhead to show the breakdown of ice time and cost. He would like to see us ensure the kids of a number of ice times for the season. He noted for an example that 40 hours of ice per division would cost approx. $25K. He noted we have to keep in mind with low funds in the bank this would cause great concern. We may not put fees up this year as a result of the funds available but next year we may not be so lucky.
There were brief discussion about future fundraising and opting out. This would be determined by new executives. Maybe a subcommittee would be an option here as well.
There was much discussion around other association fees and ice time and how to get more kids involved. Robert suggested getting into the schools and Lynette Hiscock has some really good pamphlets that we could avail of.
Yolanda noted that the structure they set in place last year for initiation worked really well and would be seen as less threatening for new Initiation parents. 3 predetermined tournaments and 1 home, this would let parents know what to expect and prepare for.
Sue noted that the numbers are low and the girls have been a real struggle.
Break away/Jump start/registration (Gail Budgell)
Gail gave a brief explanation of the Jump start and Breakway programs. She provided handouts. She said if anyone needed further information to contact her and she would get it for them. Pam Burry noted we should advertise it more. It was agreed.
Fundraising (Terri Hiscock)
Terri began by explaining the fundraising activities of last year. She noted that the new executives would determine the new fundraising options. Some things that were noted were scarves, hockey pool, chocolates and cold plates. Kirby also got a signed Danny Cleary stick that can be purchased by GAMHA to place on tickets as well.
Constitution amendments/proposed changes
Kirby noted that it has come to his attention that a group of parents didn’t receive the Constitution before the deadline, so none of the amendments would be voted on at this time. He noted that the emails sent out earlier that week by Dean Ralph needed to be addressed. He wanted the membership to know that the accusations of secrecy in the executives was false. We respect the privacy of our members and ‘sensitive’ topics cannot be open to everyone to see. The minutes of the last meeting was approved prior so it was available for the membership to know what was decided with the proposed amendments received by Christine Ralph earlier.
There was much discussion around privacy and many members agreed that privacy is a very important factor.
Robert called for nominations
Kirby Tulk – Accepted
Laurie Moss – Declined
Christine Ralph – Accepted
Lloyd Paul – Declined
Jamie Collins – Declined
Voting took place and Kirby Tulk was congratulated.
Vice President:
Laurie Moss – Accepted
Dick Kelly – Declined
Kevin Maher – Declined
Leeann Rowsell – Declined
Sue Janes – Decline
Lloyd Paul – Decline
Laurie Moss won by acclamation
Leeann Rowsell – accept
Pam Burry – Decline
Leeann Rowsell won by acclamation
Gail Budgell
Gail Budgell won by acclamation
Kim Pitts - Accept
Christopher Burry- Accept
Voting took place and Christopher Burry was congratulated
Female Rep:
Sue Janes – decline
Mark Simpson – Accept
Eric Blackwood – Decline
Karen Sweetapple – Decline
Mark Simpson won by acclamation
Terri Hiscock – Decline
Stephanie Burry – Decline
Roxanne Paul – Decline
Chris Ralph – Decline
Kim Pitts – Decline
Andrea Granberg – Decline
No position
Parent Rep:
Patricia Holloway- Decline
Chis Ralph – Decline
Denise Maher – Accept
Karen Sweetapple – Decline
Susan Oram – Decline
Pam Burry – Decline
Denise won by acclamation
Robert asked for a motion to destroy the ballots. Moved by Lloyd Paul/ Craig Arnold. Motion carried.
Kirby thanked everyone for attending and thanks the executive for their continuing support. He noted that parent reps would be chosen at a later time as it was getting very late.
Meeting adjourned at 9:40 pm by Craig Arnold and Sue Sweeney-Janes.
No meeting date was pre-determined at this time.
Leeann Rowsell, Secretary