Santa Barbara CountySpecial Education Local Plan Area


Creating Responsive Environments for All Learners (R.E.A.L.)

in General Education Settings Through

Classroom Management and Behavior Support

Date:Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Registration:8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.

Training:8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Location:Santa Barbara County Education Office Auditorium

4400 Cathedral Oaks Road

Santa Barbara, California 93110

Parking is limited so please carpool if possible.

Investment:$20 - Lunch is included

Presenter:Diana Browning Wright, M.S., L.E.P.,is a nationally known consultant and psychologist who, for over 41 years, has served students with challenging behavior and learning issues and trains staff working with them. She is the co-founder of California’s Positive Environments, Network of Trainers ( Diana has worked with students of all abilities and disabilities, from autism and emotional disturbance to gifted youth, as a teacher, counselor, psychologist and behavior analyst. She has published numerous manuals and articles on topics in behavior and behavioral RTI.

Audience:School site teams to include administrators, general education and special education teachers,

and other service providers.

Outcomes:Participants will learn:

  • P.R.O.M.P.T., a corrective procedure that minimally disrupts the flow of instruction
  • Sixteen (16) evidenced-based proactive classroom management techniques that increase

rule following behavior

  • The good behavior game which disrupts negative peer contagion

To register:

Registration Deadline isThursday, August 21, 2014.

Complete registration form and Mail/Fax/Email to SBCSELPA with check or purchase order made out to SBCSELPA.

Late registration will be subject to a $10.00 late fee payable at the door & will not guarantee seating or materials.

Confirmation of registration will be sent to the email address you provide below.

If you do not receive an email confirmation two weeks prior to the training, please contact the SELPA office.


Creating Responsive Environments for All Learners (R.E.A.L.)

in General Education Settings Through

Classroom Management and Behavior Support

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Registration Deadlines: Thursday, August 21, 2014 Sorry – No Phone Registrations

Name: / District/Agency:
Phone: / Vegetarian: YES NO
Email Address:
For use of staff development funds within SBCSELPA Only,
Special Education Administrator MUST sign here: / Check Enclosed/Amount:

Questions: Call Margaret Slater/Lisa Fernandez (805) 683-1424

Return to:(MAIL) to Santa Barbara County SELPA, 401 N. Fairview Avenue, Goleta, CA93117

(FAX) to (805) 967-1960 or (EMAIL) to

Revised 9/21/2018