August 2012 Minutes
· John Quiggle welcomes new members
· In attendance: John Quiggle, Genelle Douglas, Teresa Waters, Paula Hill, Anita Owens, Brandi Koltermann, Kenna Wilson and Betsy Bridges.
· Brandi Koltermann is voted in as new treasurer
· Candy Bar Fundraiser is put on backburner until Rodney can come and discuss with all members of board and principals of SLMS. There is concern about losing money if candy bars are pre ordered. Discussed having a PTO night where we can sell candy bars.
· PTO taking pre-orders for hoodies and t-shirts. J&L quoted $20 for hoodies. Genelle and Teresa will contact other suppliers to see if we can get a lower quote (John Beverly and Faith Promotions). We would like to sell hoodies for $20 and t-shirts for $10. We need to create a form for kids to order Gear Wear from their school.
· Scheduled this year’s PTO meetings for every other month on the 3rd Monday. Schedule as follows:
· September 17, 2012
November 19, 2012
January 21, 2013
March 18, 2013
May 20, 2013 End of year – Annual meeting of General Membership
· Kenna Wilson, Principal, requests Ipads for all teachers – 40 total including core teachers and electives. Brandi will look into cost/Jane Twig, Librarian also looks into cost. Can be up to a $25,000 expense.
Meeting adjourns at 6pm.
Meeting after the meeting:
Kenna and remaining board members discuss new concession stand does not have to be as elaborate as planned. Need to review other options for building.
Discuss having a PTO Family Night to meet parents that may want to get involved. Options are a movie night or a Library Game night. We can sell popcorn/sodas/candy bars (if we go there) – suggest they bring box tops or soup labels for entrance.