The Villages Elementary

School Advisory Council

Minutes of Meeting

DATE: February 25, 2016TIME: 4:00 PM –4:28PM

(attach sign in sheet) / Dave Bordenkircher, JoAnn Applewhite, Bud Brown, Glendia Brown, Lori Carroll,Rheda Gail Shumate, Jessica Anderson, Mary Shaner, Ashley Godwin, Lillian Benitez, Carolyn Lee, Laura Stahl
Call to Order
Approval of minutes from last meeting
Title I
Comments/Suggestions / JoAnn Applewhite called the meeting to order at 4:03pm.
JoAnn Applewhite made a motion for approval of the SAC minutes from the January 27thmeeting. Mary Shanerseconded the motion and all approved.
Jessica Anderson stated the deadline for spending Title I monies is February 26th.
Family Science Night is scheduled for Thursday, March 10th. Activities will include Wonder Works, Carver Robotics, and dissecting owl pellets.
Regional Title I meeting will take place soon. Mrs. Anderson stated we should be a Title I school next year based on the percentage of students receiving free and reduced lunch.
Our current free/reduced lunch percentage is 77%
High Stakes Testing
Comments/ Suggestions / Rheda Gail Shumate shared the following High Stakes Testing dates:
March 1st- 4th/5th grade Writing (PBT)
March 29th- 30th – 3rd grade-ELA FSA (PBT)
March 31st-April1st- 3rd/4th-Math FSA (PBT)
April 12th-April 13th-4th grade-ELA (CBT)
April 19th-April 22nd-5th grade-ELA and Math FSA (CBT)
April 26th-April 27th-5th grade- Science FCAT
May 6th- Testing Window Closes
Data Chats started this week. Mr. Bordenkircher and members of the Leadership team meet with teachers individually to discuss the progress of every child.
Mid-year Progress Monitoringis complete in Reading and Math for all students. Our 5th grade students also complete a Science mid-year assessment. Our school scored above the district average in all subjects tested.
Mr. Bordenkircher announced that we are officially an “A” school.
Laura Stahl asked if End-of-Course exams would occur this year. Mr. Bordenkircher explained that Lake County has decided not to do them this year.
Evaluation of the Principal
Comments/Questions / All SAC members were asked to evaluate Mr. Bordenkircher’s job performance. The surveys showed 100% approval.
Meeting Adjourned / Glendia Brown made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 4:28PM. Bud Brown seconded this motion.

VELL SY15 School Recognition Bonus Plan

Instructional and Classified personnel,

By virtue of earning a grade of “A” for the 2014-2015 school year VELL has earned a School Recognition Bonus. According to Florida Statute Section 1008.36 the date by which the school’s staff and the school advisory council must reach an agreement for the distribution of School Recognition funds is February 1, 2016. A committee of teachers and classified personnel was formed to assist inwriting a plan to submit to you for a vote. The following plan was agreed upon after reviewing all information:

  • Bonus money will be awarded to all employees who worked during the 2014-2015 school year.
  • Those employees working less than full-time will receive a pro-rated share.
  • Full-time for instructional is a 7 1/2 work day.
  • Full time for classified will bea 6-8 hour work day.
  • The legislature currently provides approximately $100 perstudent at a qualifying school but this amount is calculated by DOE and is not final until all school grades are finalized.Using that amount, ourschool would receive approximately $83,000. (If the amount is different we will change the bonuses keeping the percentages received the same.)
  • Using this figure the approximateamounts received would be:
  • Instructional and administrative personnel will receive $925.00. Part time instructional personnel will be pro-rated based on the $925.00 full share.
  • Classified employees working full time will receive $462.50. Classified employees working part time will receive a pro-rated share based on the $462.50full share.
  • Balance of funds in the amount of $3,846.66 to be used for nonrecurring expenditures for educational equipment or materials to assist in maintaining and improving student performance. This is approximately 5% of the total.

In order for this plan to be accepted, a 51% majority vote must occur. If this plan is rejected, the committee will reconvene and present another plan. If you should vote to reject this plan and would like to state your reason, please list your reasons on the back of the ballot. This is an anonymous vote.

Thank you,

David Bordenkircher


Yes, I am in favor of this plan.

No, I am not in favor of this plan.