A validation aims to promote consistency in assessment tools, processes, evidence and judgments. Use this pro-forma to document the validation or review activity and any follow up actions required.

Training Package/Curriculum Title: Put the name of the training package or workplace skill here

Course / Qualification: Name of the course or qualification

Validated by: Name of people validating the assessment tool

Date: Date validation conducted

Unit Details

Units Code / Name of Unit / Reason for selection
Unit of competency code / Name of unit of competency / Why is this being validated e.g. validation before use, etc. Ensure the approach you select supports this.

What are you validating? (Cross out the ones not being validated)

You should select at least one of the top three:

ÿ  Assessment Tool

ÿ  Process of assessment and assessor role

ÿ  Assessment Judgment

ÿ  Interpretation of the unit(s) of competency

ÿ  Standard or Benchmark of the performance Criteria

ÿ  Allowable adjustment

ÿ  Evidence required


Only needs to be completed if you have any information to be added as to the validation process

What approaches are you using to validate? (You only need to select ONE approach from the list below, you can delete the others if you like)

Type of validation (as per original plan) / This validation is occurring: / Who is involved? / Resources required
ÿ  Peer Review / Before assessment tool has been used to ensure it is valid. / Names of those involved in the validation / What resources are involved in your validation: e.g. Assessment tool; unit of competency; mapping guide.
ÿ  Moderation meeting / After trial before implementation or
During Assessment or Due to assessment appeal.
ÿ  Team meeting / After assessment has been conducted to confirm the tool is valid, reliable, fair and flexible and evidence is valid, sufficient, authentic and current.
ÿ  Other (please specify) / Before audit;
Due to feedback received from candidates, etc.

Validation Evidence (Respond to all points, N/A if applicable)

Validation Evidence / Location of stored Evidence
Minutes of notes of meetings / Indicate where communication is stored; e.g. in Assessment strategy file or N/A
Copies of email messages
Transcripts of on-line discussions
Assessment tools / This should be in the assessment strategy file
Phone Interviews
Other (please specify)


(This information can be gained from the Unit of Competency (UoC). Ensure you have ticked or noted every point listed)

Use the items listed below as a guide for recording action

1. Interpretation of competency / Action/s
Ø  Meets requirements of assessment guidelines
Ø  Clarity of evidence required as per the competency standard
Ø  Key aspects of evidence covered
Ø  Language, Literacy & Numeracy (LLN) requirements identified
Ø  Meets characteristics of AQF level
Ø  Employability Skills integrated
Ø  Appears to be valid, fair and flexible / Check against Evidence Guide UoC
Clearly indicates sufficient evidence as per evidence guide – Assessment guidelines (Uoc)
Check against Evidence guide (UoC)
Check LLN level required as per UoC; ensure this is incorporated in assessment instruments
Check AQF handbook to ensure the assessments are at the correct level
Generic work skills covered – refer employability skills
Maps correctly, provides different pathway/allowable adjustments
2. Assessment Tool including assessment instruments / Action/s
Ø  Candidate information/specific needs
Ø  Assessor and candidate instructions
Ø  Evidence collection requirements
Ø  Recording & reporting procedures
Ø  Allowable adjustments
Ø  Provision for candidate feedback
Ø  Mapping document provided
Ø  Benchmarking responses available
Ø  OH & S and legislation requirements met
Ø  Dimensions of competency covered / If applicable, candidates’ information and allowable adjustments indicated on assessment plan.
Check for clear instructions on assessment plan and assessment instruments.
Clear information on how evidence is to be collected
and benchmark information clear.
Clear instruction on recording/reporting of outcomes
Allowable adjustments provided to ensure flexibility
Feedback form provided for candidate feedback
Mapping document provided with relevant info
Benchmarks provided to ensure consistency in assessor decisions
OHS considered in develop of assessments, safe environment provided or info on OHS/PPE etc
Assessment instruments cover, Task Skill, Task Management skill, Job-role/environment skill; transfer skill; contingency management skill

This section only needs to be completed after a Trial or after Implementation

3. Assessment Process (only needs to be completed after trial or after implementation) / Action/s
Ø  Timely
Ø  Cost effective
Ø  Informative
Ø  Principles of Assessment (Fair/Flexible/Valid/Reliable
Ø  OH&S compliant
Ø  Assessor Role / Was the assessment process timely or took too long?
Was the process cost effective or required the use of expensive materials/resources?
Candidates fully understood what was required of them?
Does this process meet the principles of assessment? Were the results as per the mapping guide; was it fair for all, provided flexible pathways; results were consistent making it reliable?
Did the assessment process place the candidates in an unsafe situation? OHS considered ensuring safety?
Clear instructions for the assessor on how to use the assessment instruments and collect the correct evidence to ensure reliability and consistency?

This section only needs to be completed after trial or implementation and relates to the evidence collected from candidates.

4. Assessment Judgment (only needs to be completed after trial or after implementation) / Action/s
Ø  Reflects requirement of unit of competency
Ø  Reflects industry standards
Ø  Consistent
Rules of evidence
Valid: Relates to the unit; addresses the dimensions of competency and employability skills
Ø  Sufficient: addresses all of the unit of competency in different contexts over a period of time
Ø  Current: candidate can apply the competency to current work
Ø  Authentic: can verify it is the candidates own work / Evidence collected reflects the requirements of the unit – Evidence guide, etc.
Evidence is at the required standard
Evidence collected is consistent, similar outcomes/responses
Evidence if valid, as per the UoC
Evidence collected is sufficient and collected over a period of time to ensure candidates are competent
Evidence collected is current; candidate can do the skill NOW.
Direct evidence ensuring it is the candidates own work (observation, interview, etc)


Print Names: Print name/s

Signature/s: Signature of stakeholders

Position/s: Title: e.g. Assessor / training manager / supervisor etc.

Date: Date validation completed and signed


Provide your feedback, conclusions and any suggestions for improvement

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Connect training group: Version 4: December 2010