Bruce McLaren Intermediate School

Tel: 836 3175,

7 February 2008 Newsletter No. 01/08

Dear Parents & Friends of the School

A warm welcome back to our Year 8 students and their families and also to our Year 7 students and their families. Everyone is looking refreshed and fit after the summer holiday break. The class programmes are already up and running. It’s going to be another great year.


This newsletter has been posted to you to make sure you receive it and it does not get lost at the bottom of your child’s bag. Thursday is newsletter day and it comes home with your child.


An information booklet has been enclosed which summarises many aspects of Bruce McLaren Intermediate and some of our expectations. I hope you will find it useful.


Postie Plus has run out of some items of uniform but more stock is on its way from Christchurch. In the meantime, please send your child to school in a school P.E. shirt or a shirt which is similar to the uniform.


Black leather lace-up shoes are the school shoes which are a part of the school uniform. Sandals, worn without socks, can be worn in Term 1 and 4 but cannot be worn for the specialist (technology) subjects.


The school hat or cap is to be worn during Terms 1 and 4, in the break times or when the children are outside. Please would you make sure your child has his/her school hat or cap each day for this Term and also for Term 4. Children without will have to stay in a supervised shady area.


Each student at Bruce McLaren has a school diary. This, if used properly, will help your child be organised and prepared for each day. In addition, there is space in the diary for parents and teachers to communicate.

Please ask your child to show you his/her diary each day so that you can be fully informed about what is going on.


A reminder about the school fees and the school donation.

A school fee of $100.00 is charged to cover the cost of the Technology and the Arts programmes. This fee can be spread over the year with payments made each term or month. Please talk to Mrs Atchison, our Accounts Clerk, who will be happy to help you if this is the option you prefer. It would be most appreciated if you would pay the fee – if you haven’t already – by Friday 15th February.

A school donation of $20.00 is requested to provide extras for the children such as sports equipment. A receipt is issued for tax refund purposes.


Please do not park in the bus bay. The buses have a tight timetable and cars block their entry and exit. It also makes it dangerous for the children coming to or leaving school. Just a reminder about the tougher speed limits in front of the school. Police will readily issue speeding infringement notices to any driver exceeding the speed limit. Do be careful.


Children waiting for parents at the end of the school day are to wait under the verandah outside the hall where they can be supervised. This is for the children’s safety, protection from the rain in wet weather, and to cut down on congestion where the bus pupils are assembled.

Your co-operation is really appreciated.


The Rules and Code of Conduct of the school have been discussed in class with your child. A copy of the Code will shortly be coming home. Please would you discuss it with your child and show your support by signing it before it is returned to his/her teacher.


There are three reports given out during the year. There are two types:

Effort Report (Term 1) – These are a quick indication of how your child’s teacher feels your child is working. It contains a brief comment.

Main Reports (Term 2) – These are full reports with both effort and achievement ratings, together with teacher comments.

The dates for the reports to be issued are:

Effort Report:

Term 1: Handed out end of term.

Main Reports:

Term 2: Posted out – 3rd July

Term 4: Posted out – 16th December


School and home must work closely together if we, the school, are to provide the best education possible for your child. You are very welcome to meet with your child’s teacher during the year to discuss your child’s progress or any concerns. School is, however, a busy place, so I do request that you make an appointment first. This gives the teacher time to get any relevant materials together, and also for cover to be arranged so you and the teacher can meet without interruptions.

There is an evening arranged for Tuesday, 26th February at 7.00pm. This is an introduction to our expectations within the school and within the class. We meet in the hall first of all and then you meet with your child’s teacher in the classroom. This is not a meeting to discuss individual children's progress.

There are two Parent/Teacher meetings during the year to discuss your child's progress: Term 2, Wednesday, 14th May, 3.30pm-8.30pm. Term 3, Wednesday, 30th July. Booking sheets for these go out with the reports.


When you come to the school, please come to the school office where you can be helped. No one is allowed to visit the classrooms without permission – this is one of our health and safety requirements.


During the year socials are held in the evening for the children. The dates are:

Term 2 / Wednesday, 2 July, 7.00-9.00pm
Term 3 / Wednesday, 24 September, 7.00-9.00pm
Term 4 / Wednesday, 10 December, 7.00-10.30pm

The social in Term 4 is a formal dance. Details are given in the newsletters nearer to the time.


To enable us to maintain correct, up to date information on your child’s school records, please assist us by advising the School Office of any changes to:

- Home address.

- Home telephone number.

- Parents/Caregivers workplace.

- Parents/Caregivers work phone number.

- Emergency contact person.

- Emergency contact telephone number.

- Doctor's name or telephone number.

- Any legal matters affecting your child.

Please remember only those named on your child’s enrolment card may have contact with your child at school. Thank you for your co-operation.


Would you like to learn how to help children make progress in reading?

Would you like to have the satisfaction of knowing that you have made the difference to a child’s ability to read and progress?

We would love to show you how to do this and give you the experience of working with children on the Reading Programme. All we ask from you is a commitment of a couple of hours a week on a regular basis. You do not have to be an expert reader yourself – warmth and enthusiasm go a long way. Do please contact Mrs Donaldson at school (836 3175), if you would like to be involved in this great activity. You will really enjoy working with the children and the other adults.


A copy of our school complaints procedure is available at the office.


Pupils may purchase stationery before school and after school each day. Stationery Packs: Y7 and Y8 $30.00, (excluding spelling book).


Photographs will be taken on Tuesday, 11th March. These will be on a pre-paid basis. Order forms will be distributed soon.

COKE, RED BULL, V, etcetera

Coke, Red Bull, V, etcetera are not allowed to be brought to school by the children as we are teaching healthy alternatives, as you are at home. Your co-operation would be most appreciated.

We have three breaks during the day, every 1 ¼ hours, so there are plenty of opportunities for drinks from the water fountains.


Children can only go to the shops on their way to and from school. No child is to go to the shops during the school day (8.50am – 3.15pm). Those children catching a school bus home are to remain at school from 3.15pm until they get on their bus.


The camp will be held at the Marine Education Recreation Centre at Long Bay from Monday, 19th May to Friday, 23rd May. The focus of the camp is on water and land based activities such as sailing, canoeing, abseiling, etcetera. The cost of the camp is approximately $275.00. More details in due course.


The dates are Wednesday, 26th March to Friday 28th March. The cost is around $200.00, an information letter is enclosed.


Mr McLeay is our instrument and orchestra teacher. Lessons are available for clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone and euphonium. Some instruments are available from Mr McLeay. Others may be hired from music firms, Mr McLeay has details. If you are interested fill in the form below.


Music Lessons (Mr McLeay) – Return To Office

Name…………………..…………………. Room.…….. is interested in ……………………….. (instrument).



Larissa Kuznetsova-McPherson is resuming piano classes again for 2008. Larissa is a registered and qualified piano teacher (BMus, Master of Music, AIRMT NZ) with 24 years experience. Larissa provides a stimulating and friendly learning environment for her students.

For further information contact Larissa on 838 3855 or 021 1139813.


Once again we will be offering Hip Hop tuition at lunchtime in the hall. The cost per lesson is $4.00 to be paid in a lump sum for the term. The classes are heavily booked so it is first in first served. Class size is limited to 15 students. Don't miss out. Fill in the slip below and send it along with payment as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.


Hip Hop Dance Lessons – Mrs Brooks

My child, ………………………………..………., Rm…...... may attend the Hip Hop classes. I have enclosed payment of $36.00 for 9 lessons.

Signed………………………...... …….. (parent/guardian).



We will be running an after school homework centre.

When? Monday, Wednesday and Thursday

Time? 3.30pm – 4.30pm

Where? Library

Start? Monday, 11th February 08

Students need to bring homework and diary. Students must have permission to attend. Limited places are available at this stage.


Please return to: Mrs Donaldson or Mr Fatialofa

My child, ………………………………..………., Rm…...... has permission to attend the after school homework centre.

Signed………………………...... …….. (parent/guardian).



The Tuck Shop price list is enclosed. Please note that due to bad debts in the past, the tuck shop is unable to provide lunches on credit.


We have received a report of a young male driver of a gunmetal grey car, trying to force a girl of secondary school age (15/16/17) to get into his car. The Police were contacted. This would be a good time to go over your ‘Stranger Danger’ instructions to your children – irrespective of their age.


Wednesday, 27th February. A must show performance for all to see. The show highlights important aspects of our WISH (Working In Social Harmony) programme.

Cost per child is $3.00. Please send this money along with your child’s classroom teacher as soon as possible.

David Crickmer, Principal

Community Notices


The mobile ear clinic is a free service for pre-school and school age children (birth – 18 years of age). All ear clinics are by appointment only, please phone Wendy on 839-0546. Hearing tests are not carried out in the mobile ear clinic. For hearing and vision tests please phone Wendy on 839-0546 for an appointment.


There is a partial eclipse of the sun on Sunday, 7th February 2008. The eclipse begins at 4.48pm and lasts till 6.51pm.

Children can suffer permanent damage to their retina, even blindness. If they look at the sun directly as an eclipse as an eclipse is happening, or look through a camera view finder or through binoculars. They need to wear special eclipse glasses if they want to watch the eclipse happening. Sunglasses, no matter how expensive, will not protect their eyes.


explores ways for parents to build good relationships

& positive behaviour in their children.

Family Works Northern, Waitakere

3 Montel Avenue, Henderson (off Great North Road)

Date: February 13th – April 16th (10 weeks)

Time: 9.30am to 12.00

Cost: $30 per person (waged)

$40 per person (unwaged)

* Limited Childcare Available

To register or for more information call 835 1288.

Parenting Through Separation Course.

A free two session programme for parents who are going through or considering separation and would like to help their children come to terms with the many changes that are involved.

Family Works Northern, Waitakere

3 Montel Avenue Henderson, (off Great North Road)

Evening Course: Mon Feb & March 3rd