Steering Committee Application

The Williamson County Young Professionals Steering Committeeisseeking nominations for the 2015 Steering Committee. Return completed application by November 3, 2014to . For questions call 615-771-1912.




Phone: ______

Email: ______

Nominated by (self or other):______

Community Involvement: ______

Chamber Involvement: ______

Attributes that would make you or them a good steering committee member: ______

Why do you or they want to be on the Williamson, Inc. Young Professionals Steering Committee? ______


Williamson, Inc. Young Professionals are dedicated to uniting young professionals by encouraging them to FOCUS, CONNECT and ENGAGE in Williamson County.

Steering Committee:

Length of term: One year

Time commitment: Must attend monthly steering committee meeting per month. Attend Focus and Connect meetings.

A Steering Committee Member is tasked with approving and directing the young professional’s vision and mission by working with all appointed Chairs. The Steering Committee is tasked with heading up special projects, voting and selecting all Chairs, and holding all Chairs accountable in their roles. Steering committee members will be appointed to head up individual events such as the annual mixer, holiday party or communications.


Length of term: One year

Time commitment: Must attend one steering committee meeting per month. Attend Focus, Connect and other meetings as needed.

The Chair proposes policies and practices, presides over meetings, works with other chairs, submits various reports to the Williamson County Chamber board and performs other duties as the need arises.

The Chair is the primary liaison between the Williamson, Inc. Young Professionals and Williamson County Chamber of Commerce Board. The Chairmeets periodically with the chamber president and or other chamber staff members.

Primary responsibilities:

  • Coordinate with Lipscomb and Belmont on speakers for events
  • Opens and closes monthly meetings
  • Schedules monthly meetings with steering committee
  • Encourages committee’s role in strategic planning
  • Works with steering committee to appoint individualsteering committee members to coordinate the annual mixer, holiday party and communications.
  • Hold chairs accountable for their performance
  • Discusses issues confronting the organization with Williamson County Chamber of Commerce leadership.
  • Coordinate professional development opportunities for the steering committee.
  • Collaborate with other young professional organizations to partner on events (with vice-chair).

Vice-Chair (Chair-Elect):

Length of term: Two years– Vice-Chair (one year), to Chair (one year)

Time commitment: Must attend one steering meeting per month. Attend Focus, Connect and other meetings as needed.

The Vice-Chair assists the Chair with all programs, initiatives and other duties as needed, oversees all development of new initiatives and assists Chair(s) in all scopes and duties whenever possible or requested. In the absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chair oversees membership meetings or other meetings where Chair is needed.

Primary responsibilities:

  • Assist in coordinating meeting locations for monthly meetings for the next year. May work with networking chair
  • Participate closely with Chair to develop and implement new initiatives
  • Fulfill duties on Chair in the event of absence or vacancy
  • Participates closely with Chairs to develop and implement plans
  • Support Chair’s responsibility to monitor overall governance
  • Performs other responsibilities assigned by committee
  • Collaborate with other young professional organizations to partner on events (with chair).


Length of term: One year

Time commitment: Must attend one steering meeting per month. Must attend all networking events.

Design and execute networking events that unite young professionals in Williamson County, facilitate the interaction of those members looking to network, and in general, create an overall atmosphere that supports networking. All events must be approved by steering committee.

Primary responsibilities:

  • Coordinate and plan 6-12 monthly Connect events, which includes location and any specials for the event.
  • Provide updates to Chamber leadership of upcoming events and report on past event.
  • Be present to serve as moderator/host at any networking event, or coordinate with another alum to serve in your place should you not be able to attend.
  • Create network committee to assist in duties as needed.


Length of term: One year

Time commitment: Must attend one steering meeting per month. Must attend all philanthropy events.

Seek out and execute service at least one charitable event for the young professionals of Williamson County. Events will be designed to support worthy charitable and service oriented, non-profit organizations in ahands-on effort to give back to our community and foster an atmosphere of selflessness, charity, and service by young professionals. All events must be approved by steering committee.

PhilanthropyChair (continued):

Primary responsibilities:

  • Coordinate at least one philanthropic event for young professionals to participate in.
  • Seek out and build relationships with local non-profits.
  • Provide updates to steering committee of upcoming events and report on past event.
  • Coordinate member involvement of events and insure service organizations are 100% satisfied with outcome.
  • Handle social media for each event.
  • Create philanthropy committee to assist in duties as needed.

Social Media Chair:

Length of term: One year

Time commitment: Must attend one steering meeting per month. Attend Focus, Connect and other meetings as needed.

Maintain the proper image for Williamson, Inc. Young Professionals through social media. Coordinate with attendees to post pictures and promote upcoming events. Ensure the integrity of the group on all online platforms.

Primary responsibilities:

  • Promote all upcoming YP events with Chamber staff
  • Provide photo and event updates from past events
  • Maintain a high standard of integrity for Williamson, Inc. YP social media presence
  • Work with staff to make sure only approve content is promoted and advocated