Pre CalculusHonors Course Expectations
Mrs. Sublette
Web address: (access via EastHigh School website)
Grade will consist of homework, quizzes, tests, projects/investigations and POW.
Homework, Tests, and Quizzes(Homework, 20%)Doing math is a very important part of learning math, therefore, homework will be assigned almost everyday. Homework will be corrected and discussed the next day. The odd numbered exercises have answers in the back of the book. The solutions manual is available for your use in the classroom and in math resource. Homework will be collected when needed. Assignments will be scheduled in advance and distributed. They are also posted in my classroom, in math resource, and on my webpage (accessed via the EastHigh School website).
Tests and quizzes will be given when needed. Tests will be announced before they will be given. Quizzes will be both announced and unannounced. Tests and quizzes (60%) will be the majority of the grade.
- Projects/Investigation, 10%
Projects will occur throughout the year and will sometimes be completedin groups.
- Problem of the Week, 10%
Problem of the weekwill be given every two weeks, 7 of 9 must be done first semester and 7 of 9 in second semester.Problem of the Week will be given every other Tuesday and due in two weeks. These problems will be based on what is being taught in class, or on other topics that are appropriate to the class. The students need to explain their thinking as thoroughly as possible. They will be graded on how well they explain their thinking, not only on the correct answer. If an explanation is not acceptable the students will have one week to improve their explanation.
- Extra credit
Extra credit will be offered each nine weeks; however, extra credit points will only be rewarded to students having all homework completed.
Materials expected in class each day: textbook, binder/folderfor keeping handouts, graph paper, calculator with graphing ability—TI83 plus or TI84, and pencils. A Pencil must be used on all tests and quizzes!!!
Course Guidelines:
- Grading scale:The grading scale is 90-92 A-; 93-97 A; 98-100A+. 80’s are B’s, 70’s are C’s, etc. with the same cutoffs in the ten point ranges to + and -.
- Grade printouts: A computer printout of individual grades will be sent home for EVERY student at progress report time. The approximate dates for these are September 16, November 18, February 6, and April 21. Parents please note these dates and ask to see your child’s midterm grade printout. In addition to these dates, students will receive a grade printout after every major test. Tests will be scheduled and posted on my web page. To access your grades via the Internet sign up in the office for PowerSchool. This will enable you and your parents to view your grades online.
- Parent contact information:I encourage you to contact me at any time regarding concerns about your children. I can be reached by phone before or after school at 376-4348. I can also be reached by email: .
I look forward to visiting with parents at the open house on Thursday August19 from6:00 – 8:00 PM.
- Late Work: Homework is to be completed within assigned deadlines. No late work is accepted. Should you have extenuating circumstances that keep you from being able to turn work in on time, it is your responsibility to personally discuss your special circumstances with me prior to the deadline.
- Make-up Work: When absent, in accordance with the East handbook, you have the number of days absent to complete make-up work, quizzes, and tests. All assessments missed due to absences are to be completed in Math Resource. These need to be completed within a few days of returning to school. If not, a zero will be given. If you have questions regarding missed work simply see me.
Classroom expectations
1. Show respect for yourself and others at all times!
2. Enter the classroom promptly, be seated and prepare for instruction.
3. Come to class prepared daily.
4. Refrain from eating, drinking(water allowed)and texting during class.
5.Before the bell rings:
Use the restroom, go to the water fountain, and sharpen your pencil
If student fails to adhere to outlined expectations:
First offenseConference with student
Second offenseAfter school Detention
Third offenseAfter school Detention and phone call to parent or guardian
Severe disruptionImmediately sent to the dean’s office
It is important for students to get to class on time. When a student is late to class it disrupts the entire class. Please be on time!
Cheating is a very serious offense and will not be tolerated. Per the school policy:
First offenseZero for the assignment or test
Second offenseFailure of the class for the Nine weeks
I understand the course syllabus presented to me and that I am responsible for my performance in this class.
Student signature______
Parent signature______
Mrs. SublettePreCalculus Honors2010/2011