Survey of Currently Enrolled Students

We are conducting a survey of currently enrolled students such as yourself so that we can determine how to provide better service to you and future students. Please indicate your response to the following multiple choice type questions by blackening the appropriate answer(s) on your answer sheet using a number 2 pencil.


  1. Mark the response which best describes your current program of study:
  2. Skilled
  3. Technical
  4. Health
  5. Business
  1. Check the appropriate blank to describe your enrollment status at Valdosta Tech:
  2. Part-time day
  3. Full-time day
  4. Part-time evening
  5. Full-time evening
  6. Off-campus class
  1. In addition to going to technical school, I am:
  2. Working
  3. Not working
  1. If you answered A in #3 above, how many hours do you actually work each week:
  2. Less than 7 hours per week
  3. 7-15 hours per week
  4. 16-24 hours per week
  5. 25-29 hours per week
  6. 30 or more hours per week

For questions 5 and 6 below, please indicate by choosing only one answer for the eight choices given.

  1. IF YOU WORK, what type of business do you work for: (IF YOU DO NOT WORK, please skip to question #7.
  2. Fast food restaurant
  3. Other type of restaurant
  4. Retail store
  5. Service store (auto repair or parts store, laundry, etc.)
  6. Professional office (accounting, real estate, attorney, doctor’s office, etc.)

  1. Continued from #5 above—type of business that you work for:
  2. Bank or other financial institution (credit union, savings and loan, brokerage firm, etc.)
  3. Manufacturing firm (boat manufacturer, textile manufacturer, other assembly work, etc.)
  4. Other
  1. Presently I live:
  2. Alone
  3. With parents or guardian
  4. With roommate
  5. With children and/or spouse
  1. Are you a single parent with primary custody of your children?
  2. Yes
  3. No
  1. What was/were your objective(s) in enrolling at Valdosta Tech? (Check all that apply in questions 9 and 10.)
  2. To continue my education after high school
  3. To obtain skills to help find a job
  4. To improve skills or learn skills to get a better job
  5. To change careers
  6. To increase my chance for promotion
  1. Your objectives (continued):
  2. It was required by a special program (ex: vocational rehab, probation, etc.)
  3. To utilize VA benefits
  4. My parents wanted me to
  5. Required by Peach counselor
  1. What influenced your final decision to enroll at Valdosta Tech? (Check only one.)
  2. They offered the program I wanted or needed
  3. It is close to home
  4. It is affordable
  5. A friend recommended Valdosta Tech
  6. Other
  1. What alternative did you consider prior to enrolling?
  2. College
  3. A job
  4. Military
  5. A specialized short-term job training program
  6. Other Technical College

  1. Mark all the following student services from which you have received assistance at nay point prior to or during your enrollment
  2. Remedial or developmental studies classes
  3. Financial aid department
  4. Handicapped counselor
  5. Adult literacy or GED classes
  6. Job placement
  1. Indicate any type(s) of financial assistance which you receive to help you attend school
  2. Pell grant
  3. JTPA/Peach
  4. Veteran’s assistance
  5. HOPE scholarship
  6. Other scholarship or loan
  7. No aid received
  1. If you are receiving financial assistance, would you have to drop out of school if you did not receive this aid?
  2. Yes, I would have to drop out.
  3. No, I could stay in school.
  4. Not sure
  5. No aid received/does not apply
  1. Information and assistance I received from the admissions office prior to enrolling was
  2. Excellent, extremely helpful
  3. Somewhat helpful
  4. Fair
  5. Poor
  6. No opinion
  1. The assistance I received during registration was:
  2. Excellent, extremely helpful
  3. Somewhat helpful
  4. Fair
  5. Poor
  6. No opinion
  1. Overall, the instructors I’ve had have been:
  2. Well-trained and competent
  3. Adequately trained
  4. Somewhat lacking in training and competence
  5. Very poorly trained and incompetent
  1. The curriculum (program course content) is
  2. Excellent
  3. Good
  4. Adequate
  5. Poor
  6. No opinion
  1. Did you request employment assistance from the Valdosta Tech Job Placement Office:
  2. Yes
  3. No
  1. The assistance which I received from Job Placement was:
  2. Excellent
  3. Good
  4. Fair
  5. Poor
  6. No opinion
  1. Overall, the graduates of Valdosta Tech:
  2. Are highly skilled and trained.
  3. Have average skills and training.
  4. Lack adequate skills and training.
  5. Are under-skilled and poorly trained.
  1. Overall, the staff at Valdosta Tech is:
  2. Highly trained and very competent.
  3. Adequately trained and competent.
  4. Somewhat lacking in training and competence.
  5. Incompetent and very inadequate in training.
  1. Overall, the equipment and facilities at Valdosta Tech:
  2. Are highly technical, state of the art
  3. Are adequate.
  4. Are inadequate; need some improvement.
  5. Are outdated, need much improvement.
  1. Overall, the students at Valdosta Tech:
  2. Are of above average intelligence.
  3. Are of average intelligence.
  4. Are of below average intelligence.
  1. What is the MAIN PURPOSE of a technical college in your opinion?
  2. Help attract more business and industry to the area.
  3. Retrain people who are working but need to improve skills or change jobs.
  4. Train people for entry-level jobs.
  5. Provide additional education opportunities for people who cannot go to college.
  6. Give the high school dropout another chance.
  1. Overall, my impression of Valdosta Tech is:
  2. Excellent
  3. Good
  4. Fair
  5. Poor
  6. Extremely poor
  1. How do you feel when you discuss or talk about your experiences or involvement with Valdosta Tech to a close friend:
  2. Proud
  3. Happy/enthusiastic
  4. Embarrassed/ashamed
  5. Resentful
  1. Mark any or all of the statements in which you AGREE. (If none, omit question and move to number 30).
  2. Bus transportation should be provided from your community to Valdosta Tech
  3. A child care center should be provided on campus at Valdosta Tech
  4. Valdosta Tech should offer more weekend courses
  5. Valdosta Tech should offer more evening courses
  6. Valdosta should offer courses in the community at a high school, community center, etc.
  1. Prior to attending, I heard about Valdosta Tech from:
  2. Friends, relatives, or current or previous students
  3. Newspapers
  4. Radio and/or TV
  5. High school counselor or Valdosta Tech Representative
  6. None of the above
  1. What time would you prefer to attend school at Valdosta Tech
  2. 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. (usual school day)
  3. 8 a.m. to 12 noon (morning)
  4. 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. (afternoon)
  5. 5:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. (evenings)
  6. Saturdays

Programs that may be offered at Valdosta Tech in the future are listed below in questions 32 – 38. Please mark those programs in which you would be interested or which you believe would be the most interesting to others in the future. Please limit your choices to 3 of the 35 programs listed.

  1. Possible program offerings:
  2. Aviation Mechanics
  3. Banking and Finance
  4. Bio-Medical Technology (Servicing medical equipment)
  5. Brick Masonry
  6. Business Machine Repair
  1. Possible program offerings:
  2. Millwright (Installation and repair of machinery)
  3. Plumbing
  4. Carpentry/Cabinet Making
  5. Commercial and Graphic Arts
  1. Possible program offerings:
  2. Data Processing Equipment Repair
  3. Dental Hygienist
  4. Dental Assistant
  5. Food Service/Culinary Arts
  6. Heavy Equipment Repair
  1. Possible program offerings:
  2. Automated Manufacturing (High tech machine operator)
  3. Interior Design
  4. Medical Lab Technician
  5. Law Enforcement/Security Guard
  6. Civil Engineering (Surveying/Drafting)
  1. Possible program offerings:
  2. Fashion Merchandising
  3. Telecommunications
  4. Photography
  5. Mortuary Science
  6. Paralegal
  1. Possible program offerings:
  2. Radiation Therapy
  3. Respiratory Therapy
  4. Registered Nurse
  5. Physical Therapy Assistant
  6. Dental Lab Technician
  1. Possible program offerings:
  2. Sewing Machine Repair
  3. Small Engine Repair
  4. Appliance Servicing
  5. Sheet Metal Fabrication
  6. Robotics
  1. Please indicate your marital status:
  2. Single Student
  3. Married Student
  1. Please indicate your race:
  2. American Indian
  3. African American
  4. Asian
  5. Hispanic
  6. White
  1. Please indicate your age:
  2. 18-25 years
  3. 26-35 years
  4. 36-50 years
  5. Over 50 years
  1. Please indicate your sex:
  2. Female
  3. Male

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