R.B. Stall High School

North Charleston SC 29418


Dear Parents & Student,

Welcome to the Stall High School Physical Education Program. We are looking forward to the opportunity of providing your child with a meaningful, quality experience. We believe Physical Education is more than games, sports, and fitness. The goal of our program is to help ALL students develop into physically educated individuals, one who has mastered the necessary movement skills to participate confidently in many different forms of physical activity and understands that both are intimately related to health and well being.

Our philosophy is “EVERYONE CAN.” We will see to it that all students, regardless of their athletic ability, will have a variety of opportunities in Physical Education and enrich their lives through physical activity.

Physical Education is important for many reasons. We at Stall High School believe that well planned physical education programs can help students establish lifetime patterns of wholesome and rewarding physical activities, and can help students understand the relationship of exercise, diet, rest, and relaxation to all aspects of health. It has been found that there is a direct link between Physical Education and academic learning. The healthy, physically active child is more likely to be academically motivated, alert, and successful. Furthermore, the child who is well educated physically is likely to become a healthy adult who will be motivated to remain healthy. To that end, Stall strives to follow the South Carolina Physical Education standards. The goals are movement skills and movement knowledge, physical fitness, self -image, and socially acceptable behavior.

Your support to our program is appreciated. We are requesting that you and your student read the information provided and SEND BACK THE BOTTOM PORTION OF THIS PAGE SIGNED BY BOTH YOU AND YOUR CHILD. If you have any questions please feel free to contact any one of us at Stall High School.


Physical Education Staff


Please sign and detach this portion.

I have read and understand Stall High School’s Physical Education syllabus and agree to follow the rules and regulations stated above.


Parent Signature Date Student Signature Date


1. Students are required to wear:

a. RB Stall navy PE shorts

b. RB Stall PE T-shirt

c. white athletic socks

d. tennis shoes that can be tied/fastened and are tied (no backless shoes allowed)

e. sweatshirt and sweatpants or windbreaker and wind pants when allowed for some outside activities.

2. All uniforms will be labeled with the students first and last name.

3. You must change clothes daily for physical education. If a PE uniform is not worn the student will have to complete a written packet coinciding with the activity his/her class is doing. Parent contact will be made after the 2 consecutive non-dress days. After the 5th non dress day a there will be a referral to administration and a 0 for the daily grade.


The PE department will offer rental uniforms. The rental uniforms cost $1 for a tshirt and shorts. The student must also leave their student ID with their teacher. Once the student turns in their uniform at the end of class they will receive their ID back.

Medical Excuses:

A parent or guardian’s note will not excuse a student from dressing for class. The note will excuse the student from participation in an activity. These notes are only good for three days. A doctor’s note is required after that time. Students are to dress everyday unless a doctor excuses him/her.

For doctor’s excuses longer than three days, students should still report to class unless the instructor has made other arrangements. Written work may be assigned to students so that a grade and credit for class work may be given. This work must be turned in on a regular basis. Please note that menstruation is not an excuse from participation in physical education class unless you have a physician note.

Please note: Parental contact will be made if your student does not dress for class, he/she is consistently late for class or tardy for roll, he/she is unruly, excessive absences, etc. This will be followed by referrals to the counselor and the administrator.


1.  Each student is to rent a school lock for a $5.00 deposit. Non-school locks will not be accepted. This is school property and we need to have access at all times.

a. Locks may be left on long lockers during class and you will have an assigned locker to keep belonging in once class is over.

b. Combinations will be given to the owner of the lock only, and locks will be opened for the owner of the lock only.

c. Lost locks may be claimed in their respective areas before or after class.

d. For health reasons, there should be no sharing of lock, lockers or uniforms.

2.  Use your lockers and lock up all materials on a daily basis.

a.  Please note: All IPADs will be collected and locked up by your teacher at the beginning of class. All other valuables must be locked in your locker!

Physical Education Grading Policy

30% of your grade is based on:

·  Workout Card Completion

·  Weight Progression

·  Practical Exercise Demonstration and Competency

·  Max-Out Completion

70% of your grade is based on:

·  Dress and participation

·  Attendance

·  Preparation for class

·  Effort

·  Initiative

·  Leadership

·  Cooperation

·  Sportsmanship

Each student can earn up to 10 points weekly. The weekly 10 points are comprised of two key elements: daily effort/participation, and progression in their workouts. Dressing out everyday, and completing workout cards will enable the student to earn the full 10 points.

Students have the opportunity to earn special Stall Weightlifting T-shirts by exhibiting excellent effort, showing consistent improvement, and winning weekly competitions.

If a student chooses to not wear his/her PE uniform for that day, he/she will be assigned a chapter out of a Strength and Conditioning textbook, and receive a “0” for the day. In addition, they will take notes from a specified chapter, and turn in at the end of class.

At the end of the nine weeks the points will be totaled for a grade based on the number of days the students have had physical education.

Stall High School Physical Education Department


1.  To provide an extensive array of activities with an abundance of opportunities for every student to be successful.

2.  To create a physical education program where students are totally accountable for their own actions.

3.  To allow students to give feedback and share ideas to enhance their program.

4.  To provide experiences that will enable each student to monitor desired gains.

5.  To provide experiences that give release from emotional strain and tension.

6.  To develop good social behavior with the other students.

7.  To allow students to experience competitive and non-competitive activities, as well as team and individual activities.

8.  To develop skill, interest, and the appreciation for the need of life-long learning activities and recreation.

Locker Room Conduct: There will be no:

1.  Rough play or fighting.

2.  Taking of other’s possessions.

3.  Vulgar language.

4.  Running or chasing.

5.  Lighting matches or lighters.

6.  Putting deodorant on others.

7.  Food or drink.

8.  Destroying school property.

9.  Stealing clothes.


1.  Leave all equipment alone until an instructor gives you the ok.

2.  Report all injuries immediately to the teacher.

3.  Discipline problems will be dealt with in accordance with Stall Discipline Plan.

4.  Check with PE office for lost items.

5.  Turn in all items that are found immediately to the teacher.

Daily Procedures:

1.  You must use the back hallway to enter the gym or locker room. You may not cut through the gyms.

2.  You are to be in the locker room before the bell to be on time, after the bell you will be sent to tardy sweep.

3.  You are to be completely dressed in uniform, including shoes and socks before leaving the locker room, don’t carry your shoes with you. You are to be dressed and in your uniform ten minutes after the tone has rung to avoid a tardy. Three tardies is an unexcused absence.

4.  Please do not bring notes, books, and other materials into the weight room, unless otherwise instructed to do so.

5.  If you are absent it is your responsibility to find out what material you missed and what make-up work may be done.

6.  No one is to leave class without permission from a teacher, this “skip” results in a referral.

7.  You will be given ample time to dress at the end of class. No one leaves the locker room before the bell unless they present a pass.

8.  All classes will report first to the weightroom after dressing into their PE uniform everyday for the workout.


1 uniform and a lock $25

2 uniforms and a lock $40

* The uniforms and locks are required and all students in physical education must purchase one!

**The PE Department is not responsible for any unlocked personal property!


1. Your IPAD must stay locked in you locker or in teachers cart during class. If we find IPADS laying

around they will be turned in to administration.

2. If your IPAD is stolen or misplaced, please notify your teacher immediately.