June 2015
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
Change is a challenge. We like things to be the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. But what we must realize is that that only One who remains the same always is our Lord Jesus Christ. (See Hebrews 13:8.) Change is very much a part of life. I know how much I dislike change. It is so much easier when the routine of the day remains the same. It is more comforting to know that the way things were done yesterday will be the same as the way it is done tomorrow. But that is not the way of this world. Change is all around us. In one of our favorite hymns, we sing, “Change and decay in all around I see; O Thou who changest not, abide with me.” (LSB #878 vs. 4)
Why do I start with the thought of change? We are changing the way that we do the Troy Lutheran. It will still be published each month. The change is that this is the last issue of the Troy Lutheran to be mailed out to all the members of the congregation. Starting next month, we will be posting the Troy Lutheran on the Church website. You will be able to go to and find the “About Us” tab, under which you will see the “Troy Lutheran” tab. You will be able to click on that tab and see the newest Troy Lutheran. We will be sending out an email blast to all those we have emails addresses in order to let you know it is available. (Please email Kathy so she has your email: ) Those who have signed up for a hard copy will receive those in the narthex of the church. There will be a box with the Troy Lutheran in it. Each Troy Lutheran will have a label with the name of the family receiving the hard copy. You will need to pick up your copy. It will NOT be mailed to you. At the end of each month, those which have not been picked up will be recycled so that the narthex does not become overly cluttered. We will be mailing the Troy Lutheran to our shut-in members so they have the information of what is going on in their congregation.
Change – that is a change. Why are we doing it? It is a cost savings to the congregation. The Board of Elders, working with Pastor Schuessler, are trying to cut some of the costs. It costs about $150-200 a month to mail the Troy Lutheran. There is also the copier and paper costs to be figured in when counting the costs. As we are all trying to make the budget balance, the Elders are doing their part. So we have this change. It is also the way that most congregations and organizations are going with their regular newsletters. I have not receive a hard copy of the Southern Illinois District monthly newsletter for several years now. St. Paul’s is moving into the 21st century. Another change! And people say that Lutherans can’t change. We can. It just takes us a while to get around to changing.
Summer is upon us. That is another change. School is on summer vacation. That means that we don’t see children in the building every day (unless the Daycare comes over and uses the gym). We also don’t see as many people coming and going to the offices. This is a change for us in the church and school offices. Change happens.
To go with summer are many activities. Here is a list of some of them:
- Vacation Bible School, June 15-18
- Summer sports camps, June 8-11, 20-23
- Troy Homecoming parade, July 24 (6:30) & 25 (6:00 )
- Ice Cream Social, August 23
There are a variety of other things taking place. You can read about those elsewhere in this Troy Lutheran.
Penny and I will be taking vacation at the beginning of June. During that time, we will be traveling on Amtrak which means that during the 1st week of June, I will not have easy access to my email. You can email me but I will only access it on Monday and Wednesday of that week. It would be best to call the church office and leave a message. Kathy will get hold of me. Of course, you can still call my cell phone (618)553-3133 in cases of emergency.
I will be having an Adult Information Class that leads to communicant membership at St. Paul’s and in the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. The dates of the classes are: Tuesdays, June 9, 16, Monday June 22, Tuesdays June 30 & July 7 from 1-3 p.m. each day. This class is open to anyone who wishes to know more about the LC-MS and St. Paul’s. Please email or call me to let me know if you are interested in joining the class.
This summer Penny & I will also be attending the National LWML Convention is Des Moines, IA June 25-28. Penny is serving as the Metro Central Zone delegate to the convention. This is the time when the LWML sets the biennial mite goal. It is exciting to be a part of these conventions. I just read that over 4,200 people have registered for this event. Should be fun connecting with women from around the nation.
We will also be going to the National 15, the LC-MS Lutheran Church Workers Gathering in New Orleans, LA July 12-16. Rachael Beckemeyer, our youth counselor, will be joining us at this event. Besides growing in our abilities and understanding of youth work, we will be given firsthand information about the July 16-20, 2016 National Lutheran Youth Gathering. We are excited to find out more about the Gathering. Mrs. Beckemeyer will also be able to see firsthand what will be taking place with the St. Paul’s Youth that are going to the Gathering.
I pray that you will have a great summer. I am looking forward to morning devotions on my porch and the relaxing that takes place before each day gets rolling. Just a little FYI for you: my health continues to improve. It is a challenge to get my zip back but it is coming. I ask that you continue to pray for my health. I know that because of the heart issues, I have been slower in taking care of some of my pastoral duties but even that is improving.
God’s joy and peace to you this summer. Enjoy the weather, the relaxing and the time to travel. I will see you in worship and Bible study throughout the summer. Don’t take a break from worship. You still need to grow in your faith.
God’s peace,
Pastor Schuessler
PASTOR & PENNY SCHUESSLER ARE dropping their land line (phone 667-1112) at the parsonage. You can contact Pastor on his cell 618-553-3133 and Penny on her cell 618-322-9824. Please make the change to your directory.
Scheduled Vacations – Kathy Brumm, church secretary, will be on vacation June 4th and June 5th. Pastor Schuessler will be on vacation June 1st through June 4th. If you do not reach someone at the church office by phone, please be sure to leave a message so we can get back to you as soon as we can. You can also send an email to either or . Pastor will be unable to access his email for much of his vacation.
Smoked Brisket And / Or Pork Loin – Make your 4th of July plan easy; let the Holy Smokers do the cooking for you! Just complete the order form indicating how many briskets or pork loins you would like. Place the order with Kathy in the Church office (667-6681) and provide a $25 deposit. Orders must be received by June 15, 2015. Then all you have to do is pick up your order on Saturday, June 27th, between 1 and 2 p.m. at the St. Paul’s Lutheran Church parking lot. Thanks for your support!
Men’s Breakfast is on Saturday June 13 and 27 from 7-8 a.m. at Troy Cracker Barrel. All men are always welcome! This is a great opportunity to get to know other men in the congregation and to grow in your life as a Christian man.
Vacation Bible School There is still a need for teachers, classroom helpers, art aides, game aides and general helpers for the June 15 – 18 Vacation Bible School. The theme this year is Camp Discovery: Jesus at Work through Us. Come and meet new friends while also learning and sharing Bible stories with the children! Time is 9:00-11:30 a.m. Contact Joy Tschudy (420-3296) if you wish to volunteer to help out with VBS. You may register online at You may also register at the same web address to help out at VBS.
St. Paul’s Teachers for 2013-14 were: Dr. Bruce McLaughlin (7/8 & Principal), Mrs. Ida Doyle (5/6), Mrs. Lauren McLaughlin (3/4 part time, Athletic Director), Mrs. Kathy Duensing (3/4 part time), Mrs. Melinda Fischer (1/2), Mrs. Laura Thomas (Kindergarten), Mrs. Amanda Daniels (PK-4 yr old), Mrs. Penny Schuessler (PK-3yr old), Ms. Allie Addicks (PK-4 aide & art teacher), Mr. Andy Novara (music), Mrs. Connie Liter (cook), and Ms. Linda Craig (school secretary). We thank you for what you have done for the Lord and the children this school year.
School Enrollment If you would like information about school enrollment; please call the school office at 667-6314. We are currently enrolling for the 2015-16 school year. If you know someone who might be interested, have them contact the school office. Preschool and/or Day Care enrollment are available too!
Thank you to all that volunteered in the school kitchen this past school year. Connie Liter
Box Tops St. Paul’s is still collecting Box Tops, let’s try and beat our total from 2015! There is a box in the narthex for collecting them.
PTL WISHES TO THANK so many folks for a successful 2014-15 school year. Thank you to our principal, teachers, office staff, cook, and all the faithful members who serve the school in various ways. We have been blessed in so many ways! We ask the Lord to be with you all and grant all a safe and fun summer. We also ask the Lord to grow our school both in size and spirit. We will be looking forward to an equally successful 2015-16 school year. Happy summer to you all!
Note: Next fish fry-August 28th!
At the Troy VFW
Ascension: We look up. My students always have the same answer to the question, “where is heaven?” They give a variety of similar meaning answers. “Up in the sky”, “In the clouds”, “Out in the universe”. It makes sense, when we talk about ascension. If you ride “up” to heaven on a cloud, to join your Father in heaven, heaven is up above the clouds.
The last couple weeks of school, teachers, students and parents spend more time looking up. I know I ask for extra patience from my God, when some of my students appear to already be on a mental “summer break”. I pray for safety as we all have so much running around to do. Looking up.
I am organizing the first summer of sports camps here at St. Pauls. All children are welcome from in and outside of our congregation or church family (call the school office for information 667 6314). I ask for God’s guidance for my athletes, coaches, and myself. Looking up.
In the end of my second year, I am a mix of emotions. If you ask my husband, he’ll tell you that I always am at this time of year. I am so proud of my students and yet don’t want to let them go. I am ready for a break, but will they remember all the things I worked so hard to help them prepare for the next year? Did I mention my own son graduates 8th grade and I have been spoiled to have him with me the last three years? Since I know pondering all these things will bring me nothing but stress, I look up. Isaiah has several verses that speak to lifting your eyes up to heaven. The “Author of Perfection” will not forget about me in my tiny thread in the fabric of life.
To wrap up, and get to my final point, I have my favorite question I ask my students. I ask them, “where is Jesus”. Of course, if you ask them this question in the same setting as Ascension, they will say, “in heaven”. However, I am confident that when you ask them they will answer, “everywhere”. I do not have to look up, down or anywhere. He is everywhere and with us at all times. That is the most important lesson I teach.
Mrs. Melinda Fischer
Teacher 1st & 2nd / at Saint Paul’s
Voters’ Meeting: The Voters’ Meeting to approve the 2015-16 Budget is on Sunday, June 14th at 11:45 a.m. in the church sanctuary. The Budget will be presented to the congregation following the worship services the weekend of June 6/7. The presentation will follow the format of the Congregational Study. All the Boards have been working hard to bring together a fiscally sound and financially feasible budget for the new fiscal year.
INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS: We will be installing the 2015-16 Church Officers and Board Members on Saturday/Sunday, June 20-21, 2015. You may attend Saturday service or either service on Sunday morning for the installation. This installation is for all newly elected officers/board members as well as returning officers/board members. If you are not able to be make the installation that weekend, please let Pastor know.
MUSIC MINISTRY PLANNING MEETING: It is time for the annual Music Ministry Planning Meeting on Monday, June 22nd at 6:30 p.m. This meeting will be for all those involved in the music ministry in the worship services of St. Paul’s.
SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS …coming to you….starting June 1st....SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL! Join us this summer!!
Thank you to everyone that contributed to recycling keys, eye glasses and tabs from soda cans. What a great job!
The Book Corner has many books available for members to check out. This is located in the narthex. There are many new books for you, make this part of your summer reading. You will want to read each book!
Women’s Bible Study - We will meet in the church kitchen Wednesday, June 3rd at 9:45 a.m. There will NOT be Women’s Bible Study on Wednesday, June 17 as Vacation Bible School is that week, June 15-18.
LWML News… The "in-gathering" for the month of June will be jars of peanut butter and jelly. This food is always a "blessing" to Ministries Unlimited, for it allows the ministry to assist families with children who are home for the summer months!
Last year, St. Paul's collected a total of 135 jars of peanut butter and jelly. This year, our goal is to increase that amount by 10, aiming at a total of 145 jars! If we all work together, we can make this blessing possible!
SID Golf Scramble – Monday, June 22, 2015 at 9:00 a.m.
Oakbrook Golf Club, 9157 Fruit Road, Edwardsville, IL
Pastors, teachers, lay members of SID Boards & Committees, spouses, your high school/college age children.
The cost is $24.00 with a cart for everyone
Lunch is provided by our local Thrivent Financial Rep.
Come and meet some new golfers! Come and have a good time! Teams will be chosen by drawing names from a hat. It would help for planning lunch if you would notify the district office (234-4767) if you were planning on playing.
SUMMER SPORTS FUN CAMPS are scheduled June 8th through July 2nd for boys and girls. Registration forms are available in the church & school offices. Week long camps are offered for volleyball and soccer.
TROY HOMECOMING FLOAT AND PARADE HANDOUT WORKDAY: We are working to get the St. Paul’s Lutheran Church/School float ready for the Troy Homecoming Parade (July 24/25). We will be working on the float on Sundays June 28 and July 12 beginning at 3:00 p.m. in the Ministry Center. We need lots of hands to stuff the tissue paper into the chicken wire. We will work each day for several hours. Come and help out for as long as you are able. All help is appreciated.
THANKS YOU SO very much for all the help for St. Paul’s Trivia Night. From the beginning with the planning, clerical and phone calls to the end with the last question of the evening. I hope a fun time was had by all. Ryan & Jenni Kaffer
June Birthdays & Anniversaries: June 1: Robbie Bindrim, Alex Harlow, Hannah Meyer, Ben & Keri Moore; 2: Maccenna Fischer, Tracy & Linda Taake, Erin Taylor, Danny Varland; 3: Steve & Ida Doyle, Jackson Moody, Alice Unger; 4: Brandon & Rachael Beckemeyer, Jill Corder, Brian Parizon, Rhonda Schaefer; 6: Michael Daniels, Emily Harlow, Nicholas Krueger, Zachary Lindow, Harold & Reba Mathis, Roger Taylor, Adam Wall; 7: Jane Leitschuh; 8: Donna Ponce, Jim & Shirley Rood, Andy & Lisa Schmitt, Kevin & Carol Wilderman; 9: Sue Ackerman, Jared Levo, Jason Powell, Alan Winte, Jonathan York; 10: Cory & Jackie Boeshans, Samuel Furfaro III, Todd Moore, Dave & Laura Thomas; 11: Tony & Karla Avers, Tyler Beuth, Larry & Pat Connaway, Justine Dochterman, Millie Eggemeyer, Luke Emmons; 12: Scott Craig, Mike & Amanda Daniels, Laurence Fischer, Glenn Gindler, Joshua Mesenbrink; 13: Karyn Sahs, William Stille, Anthony Warner; 14: Josh & Jenni Hunt,; 15: Tony & Linda Godell, John Koval, John & Carla Stille; 16: Jordan Felax, Sarah Niebruegge, Scott Sahs, Barbara Wehmeyer; 17: Brenden Benardin, Brianna Benardin, Hayley Hunt, William &
Jo Ann Krietemeyer; 18: Karen Missey, Carl Rhymer; 19: Bill & Carol Ackerman; 20: Shawndel Rose, Shawn & Andrea Schaefer; 21: Adeline Amen, Bradley & Lori Hasquin, Jared & Lauren Missey, Taylor Reese, John & Michelle Warner; 22: Abbi Meseke, DJ York; 23: Adam Craig, Phil & Claudia Loethen, Mark Schlemer, Pastor Mitchel & Penny Schuessler; Ephram Werner; 24: Donnie Fuhrhop, Ryan & Jenni Kaffer Sr.; 25: Tammy Fultz, Autumn Giger, Mackenzie Mallette, Becky McLaughlin, Simon Stock, Stephanie Stock, Steve & Laurel West; 26: Zachary Fiudo, Abbey Rose; 27: Lila Goedelman, Jean Sims, Brett & Kelly Sollberger, Terry & Carol Taake; 28: Andy Garnto; 29: Megan Lading, Tom Milkert; 30: Ryan Eberhart.