Kindergarten Term 4 2015 Curriculum Overview
- Using ordinal names from first to tenth and matching and reading ordinal numbers and ordinal words to 10th
- Using ten as a base when forming numbers to thirty
- Recording two-digit numbers
- Using a number line to order a set of numbers
- Representing numbers to thirty using numerals and words
- Sequencing events and using everyday language to describe the duration of activities
- Comparing two groups and describing ‘how many more’
- Recording and solving subtraction problems involving small whole numbers
- Describing the action of separating
- Recording subtraction formally and informally
- Counting backwards to subtract and explaining counting back as a strategy
- Stacking and packing blocks to fill a container
- Predicting what will happen to the water levels when different objects are submerged
- Comparing the capacities of two containers
- Solving simple everyday problems using problem solving strategies such as ‘act it out’ and ‘trial and error’
- Using the term ‘sharing’ to describe division
- Sharing collections of objects
- Modelling equal groups
- Determining which of two objects is heavier or lighter by hefting
- Determining which of two objects is heavier or lighter by using equal-arm balance
- Sorting 3D objects and describing the features of 3D objects using everyday language
- Representing and interpreting data displays made from objects and pictures
- Collecting data
- Interpreting information presented in data displays to answer questions
Speaking and Listening
- Oral news presentations(See Term 4 News Schedule)
- Class discussions
Reading and Viewing
- Phonemes (sounds)-THRASS methodology.
- Flying Colours-Literacy Program which focuses on Written Language-reading and writing, Oral language-listening and speaking, and Visual Literacy. Children participate in guided reading and independent activities
- Computer based reading and linked activities
- Modelled reading strategies.
- Literature based activities in class and library
- Home reading program-Students will read with teacher/parents 4/5 mornings a week.
Writing and Representing
- Modelled writing with focus on sound-symbol.
- Joint constructions of basic recounts and observations.
- Types of tests: Discussion, Recount, Explanation Information Report, Description and Procedure
- Writing conventions: Spacing-the use of finger spaces, Punctuation-the use of capital letters and full stops.
Orientation, sizing, directionality and fluency using- Rainbow writing
- Targeting Handwriting
- Overwrite charts
The HSIE and Science and Technology units will link with literature in the classroom incorporating lots of wonderful books, multimedia and drama.
LOTE (Japanese)
- Programmed by Mr David Pike
- Programmed by Mr Brad Allen
Visual Arts
Linked to:- HSIE- Celebration- Christmas
- Science and Technology-Seasons – Spring and What’s it made of?
- Programmed by Ms Rosemary Fogerty
- Programmed by Mrs Frances McLeod
- Role play
- Talking and listening
- Dramatic play
- Linked to Music and PE (programmed by Mr Brad Allen)
- In class experiences
Celebrations – Christmas
This unit provides opportunities for students to explore the customs and practices associated with the celebration of Christmas. The unit focuses on what celebrations mean to people, and the similarities and differences in the ways people celebrate.
Science and Technology
What’s it made of?
This unit provides opportunities for students to:
- explore familiar objects in their school and classroom environment
- use their senses to observe, describe and draw objects using everyday language to describe shape, size, colour and feel
- compare materials from which objects are made, observe their properties and explain how these are appropriate or inappropriate for particular purposes
- test different materials for water resistance and use their growing knowledge about materials and their properties to design outdoor weather-resistant objects
Programmed by Kindergarten teacher
We will focus on:- Accessing information
- Computer operations
- Logging on to classroom and computer lab computers
- Basic Software operations
- Word Processing and PowerPoint