One to one tuition: introductory training for tutors

A tool to support one to one tuition in Local Authorities

Audience: Local Authority one to one tuition leads

One to one tuition: information for tutors (photocopiable handout)

Why one to one tuition?

There are some children who, despite all best efforts, do not make the progress they need to make in whole class or even small group settings. Without an individualised approach it may be hard for these pupils to make the progress needed to achieve their full potential.

To support the needs of this group of pupils, the DCSF is implementing one to one tuition on a national basis, informed by lessons learned from the Making Good Progress pilot. One to one tuition in English and mathematics will be made available to pupils who are falling behind and are at risk of not making good progress in Key Stages 2, 3 and in National Challenge schools in Key Stage 4.

Who might be suitable for (who is eligible for) one to one tuition?

One to one tuition should be targeted at those pupils who are ‘stuck’ or ‘slow moving’ in all year groups across the relevant key stages.

The criteria for pupils who may be eligible for tuition are:

  • Pupils who entered the key stage below age related expectations
  • Pupils who are falling behind trajectory during the latter stages of a key stage
  • Looked after children who would particularly benefit from this support:

Selection must not exclude pupils because they are considered harder to reach and/or are considered to have behaviour issues.

In 2010-11, one to one tuition in English or mathematics will be a guarantee for every pupil in Key Stage 2 who entered the key stage behind national expectations and is not on track to make 2 levels of progress. In addition, year 7 pupils who entered Key Stage 3 at level 3 or below in English or mathematics will have a guarantee of one to one or small group tuition to help them back on track.

How does the model work?

The parameters for one to one tuition are:

  • One to one (not one to two or three)
  • 10 hours per pupil (plus funding for 2 hours liaison/planning/training)
  • Suggested minimum of one hour per session – though this can be flexed, for example to fit within a lesson period.
  • Delivered by a qualified tutor
  • Based on targets agreed between classteacher, tutor and pupil
  • Not a replacement for other intervention strategies or quality teaching
  • Can be delivered within or outside the school day

What is the purpose of one to one tuition?

Pupils who may benefit from one to one support include those:

  • who have been taught a skill but have failed to secure it
  • who have difficulty grasping a concept and transferring it into practice
  • whose learning has been hampered by a previous misconception

Its main purpose is to diagnose and address gaps in learning and misconceptions which may be deep rooted. It also provides a powerful opportunity to address personal and internalised processes and involves equipping the learner with appropriate strategies, new ways of thinking about a problem, self help routines.

It therefore should most often take the form of coaching learning with time spent discussing and modelling high value strategies which can be applied again across a variety of contexts.

What is the role of a one to one tutor?

The Tutor:

  • has a thorough understanding of what the pupil needs to be able to do to move forward
  • liaises effectively with the class teacher to determine learning needs
  • plans for a range of varied activities to engage the pupil and support learning
  • approaches planning flexibly to respond to changing pupil needs as learning develops
  • models and articulates good learning which focuses on both process and effective strategies
  • provides opportunities for pupils to talk, rehearse ideas and ask questions
  • involves the pupil in assessment which will help them acquire self- checking and self-help skills
  • praises successes and identifies next steps for development

One to one tuition : introductory training for tutors

A DCSF resource for Local Authorities

What is this resource?

This resource is offered to Local Authority tuition leads as a scaffolded introduction to one-to-one tuition and the associated pedagogy. It is intended to be used for initial training sessions for one to one tutors.

How might it be used?

The intention is for it to be adapted, customised and enhanced as appropriate by individual LAs in order to ensure that it is fully fit for purpose in the local context. There may be locally developed resources that can be added to the presentation, activities or delegate materials. Suggested timings are also offered but, again, these are for guidance only.

Each LA should also consider the structure of the audience for the training in order to inform where adaptations may be made, and emphasis placed. Tutors will come to one to one tuition via a variety of routes which will impact on their training needs. For example, current class teachers may be more aware of APP than those returning to teaching or currently tutoring privately. LAs should therefore seek feedback from tutors regarding their needs and use this information to inform the design of training, adapting this resource accordingly.

What does it cover?

There are four sections which can be used together, or separately:

Section 1: The context and parameters of one to one tuition;

Section 2: Working in partnership with class teachers, parents and carers, and pupils;

Section 3: Exploring effective pedagogy of one to one support;

Section 4: Local Authority systems, structures and contacts.

Timing / Contents / Resources
Section 1:
Context and parameters
25 minutes / Introduction and objectives
Context : national picture
Parameters for one to one tuition
Eligible pupils: criteria for selection / Slides 2- 12
Details of resources on CD
Section 2:
Working in partnership
55 minutes / Partnership with class teacher: liaison, using APP and setting targets
Partnership with parents and carers
Partnership with pupils / Slides 13-28
Details of resources on CD
Section 3:
The pedagogy of one to one tuition
65 minutes / The teaching sequence
Developing each of the seven elements of the sequence
Generic teaching strategies for effective tuition
The role of the tutor in session design
The role of the tutor during the session / Slides 30-44
Details of resources on CD
Section 4:
Systems and structures
25 minutes / LA systems and structures
School systems and structures: what do I need to know?
National and local support
Contacts / Slides 45-51
Action planning and evaluation / LAs own proforma

CD contents

  • Powerpoint presentation with detailed notes pages
  • Activity resources
  • Handouts

How do you access more information about one to one tuition?

teaching/school standards/mgppilot/oneto one/