You will need:Topic Rise of the Robots Theme 1: Meet The Robots!


/ You will need to collect… /

We will provide…

A list of websites can be obtained by clicking on session 1 resource. * Extra adults needed for this session.
1 / Ultimate Robot by Robert Malone (DK isbn 075660270x), Robots by Clive Gifford (Kingfisher isbn 0753408597), Robot by Roger Bridgman (DK isbn 1405303182) Robot costume (cardboard box covered in tin foil!) Internet access / Introducing the Robots!
Robot Responses! True of False?
2 / Ultimate Robot by Robert Malone (DK isbn 075660270x), Robots by Clive Gifford (Kingfisher isbn 0753408597), information books, contact details for local businesses that use robots
Access to internet / Then and Now comparison
3 / Ultimate Robot by Robert Malone (DK isbn 075660270x), Robots by Clive Gifford (Kingfisher isbn 0753408597), Robot by Roger Bridgman (DK isbn 1405303182) Internet access, information books. / Rescue Robots writing frame
3a / Access to computers & internet, information books / Robotic Heroes key words
Newspaper writing frame
4 / Ultimate Robot by Robert Malone (DK isbn 075660270x), Robots by Clive Gifford (Kingfisher isbn 0753408597), Robot by Roger Bridgman (DK isbn 1405303182) Roamer /
5 / Ultimate Robot by Robert Malone (DK isbn 075660270x), Robots by Clive Gifford (Kingfisher isbn 0753408597), Internet access / The Humanoids
6 / Enlarged map of the world on display board. Internet access, Information books, sticky labels/card, atlases/globe / International Robots internet links
6a / Atlases/globe, Suitcase could contain the following: sushi, kimono, a pair of slippers, example of writing or kanji (search websites for examples), a martial arts belt, a Buddha, some printed images from internet presented as postcards (Mt Fuji, bullet train etc), a flag, a map of Japan / A Taste of Japan
Information sheets
7 / Internet access, DVD/video player + DVD/video clips Robots, Star Wars, Toy Story etc, books, toys. Art materials could include paints, chalks, coloured papers, tin foil A3 paper / Robots clips web links
Nomination writing frame
Nomination example
8 / DVD/video player, clips of CP30, R2D2, K9, Cybermen, Daleks in action. Large drinks cup or yoghurt pot. Round plastic lid. Masking tape. Newspaper. Wallpaper paste, straws, paint, card, dowel rod, scissors, knife, video camera. List of robots
Access to internet / Dalek modelling
Famous and Fictional picture cards
Famous and Fictional web links
9 / Ultimate Robot by Robert Malone (DK isbn 075660270x), A moving wooden toy (handle turning type). Modern robotic device or picture of one. Access to computers & internet / Robot Beginnings web page writing frame
Important date fact sheet
10 / Black paper/material. Plank! Folded card stand-up decade labels (1900 to 2000 and also …2008). List of famous fictional robots from session 7. Access to the internet/information books / Chronological Conveyor
Teachers resource web links guide
11 / Examples of robot toys. New and old! Information books. Internet Access / Requesting Robots – a letter for home
Robot Response writing frame
Robot toy information sheet
12 / Camera (get the visitors permission to take pictures). Clipboards. / Talking Toys Question and Answer sheet
You will need:Topic:Rise of the Robot Theme 2: Robot Creations


/ You will need to collect… /

We will provide…

A list of websites can be obtained by clicking on session 1 resource. * Extra adults needed for this session.
1 / Ultimate Robot by Robert Malone (DK isbn 075660270x), Robots by Clive Gifford (Kingfisher isbn 0753408597), Robot by Roger Bridgman (DK isbn 1405303182). Robot-related resources. - toys, books, pictures. Shadows – robot toys, torches, desk lamps, soft pencils, charcoal. Contrasts – toy catalogues, landscape pictures, glue. Drawing From Life. Toy robots, toys, pencils, coloured pencils DVD: Toy Story 2 / Contrasts. Scale and Perspective Interpretations
Gentle or Scary
Joyner workshops
2 / Toy robots with posable limbs. Enlarged pictures of landscapes/historical scenes mounted on card.A donut shape. Artificial trees, bushes, etc. Torch. Oil pastels. Textured paper. Clean dishcloth. Cardboard box, card, pens, pencils, PVA glue Poster/acrylic paper / Interpretations
Scale and Perspective
3 / Ultimate Robot by Robert Malone (DK isbn 075660270x), From Ultimate Robot enlarge timeline pp10-11 & pp26-27; and pp28-29 Eye Witness Guide Robots. Collect background info. on space exploration of 1950s from website of Music: Fanfare for The Common Man / NONE
4 / If possible invite a graphic artist to talk to the children. ICT: Suitable graphics package. Card for a picture mount. Scissors Glue Decorative items for frame, e.g. foil, washers, nuts & bolts, etc. DVD: Robots. / NONE
5 / Ultimate Robot by Robert Malone (DK isbn 075660270x), Robots by Clive Gifford (Kingfisher isbn 0753408597), Robot by Roger Bridgman (DK isbn 1405303182). Ask chn/parents for lots of interesting scrap objects for making a life-size sculpture, e.g. tinfoil, large boxes, tins, buckets, cans, cutlery, tools, nuts and bolts, washers, teapots, etc. Digital camera/video recorder.A3 paper/sketching pencils / NONE
6 / Robots by Clive Gifford (Kingfisher isbn 0753408597), Rearrange classroom Large tarpaulin in centre.Scrap materials.Glue Scissors Sticky tape Protective aprons Digital camera or video recorder. Additional Adults. Create a robot gallery with invitations, advertising posters, catalogues, robot inspired snacks! / NONE
7 / Robot by Roger Bridgman (DK isbn 1405303182). Pneumatic toys, party blowers, swanny whistle, balloons, armbands, foot pumps, bicycle pumps, etc. Washing-up liquid bottles, 5mm diameter plastic tubing, balloons, sterile syringes. Enlarge p15 in Robot. Digital camera and/or video recorder / Robot letter to children
8 / How the Body Works by Steve Parker (DK isbn 0751308331),Photo of life-size robot holding part of pneumatic system.Simple pneumatic systems from sess 7.Jumping spider toy or similar.Balloons, Sterile Syringes, Tubing, Card, PVA glue, Masking/parcel tape, Construction kits / NONE
9 / Junk-modelling: silver foil, card tubes, construction kits, washers, nuts, bolts, metallic paint/spray, plastic pots, old whisks, colanders, masking tape, low-temp. glue gun, pipe cleaners. Resources for pneumatic parts (sess 7a). DVD/Video: Robots / NONE
10 / Ultimate Robot by Robert Malone (DK isbn 075660270x), Junk-modelling & pneumatic systems resources listed above. Text: Years 3 & 4 QCA document: Unit 3c Moving Monsters / Word Search
11 / NONE / Rewards ceremony and certificate
12 / Resources for storyboard: e.g. Large sheet white card.PVA glue. Scissors Photographs taken of stages of children’s work.Appropriate desktop publishing package if required. Coloured pens Coloured card Chn’s plans & notes Invitations / NONE

You will need: Topic: Rise of the Robots Theme 3 Robots Alive!


/ You will need to collect… /

We will provide…

A list of websites can be obtained by clicking on session 1 resource. * Extra adults needed for this session.
1 / Ultimate Robot by Robert Malone (DK isbn 075660270x), Robot by Roger Bridgman (DK isbn 1405303182).
Robotic/electronic toy that allows you to see inside. / Inside a Robot picture
Components Catalogue x2
2 / White coat, messy hair, glasses, a pocket full of pens!! Electricity resources: batteries, wires, bulbs, motors, buzzers. Collection of resources: Various samples of materials aim for five conductors and five insulators. / Circuit Diagrams
Circuit Symbols
Conductors and Insulators
3 / Light up robot toy or torch, Tin foil, Card, Paper clips, Split pins, Forks, Elastic bands, Packaging, boxes etc. Electricity resources: batteries, wires, bulbs, motors, buzzers etc. / Simple Switch ideas
Inventors notes
4 / Ultimate Robot by Robert Malone (DK isbn 075660270x), Robot by Roger Bridgman (DK isbn 1405303182). Chn’s pressure switch from previous session. Electricity resources: batteries, wires, bulbs, motors, buzzers etc. Light Sensors, smoke detector, matches! Internet access / Internet links
5 / Ultimate Robot by Robert Malone (DK isbn 075660270x), Aibo, Robosapien and/or access to internet, Tin foil, Shiny paper, Glue, Paints (grey/silver), Brushes/ Painting Equipment. Attractive coloured paper. (Plain wrapping paper would look good) Shoe boxes (cereal boxes could also be used) / Internet links
Robot Outlines
Making a Light Up box
6 / Electricity resources: batteries, wires, bulbs, motors, buzzers etc. OHP pens AIBO and Robosapien boxes created in previous session. /
Light It Up evaluation
7 / The Iron Man by Ted Hughes (Faber isbn 0571141498), Access to computers/or copy of The Iron Giant (dvd/video) /
7a / The Iron Man by Ted Hughes (Faber isbn 0571141498), drawing pencils / Iron Man Similes
Similes Maker
8 / Metallic Objects (nails, washers, tacks, bolts, nuts, hinges, keys, coins, wire, chain, tinfoil) Get chn involved as metal detectors at home! Sheets of card A4 Sheets of paper A4, Wax Crayons, Hot Glue Gun / NONE
8a / Recording of 1968 Steppenwolf song ‘Born to be Wild’/or similar. Large sheets of paper, wax crayons / NONE
9 / The Iron Man by Ted Hughes (Faber isbn 0571141498), Whiteboards and pens, Metal objects to investigate, Robot meal on tray or in a lunch box! (Metal objects laid out to look like food!) A glass of refreshing motor oil! / Menu Sheet
Menu Word Bank
10 / A compass, Magnets of different sizes and shapes. Materials to be tested: Magnetic and non Magnetic (include non magnetic metals: only iron and some iron alloys eg steel, cobalt and nickel that are attracted) / Magnets Recording Sheet
Lifting Magnet photograph
The Earth As A Magnet
11 / Magnets of different sizes and shapes. Paper clips, rulers / Experiment recording sheet
12 / Robots by Clive Gifford (Kingfisher isbn 0753408597), Thick card, Scissors, Split pins, Magnets, Paper fasteners, Paper, Construction toys – Meccano®. / How to make a moving arm

You will need: Topic: Rise of the Robots Theme 4 Take Control


/ You will need to collect… /

We will provide…

A list of websites can be obtained by clicking on session 1 resource. * Extra adults needed for this session.
1 / Robots by Clive Gifford (Kingfisher isbn 0753408597), Resources for making remote control: e.g. small cardboard boxes, black paint, silver foil, tops of milk cartons & toothpaste tubes, scissors, glue, sellotape, etc. Card. Image of a robot cut into body and head. Obstacles: e.g. benches, beanbags, cushions. / NONE
2 / For each child: clipboard; pencil, paper, chalk.To support less able: clock, card circle with degrees marked on it, umbrella. / NONE
3 / Ultimate Robot by Robert Malone (DK isbn 075660270x), Robots by Clive Gifford (Kingfisher isbn 0753408597), Roamer/floor turtle dressed as ‘robotic pet’ (e.g. fur covering with panel, dog ears cut out of fur material, plastic milk bottle top painted black for nose, eyes, wool whiskers, fluffy tail, furry feet)! Create home for robot pet - cardboard box/basket / NONE
4 / Resources for pet, e.g. blanket, water bottle, food bowl, lead, brush, etc. ICT: Roamer pet. Clipboards, paper and pencils to record work. / NONE
5 / ICT: Enough roamers for small groups. Short video of your ‘roamer pet’ moving, taken from an aerial view. Computer suite, LOGO control program that uses commands such as clearscreen, penup & pendown. Graph paper (cm²) / Examples of LOGO commands
6 / Enlarge or reduce mazes (session resource 6) and copy to acetates. ‘Commands’ card should be stuck to side of monitor, e.g. FD, BK, LT, RT, CS, Home, PU, PD, etc (see resources). (Optional: Best in Show ribbons made from card circles attached to ribbons) / Examples of LOGO commands
LOLG agility course mazes
7 / Robots! DVD TV/DVD player/remote control essential! / Teacher Guidance sheet to film music
8 / Robots! DVD (20th Century Fox). Robots! Soundtrack CD (Virgin Records).TV/DVD player/CD player. hall, mats. YOU MUST STRUCTURE THIS LESSON ACCORDING TO SCHOOL SAFETY PROCEDURES. If in doubt check with PE coordinator/SMT / NONE
9 / Robots! DVD. Robots! Soundtrack CD. TV/DVD player/CD player. Use of hall / More info about Robot City track
10 / Collection of real theatre leaflets/flyers advertising shows. Off-cuts of PVC pipes & rubber beaters/spatulas (optional, but fun!) / More info about Robot City track
Blue Man Group info sheet
Theatre Flyer format
Theatre Poster format
11 / Robots! Soundtrack CD (Virgin Records)/CD player. Collection of metal percussion instruments, e.g. triangle, cowbell, cymbal. Everyday metal objects to make own percussion with e.g. pans, lids, tins, coins. Wire, string etc to join items together quickly / Groups of Metal Percussion
12 / Homemade conductor’s baton, bowtie, black jacket/tailcoat! (optional). Chn’s metal percussion, made in S11. Audience & topic work/resources for a performance of key pieces. / Rhythm cards for metal composition

Rise of the Robots

Useful Websites

These websites have been checked, however, Hamilton Trust wish to stress that it is the responsibility of the teacher to check the web addresses provided before using them. While we do our best to ensure that the web addresses are accurate and stable it is imperative that teachers check them before using them with the children.

Meet the Robots

Good videos of robots in action

search for packbot and watch him climb stairs

story of a robot searching and Egyptian pyramid

Watch video of rescue robot

Robots in action!

See what Asimo is doing today!

The best robots around!

always popular, it’s the Daleks!

Robot Creations

Interview with Eric Joyner

See Joyner’s work

See the progress of one of Joyner’s paintings

Create your own canvas on a dishcloth

The Tin Toy Robot Art of Karl Egenberger

What would your class ask him?

Timeline of events in space during the 1950s