Dharavi Sudoku
Student tasks
Use the word bank to complete the two geodoku grids below:
Disease / Few jobs / No electricityNo sanitation / Overcrowding / Poor water supply
Disease / Few jobs / No electricity
Overcrowding / Disease / Poor sanitation
Overcrowding / No electricity / Poor sanitation
Disease / No electricity / Poor water supply
Poor water supply / Overcrowding / Poor sanitation / Few jobs
No electricity / Disease
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© 2016 AQA. Created by Teachit for AQA.
Dharavi Sudoku
Poor sanitation / Overcrowding / Poor water supplyNo electricity / Poor water supply / Poor sanitation / Disease
Few jobs / No electricity / Overcrowding
Overcrowding / Few jobs
Few jobs / Overcrowding / Poor sanitation
Poor water supply / Disease / Poor sanitation / Overcrowding
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© 2016 AQA. Created by Teachit for AQA.
Dharavi Sudoku
Teaching Notes
The rules of Sudoku are easy and probably well known to the students, although the six by six grids used in this resource is possibly less familiar. These two geodoku (a geography based Sudoku) grids use six key words/phrases linked to urban issues in LICs. The students need to place one of the six key words/phrases into each empty cell in the grid. Each row, column, and three by two boxes must contain only one of each of the six key words/phrases.
These two geodoku grids are set at an easy level. Students could be set a time limit if they find this puzzle too easy or you could ask them to design one themselves using the six key words/phrases.
Sudoku grid answers
Disease / Poor water supply / Poor sanitation / Few jobs / No electricity / OvercrowdingNo electricity / Few jobs / Overcrowding / Poor water supply / Disease / Poor sanitation
Overcrowding / No electricity / Poor water supply / Disease / Poor sanitation / Few jobs
Poor sanitation / Disease / Few jobs / No electricity / Overcrowding / Poor water supply
Poor water supply / Overcrowding / Disease / Poor sanitation / Few jobs / No electricity
Few jobs / Poor sanitation / No electricity / Overcrowding / Poor water supply / Disease
Disease / Poor sanitation / Few jobs / Overcrowding / Poor water supply / No electricity
No electricity / Overcrowding / Poor water supply / Poor sanitation / Few jobs / Disease
Poor sanitation / Few jobs / No electricity / Poor water supply / Disease / Overcrowding
Overcrowding / Poor water supply / Disease / Few jobs / No electricity / Poor sanitation
Few jobs / No electricity / Overcrowding / Disease / Poor sanitation / Poor water supply
Poor water supply / Disease / Poor sanitation / No electricity / Overcrowding / Few jobs
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© 2016 AQA. Created by Teachit for AQA.