Sutton Youth Soccer Board Meeting
Date: Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Re: Approved - Summary of Actions of the Board Meeting – September 29, 2011
Present: Absent:
Tom Costa, Interim President
Robert Farley, Vice President Joel Charity, Referee Assigner
Monica McMullan, Secretary & Mike Elster, Director of Training
Interim Director of Communications Lori Bigelow, Field Assigner
Damon Bigelow, Registrar
Tim Harrison, Treasurer
Shawn Rogan, U-8 Coordinator
Diane Beachman, U-6 Coordinator
Dave Westbury, Uniform & Equipment Coordinator
Keith Morganstein, Associate Training Director
Peter Viele, Director of Facilities
Next meeting: Thursday, October 27th, 2011 at 7:30pm, Sutton Town Hall
The Board of Sutton Youth Soccer, at its regular meeting held on Thursday, September 29, 2011, at the Sutton Town Hall, took the following actions:
1. Minutes: Approved the minutes of the meeting of August 25, 2011 as presented.
2. Treasurer’s Report: Review of Balance sheets for 2010 and 2011, Income Statement – Budget vs. Actual for year ended June 30, 2011 and Proposed Budget for Year ending June 30, 2012.
a. Proposed Registration Fee increase: U4 fees are to increase to $65.00 and U6 and up will increase to $75.00 Effective October 1st, 2011. Motion made to approve. Motion Approved.
b. Soccer Tickets (for Revolution games) Budget item at a cost of $2,500 was reviewed along with the Scholarships line item (no funds allocated). Discussion followed that this has not been used to its’ fullest potential and deemed as a “nice to have”. Most felt that the Scholarships were more important. Motion made to remove Soccer Tickets and re-allocate $1000 to the Scholarship fund. Motion Approved.
c. Website Budget item currently at $1,000. Motion made to increase this to $1,200. Motion Approved.
d. Field Maintenance discussion on costs as it pertains to the extra usage from the schools. No changes proposed for this budget item.
e. Tom Costa to ask the schools to absorb the cost for renting the gymnasiums for the Kicks for Cancer event and Picture day.
f. A modified Budget for year ending June 30, 2012 is forthcoming. Tim Harrison to complete the changes.
g. The search for a new treasurer continues. Tim Harrison will continue in his current role until such time someone is found to fill the position.
3. Motion made to place an Ad in the Sutton High School Year book. Motion Approved.
4. Registration System. There is a new platform available from MAYS called Sports Manager. We are required to be on this system for the next season.
a. Registration is open as of October 3rd, 2011. Registration will close December 15, 2011 for U10 and up. All players will be waitlisted after that date.
b. Registrar Damon Bigelow to send a weekly message to all players in the system from Spring 2011 and Fall 2011. Registrar will close registration as of December 15th, 2011.
c. U6 & U8 Coordinators Diane Beachman and Shawn Rogan and Programs Director Rob Farley to communicate the Registration opening and deadlines to all coaches immediately.
d. Interim Communications Director Monica McMullan to contact the Town Hall to update the sign in the center of town along with the sign at 146 with SYS registration open message. Will also contact Cable Community Access to keep the notice up until December 15th.
e. Interim President Tom Costa to contact the Schools to inquire about having a link on the school websites.
5. Fields update: A general summary of field status and future plans commenced with the following results.
a. SYS will continue to have/use the U6 fields at St Marks Parish and the Congregational Church. The U8 field at the Elementary school will continue to be used until / unless construction of the baseball field interferes.
b. Memorial Field 1 will be kept open next spring and summer with Field 2 being closed for play in the spring and summer.
c. Nets and Poles – Field 3 poles and nets will be put in when the fields are dry (or frozen). SYS could possibly obtain the poles for free from National Grid. Field 1 & 2 Nets are slated for spring 2012.
d. Future plans for Memorial fields were discussed with the following results:
· a gate will block cars from driving up to the fields.
· Improvements to the walkway leading up to the fields (close the right hand pathway permanently).
· Fence repairs (chain link) need to take place immediately. There is already damage to the new fencing. The fencing in the parking lot will need attention soon as well.
· Request made to add a trash can at Hough Rd (near the portable toilet).
· Request to add hand sanitizer to all portable toilets.
e. The well at Hough road is running properly now after much work. All fields are being watered okay.
6. Website Demonstration: by Stan Birdwell. Stan may be contacted at Stan also designed the website for St. Mark’s Parish ( and recommended we review this site for ideas. A preliminary design and discussion was had by all. Stan will be using Drupal to design the website. A sub-committee was created to bring the website to completion. Members to include Tom Costa and Monica McMullan.
7. Sponsors: When we last discussed this subject, we wanted pricing on solid signage for the fields (not vinyl). Shawn Rogan brought an example of a vinyl sign that lasted several seasons at the field (after being taken down for winter). Also a list of fundraising items from Graffiti Works to be considered for future fundraising efforts. Can we please ask Shawn Rogan and Keith Morganstein to acquire pricing for solid signs that will last longer than 2 years?
8. Sutton Youth Soccer Uniforms. Discussion held regarding cost and the effectiveness of collecting the shirts for U4-U8 from fall to spring. Due to the need to order shirts well ahead of the spring season it is not easily managed. Children in these age groups are registering right into the new season so it is difficult to know exactly how many to order. Some of the action items that came from this are;
a. Coaches to let kids/parents know that they need to keep these shirts for spring. They will not be issued new ones. Most kids return for the spring so this should not be an issue. Most teams only have 8 or 9 players. Each coach should have at least 2 shirts left over.
b. Coaches should hold onto the 2 or 3 extra shirts, the Uniform & Equipment Coordinator, Dave Westbury will need to order 4 shirts per country for the spring (2 girls/2 boys). The board will revisit this in February to discuss what to order.
c. No action necessary for the U4 Shirts, there are plenty on hand.
d. The cost for U10 and up uniforms is as follows: $28.00 Shirt, $24.00 Shorts, and $7.00 Socks. All items are purchased separately. There is no longer a price break for ordering a complete uniform.
9. The Board schedule was discussed due to some time discrepancies and dates. The following schedule has been proposed for the 2011/2012 soccer year;
Thursday, July 28th, 2011 – 8:00 PM
Thursday, August 25th, 2011 – 8:00 PM
Thursday, September 29th, 2011 – 7:30 PM
Thursday, October 27th, 2011 – 7:30 PM
Thursday, November 17th, 2011 – 7:30 PM
Thursday, December 15th, 2011 – 7:30 PM
Thursday, January 26th, 2012 – 7:30 PM
Thursday, February 23rd, 2012 – 7:30 PM
Thursday, March 29th, 2012 – 7:30 PM
Thursday, April 26th, 2012 – 7:30 PM
Thursday, May 24th, 2012 – 7:30 PM
Thursday, June 28th, 2012 – 7:30 PM
a. The Strategic planning meetings will be held starting after the January 26th meeting. One hour will be allocated at the end of January, February and March meetings for those members that would like to participate in this very important planning for the future of SYS. Peter Viele will have a preliminary document for our review prior to the first meeting so that it may be reviewed and members will have time to ruminate on the information.
10. An update for the U6/U8 Kicks for Cancer event. The event is scheduled and has been communicated to the community. No Games will be held on October 29th the day before the event.
11. A new president will need to be elected by December 31st, 2011.