Use the correct quantifier “all,” “some,” or “no,” or to complete the statement.
1)______polygons are triangles.
2)______squares are quadrilaterals.
3)______quadrilaterals are triangles.
Write a conditional statement for . . .
4) All birds have wings.5)
Given:p: The angle is a right angle.
q: It’s measure is 90.
6)Write the statement in words. q p
Is this statement true or false?
Therefore, you can write a ______.
Do it! ______
7)Use the given information from #6 to write the statement in words. p q.
“If today is Saturday, then there is no school.”
8) Write the negation of the conclusion.
9)Write the converse of the statement.
10) Is the converse true or false? If it is true, write a biconditional. If it is false, give a
"If I go to an out-of-state school, I'll have to pay for it myself."
11) Contrapositive:
12) Converse:
13) Inverse:
“If two coplanar lines are parallel, then they don’t intersect.” “If two coplanar lines don’t intersect, then they are parallel.”
14)Write a biconditional for the two conditionals.
Decide whether the argument is valid or not valid. Explain your answer.
15)If you look directly into the sun during an eclipse, then
you will damage your eyes.Valid or Invalid
Annie’s did not look directly into the sun during an eclipse.
Therefore, her eyes are not damaged.
16)If you take Medicine A, then your risk of heart disease
will decrease.Valid or Invalid
You take Medicine A.
Therefore, your risk of heart disease will decrease.
17)If you are hungry, then your stomach growls.
If your stomach growls, then someone will hear it.Valid or Invalid
If someone hears it, then you will be embarrassed.
Therefore, if you are embarrassed, then you are hungry.
18)If a triangle has three congruent angles, then it has three
congruent sides.Valid or Invalid
If a triangle has three congruent sides, then it is equilateral.
Therefore, if a triangle has three congruent angles, then
it is equilateral.
If it is possible to state a conclusion from the given statements, write it. If it is not,
write “none.”
19) If you live on Augusta and attend a public high school,
then you attend Dominion High School.
You don’t attend Dominion High School.
20)If you don’t bring your grades up, then you will be grounded
next quarter.
You are grounded next quarter.
21)If Dominion’s football team keeps winning, then they will
win the regional title.
If Dominion wins the regional title, then Dr. Brewer will throw
the football team a victory party.
22)If the sun is out when it’s raining, then there will be a rainbow
in the sky.
The sun is out while it’s raining.
Decide whether or not there is a valid conclusion for the argument. If there is, write the valid conclusion. If there is not a conclusion you can make, write “none”.
23)If Chrissy is an athlete, then she scores high on spatial visualization tests.
Chrissy scores high on spatial visualization tests.
24)If a young woman is an athlete, then she scores high on spatial
visualization tests.
If she scores high on spatial visualization, then she will probably do well
in geometry.
Valid Conclusion?
25)If Professor Moriarty wrote a paper about the Binomial Theorem, then he is
familiar with Pascal’s Triangle.
Professor Moriarty is not familiar with Pascal’s Triangle.
Valid Conclusion?
26)If you use Shining Smile toothpaste, then you will be successful.
If you use Shining Smile toothpaste, then you may become a TV star.
Valid Conclusion?
27) Solve the equation and list a reason to justify each step.
14 – 2(x + 4) = 5(x – 6) + 2x