1. State the difference between heat and temperature
2. What is the difference between the upper and lower fixed points of a thermometer
3. State three properties of a good thermometric liquid
4. The figure below shows a simple fire alarm.
Explain how the alarm functions.
5. Explain why a thick glass is more likely to break when hot water is poured on it than thin glass.
6. When an inflated balloon is placed in a refrigerator it is noted that its volume reduces. Use the kinetic theory of gases to explain this observation.
7. The figure below shows a bimetallic thermometer. Given that the outer metal expands more than the inner one, explain the effect on the pointer when the temperature is high.
8. State one biological importance of anomalous expansion of water.
10. When hot water is suddenly poured into a thick-walled container, the glass cracks whereas a thin walled glass would not crack. Explain this observation
11. Give a reason why when determining upper fixed points of a thermometer the bulb of the thermometer is in steam and not in boiling water.
12. Explain each of the following.
(i) Railway lines are fitted with fish plates.
(ii) electricity wires appear sagging on a hot weather and taut on clod weather.
(iii) Steam pipes are fitted with loops.
13. The graph below shows the variation of density of water with temperature.
(i) Use the graph to determine the temperature at which water has a maximum density.
ii) Explain why aquatic animals are able to survive under the layers of ice even if the surface is completely frozen.
(iii) Give a reason why water pipes are liable to burst during winter.
14. Why is alcohol in glass thermometer preferred over the mercury one for use in arctic regions.
15. State the three modes of heat transfer.
16. State any 4 factors affecting thermal conductivity.
17. In an experiment to demonstrate the thermal conductivity of water the following set up was used.
(i) State any two observations made in the set up after heating for some time
(ii) State the role of the wire gauze in the set up.
(iii) What conclusion can be drawn from the above experiment?
18. Explain each of the following.
(i) Why the feet feel colder when a person stands on a cemented floor than when on a wooden floor.
(ii) Many houses in hot areas like Mombasa should be painted white while those in colder places like Timboroa should be painted with dull colours
(iii) Ventilations for a room are put near the roof and not near the floor
19. Explain the following
(i) When 100g of salt is added to a flask full of water the final volume of the solution is less than the expected.
(ii).One glass of milk makes 20litres of water change to white.
(iii).A bottle full of ammonia gas when opened at one corner of the room causes the smell to be felt all over the room.
20. Use the kinetic theory of matter to explain the difference between solids, liquids and gases
21. Seen through a hand lens pollen particles in water move about irregularly. Explain this observation from your knowledge of physics