IS437: Visual Basic Programming for Business Applications, Spring 2006

Instructor: Dr. Boris Jukic, Snell Hall: Room 372

Contact Information:

Phone: 268 3884


Office Hours: Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays 2:30pm to 4:30pm and by appointment

Class Web Site:

Textbook: Programming in Visual Basic .NET, 2003 Update Edition,By Julia Case Bradley and Anita Millspaugh McGraw Hill 2003, ISBN0-07-297093-1, (available in Downtown Bookstore) or similar

Also Valid:Programming in Visual Basic .NET, 2005By Julia Case Bradley and Anita Millspaugh,McGraw HillISBN0-07-226215-X

Prerequisites: CS141 or Equivalent,

IS414 or Equivalent is strongly recommended

Course Objectives:

Students are expected to master the fundamentals of Business Application development using the Visual Basic .NET programming language as a platform of choice. Emphasis is put on sounddesign and programming practices, understanding the architectural underpinnings of today’s business applications, as well as ability to convert business user requirements into working practical solutions. In addition to lectures and class lab assignments, students will complete an array of individual assignments that involve planning, design and prototyping of business application systems.

Course Outcomes:

At the conclusion of this course, the students will:

  • Understand and be able to practically apply basic principles of object-oriented programming.
  • Have the ability to create usable and well-designed user interfaces.
  • Have the knowledge to write maintainable Visual Basic programs following good programming practices.
  • Have the ability to create applications that interact with business databases and external files.


Standard grading scheme will apply to the highest extent possible. The percentage of deliverables as they contribute to the final grade is the following:

Individual Assignments and Participation: 20%

Midterm Exam: 30%

Final Exam: 30%

Pair Project: 20%

Attendance and Participation:Attendance is expected for all classes. Participation will be evaluated on the basis of students’ involvement in lectures, class lab assignments and the performance on several quizzes.

Academic Integrity: While students re encouraged to interact with each other and share thoughts and ideas during the class sessions, all the graded deliverables should be completed individually in their entirety. In the event of any academic integrity violation, the Clarkson University Academic Integrity Standards ( be followed.

Tentative Class Schedule

Date / Topics / Reading Assignments / Pair Project / Assignments
Week 1 / Introduction
General Approaches to Business Applications Development and Design
Programming Language Types
Visual Studio Environment
Forms, Controls / BM Chapter 1
In-class Handout / Get yourself a partner / VB Auto Center(VB) (BM, end of chapter 1)
Week 2 / User Interface Design: Controls / BM Chapter 2 / Requirements Gathering
Week 3 / Variables, Variable Scope, Data Types, Conversion, Operators, Formatting / BM Chapter 3
Pages 86- 113 / Requirements Gathering / VB Auto Center (BM, page 133)
Week 4 / Planning Event Procedures:
Pseudo coding
Message Boxes
Exception Handling / BM Chapter 3
Pages 113- 128 / Visual Prototype / Shipping Charge Calculator (BM, page 131)
Week 5 / Conditional Statements and Operators,
Combing Conditional Statements with Controls,
Input Validation
Loops / BM Chapter 4
Pages 136-158
BM Chapter 7 / Visual Prototype / VB Auto Center (BM, page 188)
Week 6 / Procedure Sharing, Calling Procedures, / BM Chapter 4
Pages 159- 182 / Visual Prototype / BM page 183: Ex. 4.2
Week 7 / Midterm Exam
Menus, Dialog Boxes / BM Chapter 5
Pages 190-203
Week 8 / Procedures: argument passing, functions
Arrays, Structures / BM Chapter 5
Pages 204 – 221
BM Chapter 8 / Increment 1 Development / BM page 223: Ex. 5.3.: Salesperson Commission
VB Auto Center (BM, page 225)
Week 9 / Interacting with Databases and External Files, ADO.Net / BM Chapters 10 and 11
Additional Material / Increment / Iteration 1 Development
Week 10 / Interacting with Databases and External Files, ADO.Net continued / Increment / Iteration 2 Development
Week 11 / Interacting with Databases and External Files, ADO.Net continued / Increment / Iteration 2 Development
Week 12 / Object Oriented Programming (OOP): Terminology
Objects, Classes, Methods, Properties
Multi-Tier Architecture / BM Chapter 6 / Increment / Iteration 2 Development
Week 13 / OOP: continued / BM Chapter 6 / Increment / Iteration 3 Development
Week 14 / OOP: continued
Projects with Multiple Forms / BM Chapter 13 / Increment / Iteration 3 Development
Week 15 / Final Exam review, TBD / Final Application Delivery