Level 3

Counting and understanding number / Knowing and using number facts / Calculating / Understanding Shape / Measuring / Handling data Interpreting pie charts
To practise and consolidate existing skills, usually mental calculation skills, set in a context to involve children in problem solving through the use and application of these skills; use of vocabulary and language of number, properties of shapes or describing and reasoning. /
  • Use number line ITP to model and children use whiteboards to practise skills

  • Counting stick
  • Application of number bonds e.g. 6+4 = 10, 60+40 = 100 to use multiples of ten
  • Target boards for children to find numbers with given criteria or make numbers odd one out
  • Times tables
  • Number bonds
  • Number cards
  • Countdown – explain methods used
  • Money problems involving all four operations
  • Problems involving measures – area, perimeter
  • Target numbers
  • ITP – number lines etc.
  • Shape on board name properties
  • Feely bag
  • What’s my angle?
  • Photos of e.g. buildings – identify all shapes and describe properties
  • Shape sorter
  • ITP symmetry for reflection
  • Convert between units
  • Count in 2, 5, 10 etc using ITP to relate to angles
  • ITP measuring cylinder
  • To use a Carroll diagram, Venn diagram to show properties of shape

To secure knowledge of facts, usually number facts; build up speed and accuracy; recall quickly names and properties of shapes, units of measure or types of charts, graphs to represent data. /
  • Make up chants and clap to a rhythm
  • To increase speed to ‘Beat the Clock’
  • Make up chants and clap to a rhythm
  • Use near bonds
  • Also use number spinners ITP
  • Counting stick for multiplication facts
  • Thing on string
  • Making sandwiches
  • Times tables/ division grids
  • How many questions can you answer in 1 minute?
  • Solve number problems and explain method
  • Gordons ITP – percentages and fractions

  • Empty boxes and shapes e.g. □÷4 = 3
  • Draw me – post it
  • What am I? – describe a shape, children to name it
  • Draw shapes from descriptions and name them (i.e. partner sit back to back - one describes shape)
  • Teacher describes a shape, children draw it and name it
  • Shape sorter
  • Venn diagrams and carroll diagrams (blu tac real shapes onto board)
  • Use show me activity, children to recall how they would measure item, who wants to be a millionaire
  • Get children to state units of measurement e.g. length of finger, weight of an apple etc.
  • Identify different charts and graphs and name them

To draw on and revisit previous learning; to assess, review and strengthen children’s previously acquired knowledge and skills relevant to later learning; return to aspects of mathematics with which the children have had difficulty; draw out the key points for learning. /
  • To use a number line to count on and back in tables, decimals and fractions etc.
  • Extend to missing numbers and negative numbers
  • To review missing numbers in sequencing numbers or balancing
  • Number scales ITP

  • Create number sentences
  • Adding on whiteboard
  • Jumping number bonds
  • Play ‘play four in a row’ = add + subtract
  • Solve money problems by x by 10, 100 and 1000. Explain working out.
  • Gordons ITP = match % to fractions and decimals

  • What could the numbers be
    □+□ > □-□ = □+□ □-□ = □÷□
  • Draw me
  • Post it
  • Tree diagrams
  • Use geoboards to make a shape – partner names it and describes it
  • Polygon ITP – draw and describe and different shapes

  • Give each child a shape, move around room – find other people whose shape has same number of lines of symmetry etc.
  • Bag with shapes (2-D and 3-D) describe the shape you feel to a partner
  • Hold/pick up a shape which has a certain property. What shape have you picked? Why?
  • To use human clock to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes, extend to nearest minute.
  • Write statements about the graph

To sharpen methods and procedures; explain strategies and solutions; extend ideas and develop and deepen the children’s knowledge; reinforce their understanding of key concepts; build on earlier learning so that strategies and techniques become more efficient and precise. /
  • Use talking partners to explain approaches using sentence starters to refine explanation
  • Use talking partners to explain approaches and then extend to fractions
  • Number lines
  • Number grid ITP

  • Number tiles to jump on
  • Number dials ITP

  • Excel triangles

  • Number bonds
  • Complement of numbers
  • Word problems for children to solve, showing method, compare in pairs how each person solved it
  • Give children calculation that contains mistakes, can they identify the errors and correct them
  • Properties of variety of triangles
  • Vocabulary
  • Identifying and drawing shapes in different orientations on grids
  • Visualise 3-D objects from 2-D drawings
  • Match nets to 3-D shapes
  • Fold shapes to show lines of symmetry – give each child a shape
  • ITP Area to show shapes - work out area and perimeter
  • Children to discuss more efficient methods
  • To read scales with different intervals

To use mathematical vocabulary and interpret images, diagrams and symbols correctly; read number sentences and provide equivalents; describe and explain diagrams and features involving scales, tables or graphs; identify shapes from a list of their properties; read and interpret word problems or puzzles; create their own problems and lines of enquiry. /
  • Use different number scales with different orientations and intervals e.g. on measuring scales or on different graphs
  • Sequencing different cards into a step by step approach and find redundant information
  • Use word problems as a stimulus to identify the operation
  • Display symbols and vocabulary
  • Explain patterns in number changes
  • Puzzles and problems
  • Make up sentences for a number fact e.g. 120÷3 = 40
  • Choose a word, explain its meaning with an example
  • Describe what a table/chart is telling us
  • Create a question for an answer
  • Discussion what do the symbols mean?
  • Discus which method to use and why?
  • Carroll diagrams
  • Venn diagram
  • Sort shape
  • Describe a shape – class say what it is
  • Matching game – shape and descriptions
  • Display vocabulary
  • Explain to your partner what the words mean, use diagrams if you wish (whiteboard work)
  • To read a range of scales
  • Missing number questions – How much more?
  • Identify intervals and record reading
  • To read a range of graphs – same information on different graphs using different scales
  • To use keys to read graphs
  • Vocabulary

To use and apply acquired knowledge, skills and understanding; make informed choices and decisions, predict and hypothesise; use deductive reasoning to eliminate or conclude; provide examples that satisfy a condition always, sometimes or never and say why. /
  • Use real life problems and test hypothesise by using true and false statements e.g. John says that – is this true/false prove?
  • Use the think of a number game and real life problems and find is the statement true or false
  • Word problems
  • Practical activity
  • Choosing operation card
  • Find patterns in number
  • Investigate theories and prove it
  • Explaining why?
  • Problem solving
  • Feely bag
  • Find shapes which fit a description
  • Investigate a theory on a shape – do all examples fit?
  • Look at different nets, explain why a net works and why it won’t (partner work)
  • To use balance scales – find the difference
  • Tell the story of a line graph e.g. Archimedes in bath or hot air balloon journey