Henry H. Scadin
Monday, January 1
It was quite cold this morning, the thermometer being 12 degrees above 0, but it has been moderating all day + has been a very pleasant New Years.
Helped Kate do the washing this morning then went over home to visit with Ralph and Lizzie. They went back home this afternoon.
I sent a letter to Prof. Ehrmann asking about the carbon process of photo printing, which I think of learning.
Tuesday, January 2
I went over to Mr. Baumgardners this forenoon & helped them move a stove & put a carpet down.
It has been a warm day.
Took dinner at home. Miss West was visiting there today.
Willie & Vida commenced going to school again.
Split some wood for Dor this afternoon.
Kate hurt her fingers with the wood today, & don't feel well at all tonight.
Wednesday, January 3
Went home this morning, did a little writing, got Jennie & the carriage & went to Dexter to do some errands & get my hair cut. Called at the Savings Bank and got my book. Ten dollars in interest has been added to my credit.
Kate went back home with me & rode over to the parsonage with Nellie Burnett. Dor & I went there this evening to supper. Ray & Jay McCall were there too.
I t has been nice warm day. Looks some like raining.
Thursday, January 4
Came home this morning & have spent considerable time practicing on my guitar.
Started making an easle for Kate and got it pretty well along.
Kate came and took supper here this evening & expected Dor after her at the prayer meeting but it rains & he did not come.
Friday, January 5
I took Kate back early this morning.
She & I went to Dexter this afternoon. We called at Doane's. They had a barrel of oranges sent them lately, so we had some to eat.
We did not get back till dark & and as Dor went to a gathering at Tip Phelps', I stayed all night & put up some apples that McCalls got of Dor.
Finished reading the book, "The Scarlet Letter" & I don't think my opinion of the old Pilgrim Fathers is bettered any.
Received a letter from Prof. Ehrman. He don't think Carbon work is the thing for me.
Saturday, January 6
Drove over home early this morning. It was fearful muddy. Pa weighed some pigs this forenoon so he can figure on the profits when he sells them.
Came back to Dor's this afternoon to help Kate get ready for the company this evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Baumgardner, the McCalls, Maggie & Mamie Phelps were there to supper & spent the evening.
It is growing cooler.
Sunday, January 7
It was colder this morning, 20 degrees above.
Went to church this forenoon. It was communion. Vida joined the church today along with some other girls.
Took dinner at home and came over to Kates toward evening, bring the new easle I made for her to paint on.
The roads are very rough now. Kate and Dor went to the evening meeting
Monday, January 8
It was 15 degrees above 0 this morning, but grew warmer very fast.
I split wood here at Dor's this forenoon.
This afternoon I went home & silvered a little plain paper to experiment with.
Willie & Vida went to Dexter to take their music lessons.
Dor went up to lodge tonight.
Tuesday, January 9
Went home this morning & did a little printing on plain paper.
Commenced to prune some of the apple trees.
Will Rossier came down & brought his violin this evening & John William came over with two, so we had quite a musical evening of it.
It continues quite moderate weather.
Wednesday, January 10
Fixed up my big camera with a small lens this forenoon & tried to see how it would go for enlarging & I think it will be good.
I went down to Kennys this afternoon & talked with Ida a little about painting in water colors. I think of trying it a little in a small way.
Came over to Kates again this evening.
It has been a beautiful, sunny day.
Thursday, January 11
Intended to go to Ann Arbor today, but did not feel well & gave it up.
Was over home a little while this morning.
Dor went to Ann Arbor & got his organ which has been fixed up.
It is windy tonight & seems to be growing colder.
Friday, January 12
Went over home and then down to Ida Kenny's to see her about the water color paints that Dor got yesterday. She pronounces them good, so will keep them.
Came back to Kate's after dinner & painted my first water color, part of a study by Bruce Crane. Didn't get the thing right, but Kate says it was a good beginning.
It was pretty cold this morning, 14 degrees F.
It is a beautiful evening.
Saturday, January 13
Kate & Dor went out to Henry's to a meeting of the Farmer's Club. I stayed at home & did a few chores for Dor, & then went over home to dinner.
This afternoon I went over to the Art Club meeting at Mr. Baumgardner's. I tried a water color painting.
Did not get back till after Kate and Dor were home.
Beautiful day.
Sunday, January 14
Did not feel first rate today so went over home and stayed in all day.
Monday, January 15
It rained a little this afternoon.
Kate & I did the washing this morning.
Henry brought little Lawrence over to stay a few days with Kate as his mother has gone to Toledo to help a sick sister.
Went over home to stay tonight. I fixed up a place to develop negatives in the cellar, and developed the plate I exposed for an enlargement the other day.
Tuesday, January 16
Drove over to Kates & after dinner took her & Lawrence over home, Mr. & Mrs. Baumgardner & his visiting brother were there to supper & spend the evening. Dor came over after he did the evening chores.
It is getting very muddy in the roads now.
Wednesday, January 17
Went over to Dor's early this morning & put in splitting & sawing wood.
It has been quite warm.
Went to choir practice tonight at Cransons. None of the ladies of the choir were there. The Baumgardners were there & we sang some & spent a pleasant evening.
Thursday, January 18
Had such a headache last night that I could not sleep, so I didn't do much but rest today.
It rained a very little this forenoon.
I tried to take a photo of Lawrence but the weather was so bad I did not get good negatives.
It cleared off this evening & is beautiful moonlight.
Friday, January 19
It froze up considerable last night.
It has been a beautiful clear day.
Tried to take Lawrence's photo again.
We are going to an oyster supper at …Phelps tonight.
A barrel of oranges came today that father Queal sent from Florida.
Saturday, January 20
It rained some during the day, & was unpleasant so there was no meeting of the Art Club.
I did a little painting at home.
Did some sketching this evening of subjects to paint.
Sunday, January 21
There was a hard rain during last night.
Went to church both forenoon and evening.
It is a fine moonlight night.
Monday, January 22
Been sick all day with a sort of "grip".
Did a little painting this afternoon.
It has been a fine day.
Tuesday, January 23
Took a sweat last night by drinking a pint of hot lemonade, & felt better today.
Went over home & took dinner.
Called at Edwin Ball's and Kenny's this afternoon to invite them over to eat oranges tomorrow evening.
It is snowing this evening.
Dor went out to Henrys today.
Wednesday, January 24
Snow covered the ground pretty well this morning.
Ma, Aunt Susan, Mrs. Kenny, Ida & Ossian were here at supper, & this evening quite a number of the neighbors came in & we had an orange feast.
It grew cold fast this afternoon & before we went to bed it was only 2 degrees above 0.
Thursday, January 25
5 degrees below 0 this morning.
I went over home this forenoon & Kate went along as there was a missionary meeting there this afternoon.
Mr. & Mrs. Baumgardner were there at supper, & also the school teacher Miss Bostwick.
It is not so cold tonight.
They put in new stoves at the church today.
Friday, January 26
Did a churning for negatives this morning before I came over to Dor's.
Kate went out to Henry's this forenoon & got back about evening.
I got dinner for Dor & myself & afterwards I painted a picture, I must get some instructions if keep on so I can learn to do better work.
Saturday, January 27
Helped Kate this forenoon & drew a sketch for her to paint at the Art Club this afternoon.
I intended to go but instead helped pa draw wood.
Willie & uncle Robert went to Dexter.
Ralph & Lizzie came out this evening.
I came back to Kate's for the night.
It is cold, only 6 degrees above 0, 9:00 P.M.
Sunday, January 28
About as cold this morning as it was last night.
Took some oranges over to the folks this morning. Kate stayed there to dinner & we came home with Dor from the evening meeting.
It has grown much warmer.
Monday, January 29
It has snowed about all day, but has not got much depth yet, though cutters run pretty well.
I was home at dinner & made a stretcher for a water color. I began to paint this afternoon.
Dor went to Dexter tonight.
Tuesday, January 30
Helped Dor cut a tree & get out a sawlog this forenoon, which he took to mill this afternoon.
I spent the afternoon on my water color picture.
Went home for the night & was over to Cransons to the choir practice.
The weather is quite moderate.
Wednesday, January 31
Went to Dexter this forenoon. Had not been up for several weeks. Went with the cutter but the sleighing is getting thin.
Vida's cousin from New York is coming tomorrow. She is a missionary & has been in Japan.
Finished my painting this afternoon.
Mr. Allen, the former editor of the Dexter Leader was buried this afternoon.
Thursday, February 1
Vida went to Delhi this forenoon and met her cousin, Miss Howard & her little Japanese girl Cornelia. The little Jap is smart & real cute. I took her along when I came after Kate this afternoon.
Miss Howard spoke of some of her experiences in Japan at the church this evening.
It is a cold night.
Friday, February 2
6 degrees above 0 this morning.
Spent the day at home and tried several photos of the little Japanese girl.
It has grown much warmer during the day.
Saturday, February 3
Miss Howard and the little Jap left us this afternoon.
I sketched a picture for painting & this afternoon Kate & I went to the Art Club at Mr. Baumgardner's. Got along better with my work there than ever before.
It has not been cold today at all.
Sunday, February 4
It has been growing cold today, & tonight it is only 4 degrees below 0.
Went to church this forenoon, and after we had dinner Kate & I went to Ann Arbor and spent the afternoon at Cushmans. He just returned from a trip & goes out again tomorrow.
Monday, February 5
It grew warmer today. Was 8 degrees above this morning.
Helped Kate wash this afternoon.
Painted on my water color picture this afternoon.
Willie went to Dexter this afternoon & brought my guitar around here when he came home.
Tuesday, February 6
Went over home & helped wash this morning. Ma is sick with a very hard cold.
Went to Ann Arbor with pa. Took dinner with the McAllaster's. Called on the Prices.
Got some canvass for Kate & some water color paper for myself.
It was pretty muddy coming home.
Wednesday, February 7
Dor went off with a grist of feed and went also to Ann Arbor.
I split wood this forenoon.
Went over to see ma this afternoon and found her quite sick.
It has been very soft all day & seems like rain.
Thursday, February 8
There was quite a party at Mrs. Kennys today for dinner.
Kate & I went down quite early & stopped over home for a little while. We found ma some better.
Henry, Kate & Lawrence were there, Byron & his two girls & Bert & his family. We had a very nice time.
It is pretty muddy.
Friday, February 9
Kate has been at work all day cooking for the Farmers Club meeting at Amos Phelps' tomorrow.
It rained about all the forenoon.
I painted a water color picture in about two hours this afternoon. Took it over & gave it to ma this afternoon. It cleared off so I went to choir practice at Cransons but Mary Blodgett was the only one besides myself. We had a heavy rain & some thunder after I got back.
Saturday, February 10
Kate & Dor went to the Farmers Club today. It has been a windy, squally day.
I stayed at home to look after things and paint some.
Went over home to dinner.
It is freezing up tonight.
Sunday, February 11
Went home this morning & stayed till church time.
Kate has a headache this afternoon.
Went to the evening meeting as I had to sing in a duett with Mary Blodgett.
Mr. Blodgett is going to start for Florida with Mr. Doane tomorrow.
Monday, February 12
We had the fiercest storm today that I think I ever saw. Snow and wind from the northeast & pretty cold, too. It sifted into every crack & piled up in great drifts all about the buildings & fences.
Dor started for Ann Arbor before the storm came on, but turned back at Scio & came home.
I painted two marine views this afternoon.
It took lots of wood to keep the house warm & the wind drove the frost into the cellar.
Kate & I did the washing this morning.
Tuesday, February 13
The storm blew out last night & today has been fine.
I went over home this morning & found the road badly drifted.
Did some photo printing today, as the sun shone.
Took some water color studies down to Ida Kenny this afternoon.
It is not very cold tonight.
Wednesday, February 14
Went over home a little while this morning to take some letters that Dor got last night.
Dor got one from his father saying he had bought an orange grove in Merrimack.
Ida Kenny spent the day with us, & we had quite an artistic time painting.
Dor went to Ann Arbor & cane back by Dexter.
It is not cold & snows a little tonight.
Thursday, February 15
Did a little painting this morning & then went over home. I finished a batch of photos this afternoon.
Had a letter from Fred Waters. He says Bezzonia has quite a boom & so much building there I guess I would not know the place.
There were the brightest Sun Dogs this evening I ever saw.
Friday, February 16
I helped Dor saw down an elm tree this forenoon & it tuckered me out.
Dor has gone to town this evening. Kate is working on her easle drape & I have drawn a picture to paint tomorrow at the Art Club.
It has been a bright fine day.
Saturday, February 17
Helped Dor saw down another elm tree this forenoon.
It rained at noon & for some time after so we did not go to the Art Club, but painted at home.
Went home this evening to stay tonight & practice on the guitar with Will.
Sunday, February 18
It has been a very nice sunny day & thawed considerable.
Went to church both forenoon & evening.
Kate & I took dinner at home & stayed till evening.
Monday, February 19
Helped Kate wash this afternoon.
It was not a cold day but has been chilly & cloudy most of the day.
Was home this afternoon & went calling, going to Kenny's, Clay Alexander's, Litchfields, & stopped at Baumgardner's but they were not at home.
Wrote a letter to Hiram Glover today.
Tuesday, February 20
Dor & I sawed up a hickory log for stove chunks this forenoon.
Went over home & stayed to dinner, then went over to Mr. Baumgardners & spent most of the afternoon talking painting & about the place where his brothers are in North Carolina.
We had a little snow storm this afternoon.
Wednesday, February 21
It has been a cold day.
I went to Ann Arbor with Mr. Baumgardner took along some butter that ma sent to Mr. Miner's folks. One crock packed to be taken to Florida.
I called at McAllaster's, Clinton is thinking of going to California soon.
I got a water color study at Randall to practice on.
We took supper at Boydens.
Thursday, February 22
Went over home for a little while & wrote a letter to Baumgardners brother in Edenton, N.C., asking him what he thinks of chance there for me.
The Missionary society met with Kate this afternoon & took tea. There were 28 to supper.
It has been a pretty cold day.
Went home tonight & silvered a little albumen paper.