Minutes of Meeting
USCG Auxiliary Flotilla 23, Kodiak, Alaska
Saturday, February 9, 2013
CALL The meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and
TO prayer. Drew Herman, Flotilla Commander, presided.
ANNOUNCE- Mark Nymeyer is setting up Coastie appearances at various schools. Currently, we MENTS have one scheduled for Friday, February 15th at Main Elementary.
Drew indicated that Bob Hough is out-of-town till end of March so no boat training is scheduled.
An ABS class will be scheduled sometime during the second week of March.
Drew stated that we are in need of a Public Education Coordinator. This individual would line up various classes and instructors. Drew reminded us that this is a required position within the Auxiliary.
Drew also announced that Admiral Papp admonished us for not wearing uniforms.
Drew also stated that if members have unique skills and/or talents that could be beneficial to the Coast Guard please see him to have them placed in the Skills Bank. Presently this database is being updated nationally.
COM- Poster Contest - The committee decided to keep the theme “Kids Don’t Float” this year.
MITTEE The rules of the contest will be the same as last year, but different dates and the prizes will
REPORTS are different (swimming passes and pizza). Discussion was had at length regarding cost of the contest and prizes.
The prizes for 1st and 2nd place are:
1st Place
K – 5th Grade 6 $10 Swim Pass at the Base = $ 60.00
2nd Place
6 $10 Pizza Parlor = 60.00
Grand Prize is swim pass and a life vest. = 60.00
The grand prize will be announced at the April 22nd School Board meeting. Someone will need to be present at that time to present the grand prize.
After some discussion Mark Nymeyer made a motion authorizing prizes as stated. Motion was seconded.
Further discussion was had regarding the prizes and cost.
The Motion was amended to spend up to $200 for prizes which will be decided by the Poster Committee. The Committee is to research prizes and go ahead with the contest and report next month on what the prizes are. Drew said that anyone wishing to be on the Committee should see Joyce Blair, the Chairman or himself.
Motion was seconded.
Coastie: Mark Nymeyer stated that getting Coastie into the community by one person is difficult. He stated that we have no one to transfer Coastie. One of the problems we have now is Coastie needs to be secured in the trailer when transporting. Mark stated that he would be willing to build something to secure him.
To date we still do not have a license for the trailer. Drew stated that he will get the trailer licensed by Friday, Feb. 15th. Robyn Leatherman volunteered to transfer Coastie to the various events, but the transportation would have to be after hours.
It was stated that ideally, Coastie should be stored in the trailer in a heated area. Presently the trailer is in the motor pool. It was suggested that Hanger 2 might be a place to store Coastie. After some discussion Drew stated that if anyone could be a contact for transferring Coastie, you should see Mark Nymeyer.
Discussion moved to the coloring book supplies issued after each appearance. We had always given a coloring book and crayons to each student. Presently we are getting the coloring books from a robotic company in Missouri. The cost of these books is getting expensive.
Discussion was had on how to limit the cost of these supplies. It was suggested not giving crayons as most kids have them and providing kids with a reproducible coloring sheet instead of a coloring book. It was also brought up that the Coast Guard produces a kid’s activity book.
OLD None.
ADJOURN- Next meeting is scheduled for Saturday, March 9th at 9:30 a.m. Meeting was
MENT adjourned at 10:10 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Yvonne Arndt