
Brussels,Friday13April 2012

Top News from the European Commission
14 April –12May2012

Background notes from the Spokespersons' service for journalists.
The European Commission reserves the right to make changes.

Monday 16 April:
EU Sustainable Energy for All Summit

Tuesday 17 April:
Commission adopts stronger rules on EU statistics

Wednesday 18 April:
Commission adopts Communication on Growth and Jobs for Greece

Wednesday 18 April:
Commission to adopt an employment package "Towards a job-rich recovery"

Wednesday 25 April:
Commission presents its proposal for the 2013 EU Budget

Thursday 26 April:
The Commission adopts its monthly infringements package

Tuesday 8 May:
Product safety – Presentation of the annual report on Rapex,
the rapid alert system for non-food dangerous products

Monday 16 April: EU Sustainable Energy for All Summit

The news:

This Monday, the European Commission and the Danish Presidency of the EU Council will host the EU Sustainable Energy for All Summit - a high level event set up in order to bring partners and the private sector together to discuss how to make the UN's aim of achieving access to sustainable energy for all a reality by 2030.

Attendees will include UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, Michelle Bachelet, Executive Director, UN Women, Donald Kaberuka, President of the African Development Bank Group, and Dr. Kandeh Yumkella, Director General of United Nations Industrial Development Organisation. The Summit will be opened by European Commission President José Manuel Barroso, and Development Commissioner, Andris Piebalgs, will co-chair the event and give the closing speech (together with Christian Friis Bach, Danish Minister for Development Cooperation.)

The European Commission is expected to announce a new initiative to help enable millions more people in developing countries to access energy.As the largest provider of development assistance in the world, the EU plays a crucial role in efforts to end energy poverty around the globe.

The conference aims will also put a special emphasis on gender and access to sustainable energy for women. This summit will be important; both in paving the way for the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) in Brazil in June 2012 and in helping to define the EU's contribution to the Sustainable Energy for All initiative.

The background:

Around 1.3 billion people in the world are deprived of access to electricity and the opportunities it provides for working, learning or operating a business.

Some 2.7 billion people use wood, coal, charcoal or animal waste to cook their meals and heat their homes, exposing themselves and their families to smoke and fumes that damage their health and kill nearly 2 million people every year.

The EU offers expertise as well as development funding to provide access to secure, affordable, clean and sustainable energy services. This UN initiative therefore presents a significant opportunity for the EU and developing countries to further cooperate with public institutions, businesses, research institutions and civil society in order to help make sure that energy is accessible for everyone.

The event:

The event will take place at the CharlemagneBuilding in Brussels on 16 April, from 9.30am - 6.00pm.

A press conference with high profile attendees will take place at 11.00am on 16 April in the Press Room at Berlaymont(please note change of time).

A technical briefing for media will also take place at 11.30am on 12th April in the Press room of the Berlaymont.

The sources:

The contacts:

Catherine Ray +32 (0)2 296 99 21

Wojtek Talko +32 (0)2 297 85 51

Tuesday 17 April: Commission adopts stronger rules on EU statistics

The news:

In April, the European Commission will update the existing rules on EU statistics. The aim is to reinforce the independence, reliability and high standard of statistics coming from Member States and compiled by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union.

The background:

The economic and social policy debate in the EU in recent years has been driven by the very intense debate about how to enhance the economic governance of the EU. The implementation of EU policies requires comparable and reliable statistical information about the economic, social and environmental situation in the EU. It is therefore of strategic importance for the Commission to produce high quality European statistics in order to provide a comprehensive response to the financial and economic crisis. This is in line with what is foreseen in the EU's Economic Strategy (MEMO/11/627).

The event:

Press material will be available on the day. Statement by Commissioner Algirdas Semeta at daily midday press briefing (to be confirmed).

  • Available on EbS

The sources:

Commissioner Algirdas Semeta's website:

Eurostat website:

The contacts:

Emer Traynor: +32 2 292 15

Natasja Bohez Rubiano: +32 2 296 64

Wednesday 18 April: Commission adopts Communication on Growth and Jobs for Greece

The news:

On the initiative of President Barroso,the European Commission will adopt a Communication highlighting the priority measures to get Greece growing again. These measures, to be taken in Greece during 2012 as part of its second economic adjustment programme, will help to create the conditions for sustainable growth and job creation and begin to reverse the negative trends of recent years. The Communication confirms the desire of the Commission to help Greece to move from a vicious to a virtuous cycle – where implementing reforms leads to renewal of confidence and growth, creating incentives for further progress. It stresses that the way to achieve this is through the full implementation of the second programme and makes clear that the Commission is committed to strong support for Greece in this task.

The background:

A second economic adjustment programme for Greece was agreed between the EU and the IMF and the Greek authorities earlier in March. The programme is designed to overhaul the functioning of the Greek state, ending restrictive and opaque practices that have hampered economic growth and efficiency. As well as specifying the policy conditionality for the disbursement of financial assistance for Greece over the coming three years, the programme will drive a transformation of the business environment and the Greek administration. The Commission's Task Force for Greece is stepping up the provision of technical assistance to help the country make the sweeping legal and administrative changes that will help it return to growth (for example in the areas of taxation, customs and export formalities, healthcare) and for swifter, more effective use of EU cohesion funding.

The event:

The Commission will adopt the Communication.

IP will be available on the day.

The sources:

Web page on the second Greek economic adjustment programme:

Web page of the Task Force for Greece:

The contacts:

Pia Ahrenkilde Hansen: +32 (0)2 295 30

Olivier Bailly: +32 (0)2 296 87

Wednesday 18 April: Commission to adopt an employment package "Towards a job-rich recovery"

The news:

On 19 April, the European Commission will present an employment package to identify opportunities that will help job creation (for example green jobs, white jobs, ICT sector) and set out how EU funds can be used to make long-term investments in human capital. The aim of the package is to lay the ground to move towards to a genuine European labour market where workers can move confidently between and within jobs across the EU and progress in their career. The package also aims to reinforce employment policy's role in EU governance and to look at how to involve further the social partners in key steps of EU decision-making.

The background:

Today 23 million people are unemployed in Europe. The crisis has shown that "skills mismatches" and the "geographic mismatch" in the EU persist and the negative outlook for 2012 is prolonging the employment challenge beyond the crisis. The European Council in March 2012 called for resolute action in this area in and the elaboration of Member States' National Job Plans. It looks forward to the Commission's "employment package.

The event:

The Commission will adopt an employment package "Towards a job-rich recovery".

EU Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion László Andor will present the policy package at a press conference (time to be confirmed).

IP and MEMO will be available on the day.

  • Available on EbS

The sources:

For information on European Employment Strategy please see:

The contacts:

Cristina Arigho +32 2 298 53

Nadège Defrère +32 2 296 45

Wednesday 25 April: Commission presents its proposal for the 2013 EU Budget

The news:

On 25 April 2012, the European Commission will adopt the draft EU budget for the year 2013. It will be the last annual budget of the present Multiannual Financial Framework 2007-2013.

Aware of the current economic situation, the Commission will present a budget fully geared to use its funding potential for growth and jobs in line with the Europe 2020 strategy.

The annual budget is equivalent to around 1% of the Union’s national wealth. Though relatively small in size it is an important tool in furthering the goals of European integration. Directly or indirectly, all European citizens benefit from some activity funded from the EU budget, be it in the form of safer food on our plates, better roads or the guaranteeing of our fundamental rights.

The background:

According to Treaty (on the Functioning of the European Union) all EU institutions and bodies draw up their estimates for the draft budget according to their internal procedures before 1 July. The Commission consolidates these estimates and establishes the annual ‘draft budget’ which must respect the spending ceilings (limits) imposed by the seven year long multiannual financial framework in total and in each of its parts (headings). The proposal shall contain estimates both of revenue and of expenditure. The draft budget is to be submitted to the Council and the European Parliament not later than by 1 September.

In practice there is the so called "pragmatic" calendar which takes into account the time for negotiations within the Council and the European Parliament as well as the conciliation procedure between these institutions if necessary. The Commission thus endeavours to present the draft budget before the end of April/beginning of May each year.

The event:

The Commission's draft budget will be adopted by the College, forwarded to the Council and to the European Parliament, presented by Commissioner Lewandowski to the Committee on Budgets of the European Parliament and to the media on the same day.

The proposal will be then discussed by the both "arms" of the budgetary authority (Council and the European Parliament)and is to be approved by thembefore 31 December 2012 according to the special legislative procedure set by the Treaty.

IP and Presentation will be available on the day.

The sources:

For information on the EU budget documents please see:

Homepage DG Financial Programming and Budget:

Homepage of Janusz Lewandowski, Commissioner for Financial Programming and Budget

The contacts:

Patrizio Fiorilli: +32 2 295 81

Monika Sikorska: +32 2 295 23

Thursday 26 April: The Commission adopts its monthly infringements package

The news:

On Thursday 26 April 2012, the European Commission will adopt its monthly infringements package. These decisions cover all MemberStates and most of EU policies and seek to enforce EU law across Europe in the interest of both citizens and businesses.

The background:

Article 258 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) gives the Commission the power to take legal action against a MemberState that is not respecting its obligations under EU law.

There are three successive stages: Letter of formal notice, reasoned opinion and referral to the Court of Justice.

If, despite the ruling, a MemberState still fails to act, the Commission may open a further infringement case under Article 260 of the TFEU. After only one written warning, Commission may refer a MemberState back to the Court and it can propose that the Court imposes financial penalties based on the duration and severity on the infringement and the size of the MemberState.

The event:

Several IPs and MEMOs will be available on the day.

The sources:

The IP and MEMO will be made available on the day on Rapid:

The contacts:

Overall coordination:

Olivier Bailly+32 2 296 87

On specific infringements, please contact the spokesperson in charge.

Tuesday 8 May: Product safety – Presentation of the annual report on Rapex, the rapid alert system for non-food dangerous products

The news:

On 08 May, Commissioner John Dalli will present the key findings of the 2011 annual report published on that day concerning Rapex, the EU-wide rapid alert system for dangerous products. The findings of the report will include the trends in the number of products notified thanks to the system, the top product categories, the most active member states notifying unsafe products, and the countries of origin.

The event:

What: Press Conference with John Dalli, Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy

Directly following the press conference, the Commissioner will visit the exhibition on product safety outside the press room, and will be able to answer further questions.Commission experts as well as representatives of national authorities and industry associations will be present to show products and testing equipment.

When: Tuesday 08 May, afterthe Midday Briefing

Where: Berlaymont Press Room, in Brussels

IP and MEMO will be available on the day

  • Available on EbS

The background:

RAPEX is a Community rapid alert system for dangerous products. It ensures that information about dangerous products withdrawn from the EU market and/or recalled from consumers is quickly circulated between MemberStates and the European Commission, with the aim of preventing or restricting the selling of these products on the market. 30 countries currently participate in the system. The participating countries are all the European Union countries and the EFTA/EEA countries: Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.

Both preventive and restrictive measures ordered by national authorities and measures taken voluntarily by producers and distributors are covered by RAPEX. The most common measures are a ban/stop on sales, withdrawal of a dangerous product from the market, providing information to consumers about the risks related to the use of the product, or recall of a dangerous product from consumers.

On 1 January 2010, the scope of RAPEX was extended to cover also 'non-consumer' products and risks to other public interests than 'health and safety of consumers'. RAPEX applies now to both 'consumer' and 'non-consumer' products (for instance, a power drill, a lamp, a cosmetic or a toy). The RAPEX system covers the majority of products, but certain categories of products are excluded from its scope. For example, for food and feed, a specific alert system (RASFF), similar to RAPEX, is in place. Specific systems are in place also for medical devices and pharmaceuticals.

The sources:

Commissioner John Dalli's website:

The contacts:

Frédéric Vincent: +32 2 298 71

Aikaterini Apostola: +32 2 298 76