Prototype ReportVersion 2.0

Prototype Report

LADOT Scanning

Team 08

Name / Primary Role / Secondary Role
Anirudh Govil / Project Manager / Feasibility Analyst
Jeffrey Colvin / Prototyper / Systems and Software Architect
Aditya Kumar / Feasibility Analyst / Operational Concept Engineer
Nisheeth Joshi / Systems and Software Architect / Life Cycle Planner
Niraj Brahmkhatri / Operational Concept Engineer / Requirements Engineer
Corey Painter / IIV&V / Shaper

Version History

Date / Author / Version / Changes made / Rationale
10/05/11 / JC / 1.0 / ●Original template / ●Initial draft for use with ICM EPG Template version 2.1
10/07/11 / JC / 1.1 / ●Updated Team Roles / ●Team roles in v1.0 were incorrect
10/14/11 / JC / 2.0 / ●Updated diagrams and descriptions
●Changed formatting / ●Project specifications had changed since v1.1
●Response to feedback on v1.1 by TA’s (such as Navigation Flow being incorrect)
●New format is easier to follow

Table of Contents

Prototype Report

Version History

Table of Contents

Table of Tables

Table of Figures

1 - Introduction

1.0 - Purpose of the prototype report

1.1 - Status of the prototype

2 - Navigation Flow

2.1 - Truck Navigation Flow

2.2 - Computer User Navigation Flow

2.2.1 – Field Employees

2.2.2 – Department Supervisors

2.2.3 – Task Allocators

3 – Prototype

3.1 – Login Screen

3.2 – Call Log Screen

3.3 – Job Perform Screen

Table of Tables

Table of Figures

Figure 1 - Truck Navigation Flow Chart______

Figure 2 – Computer User Navigation Flow Chart______

Figure 3 - Login Screen______

Figure 4 - Call Log Screen______

Figure 5 - Job Perform Screen______

PRO_FCP_F11a_T08_V2.0.docVersion Date: 10/14/11


Prototype ReportVersion 2.0

1 - Introduction

1.0 - Purpose of the prototype report

The purpose of the prototype report is to outline the current system prototype and its changes from previous revisions as well as show how the prototype will meet project requirements.

1.1 - Status of the prototype

The second version of the prototype report has been changed to reflect the project as of our Win-Win negotiation sessions. This has more clearly specified what users will be able to do what things (such as the Task Allocator and the Department Manager), removing the ability to edit time-sheets (as this will be done in DTIME after the FLAT file has been generated).

The version has also been updated to reflect the true nature of the Navigation Flow diagrams as form navigation flow as opposed to user operation flow.

2 - Navigation Flow

2.1 - Truck Navigation Flow

Figure 1 - Truck Navigation Flow Chart

The Truck Navigation Flow Chart (Figure 1), shows the navigation flow of the system in place on the LADOT field worker trucks. The truck’s software will only be able to be accessed by a Field Worker. Once logged in, a field worker will be able to log calls they receive at the Call Log Screen. After they log jobs, they will be able to go to the Job Select Screen, which allows them to select which logged call they should perform. Once a job has been chosen to perform, the field worker will be able to log their job status at the Job Perform Screen. After logging the completion of the job, the user will be able to log more calls (if they have none available) or select a new job from their call list.

2.2 - Computer User Navigation Flow

Figure 2 – Computer User Navigation Flow Chart

The Computer User Navigation Flow Chart (Figure 2) , show the navigation flow for user’s on the computer. There are 3 types of users who can use the computer system: Field Employees, Department Supervisors and Task Allocators. Each user will be able to log in but are then directed to different pages.

2.2.1 – Field Employees

The the field employee, once logged on to the system, will be able to view their own maintanence reports and edit them if they require.

2.2.2 – Department Supervisors

Department supervisors will be directed to a search screen. On the search screen, they will be able to perform 2 different searches: by location and by employee. The search by employee will only be visible if the Department Supervisor is given the permission to view that employee’s reports. Both search result screens will show a table sorted chronologically (most recent completed first), with columns sortable by: time assigned, time started, time completed, job type and work order number. The Employee search will also have a sortable column by location and the Location search will have a sortable column by employee name.

2.2.3 – Task Allocators

Task allocators will be brought to a screen that shows them a map of the trucks currently active as well as the current jobs that need assigning. Additionally to the map, there will be 2 lists, one for trucks and one for jobs. When the task allocator selects either a truck or a job, they will be able to assign a task. When selecting a truck to assign a task to, the task allocator will be prompted to select at least one task to assign to the truck. When selecting a task, the task allocator will be prompted to select only one truck to assign the task to. The Task Selection screen will show either a map and list of trucks or tasks, depending on what the assignment is for. The map will show the location of the truck or the task being assigned, and the list will be sorted by distance.

3 – Prototype

3.1 – Login Screen

Figure 3 - Login Screen

Figure 3, Login Screen, denotes a simple log-in screen for the LADOT webpage. The page simply requires entering a user name and password. The log-in page for the truck should look identical, but should not run through a browser (note the browser bar at the top of the screenshot). The navigation flow charts in Figure 1 and Figure 2 denote where the log-in screen will take the user after a successful login.

3.2 – Call Log Screen

Figure 4 - Call Log Screen

After logging in through the truck, the field worker will be shown a screen showing the current calls they must respond to, as set out by the task allocator. From this screen, they are allowed to select their next jobs to be logged into the system. Once completed, the field worker MUST register all calls, they are directed to the perform screen.

3.3 – Job Perform Screen

Figure 5 - Job Perform Screen

When actually doing a job, the field worker will be presented with the Job Perform Screen. Upon arriving, the user will push the “Log Arrival” button, which will time-stamp on the screen their arrival time. A similar action will be done upon completion and departure.

The right side of the screen is designated to various problems that could have arisen while performing the job. These will be focused on with checkboxes, while an “Other” box appears at the base in case of any other notes need to be added.

When the “Log Departure” button has been pressed, the job will be closed, and the next job will be selected or the user will be prompted to log more calls.

PRO_FCP_F11a_T08_V2.0.docVersion Date: 10/14/11