WLD Scholarships Program

Call for Applications

The Women in leadership Project (WLD) is now accepting applications from qualified Afghan women to take part in the WLD Scholarship Program commencing early in2016 and running through to the end of 2017. The program, whichis a joint effort of USAID and leading Technical and Vocational Institutes in Afghanistan,matches scholarship recipients to a variety of two-year degree programs taught at top Afghan Institutes. The Afghan WLD Scholarship Program offers grantsto students to help pay for tuition fees and accommodation expenses while attending partner secondary educational institutes located in Kabul, Herat, Nangarhar, Kandahar and Balkh provinces.

The aim of the scholarship program is to enable girls to attend and receive training from reputable institutions in order to meet Afghanistan’s growing need for highly-trained professionals to fill demand-driven occupations. Scholarships may vary by region and by the institutions that students select.

Scholarships will be awarded to WLD participants based on specific eligibility criteria including economic need and those who are at risk of ending their education prematurely. The scholarships are designed to assist secondary students to continue their studies up to and including grade 14.

In order to fulfill the requisite criteria and be eligible for the WLD Scholarship Program, the applicant must:

  1. Be female;
  2. Be an Afghan citizen currentlyresiding in Afghanistan;
  3. Possess high school transcripts that demonstrate their qualifications and commitment to scholarship adjudicators;
  4. Demonstrate family support by providing the scholarship committee with a signed letter from one or both parents
  5. Candidates will be asked to submit a short essay describing their extra-curricular activities and/or hobbies/ interests outside of school.

Application Instruction

All applicants for the WLD Scholarship Program must submit the following by December 30, 2015:

  1. Copy of Tazkira

All applicants will be required to provide their date of birth and supporting documentation in the form of Tazkira and/or passport.

Note →Personal information will be stored confidentially and unavailable to anyone outside of WLD. Hard copies of all sensitive identification materials will be shredded when a physical archive is no longer necessary.

  1. High School Certificate/ Transcript

The applicant is required to provide a high school graduation certificate countersigned by the MOE, or by the regional designee of MoE in the provinces. If the applicant is currently in high school, applicants will be required to provide proof of high school enrollment. Supporting documentation may include a transcript or confirmation by a school official.

  1. Nomination Letter

Either a family member or another responsible adult must nominate candidates. If someone other than family member nominates a candidate, a family member of the candidate must sign the nomination letter as well.

The nomination letter should cover the following points:

  • Explanation of the family member/adult’s relationship to the applicant.
  • Description of the applicant’s commitment to her education.
  • Statement of the candidate's accomplishments and reasons for recommending her to receive the WLD scholarship.
  1. Personal Statement

The applicant must write and submit a personal statement in Dari or Pashto with a maximum of 500 words, responding to the following:

  • Why are you applying for a WLD scholarship?
  • What do you hope to accomplish through the education received via the scholarship?
  • Explain how you will use your education and knowledge to positively impact society and those around you.

Note →This must be the applicant’s work. Plagiarism will result in the rejection of the application.

  1. Application Form

To be considered for a WLD scholarship award at a private university/institution, applicants must fill out and submit below application along with other supporting documents to be included in the scholarship application system.

WLD Scholarships Program
Applicant Bio Data Form
F/ Name
Date of Birth
Email Address
Home Address
(street, city, district, province)
Cell Phone:
Current Education Level:
What is your current study status?
Study Intentions:
What institute/ private university do you plan to join?
University name:
University address: (street, city, district, province)
Type of program you are planning to pursue:
Program (e.g., Civil engineering, law, business administration, architecture, accounting, music, journalism, leadership, management, computer science, nursing, political science, graphic designing, international relation, networking, HRM, web designing, English literature, marketing, banking, cloth designing, home decorating , art and etc. ):
Please list any interests you have (e.g., professional development, hobbies, volunteerism, community engagement, etc.)
How did you learn about the WLD’s Scholarship program?
(Please limit your response to 20 words.)

Completed applications must be submitted to the email address:

Deadline& TimeLine for Application (30 Dec, 2015)

The applications for WLD scholarship program are due by 30 Dec 2015.

Please be sure to send all required document to with all required information.

30 Dec 2015 Registration and applying

30 Jan 2016 Preliminary Results announced

30 Feb 2016 Final Result (Institute Placement)

22 March 2016 Start of Program

Please contact or call +93728419626Sunday- Thursday from 8:00am to 4:30pm with any questions about the application process.

Background Information

About the Women’s Leadership Development in Afghanistan

The Women’s Leadership Development (WLD) program will enable Afghanistan’s most talented young women to become future leaders in government, business, and civil society. Over five years, 25,000 women with exceptional leadership potential and commitment to positive social change will be recruited and enrolled in the program. WLD will provide them with the knowledge, skills, and networks they need to enter the upper levels of decision-making in all sectors of society. As they move into decision making roles, they will be empowered to ensure that Afghan women’s voices are represented in government, business, and social institutions throughout the country. They will advocate for policies and practices supporting women’s equality, welfare, and empowerment; they will promote women’s participation in programs, thereby promoting peace and prosperity; and they will make certain that support for girls and women is not on the fringes of Afghanistan’s agenda but integrated prominently and sustainably into the country’s strategic plans for the future.