EFFECTIVE DATE: 03/13/2002
DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed / 5160
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FSM 5100 – Fire Management
Chapter 60 – wildland fire suppression
/ Forest Service MANUAL
Eastern region (Region 9)
Milwaukee, WI
fsM 5100 – fIRE mANAGEMENT
chapteR 60 – fire management equipment and supplies
Supplement No.: R9 RO 5160-2002-3
Effective Date: March 13, 2002
Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed.
Approved: Donald L. MeyerActing Regional Forester / Date Approved: 03/13/2002
Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by Handbook number and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last supplement to this Manual was 5100-2002-2 to Chapter 30.
New Document / R9 RO 5100-2002-3 / 3 PagesSuperseded Document(s) / R9 RO 5100-90-1, Chapter 60 / 2 Pages
Digest: In order by code, summarize the main additions, revisions, or removal of direction incorporated in this supplement.
5160.42 - Revises guidelines for operational needs of the Regional/Forest cache system.
5160.42 – Regional Forester and Forest Supervisors
8. The Eastern Region will maintain on National Shared Resource fire cache facility. The Northeast Interagency Fire Cache (NEK) is presently located in Grand Rapids, MN. The mission of the cache is to:
a. Stock, issue, refurbish, store and maintain the established incident support equipment/supplies for national and geographic area needs as established by the Director, Aviation and Fire Management in consultation with the Eastern Area Coordinating Group (EACG).
b. Provide incident equipment and supplies, upon request from the Eastern Area Coordination Center (EACC), to incidents on National Forests or other Eastern Area member agency lands.
c. Provide refurbishing and restocking services to the national Forests and member agencies when determined to be cost effective by the receiving unit.
(1) Regional Staff:
a. Director, Aviation and Fire Management is responsible for providing overall direction.
b. Regional Office Fire and Aviation Management Staff is responsible for providing Regional policy and guidelines for establishing stocking levels, accountability procedures and development, adaptability, and monitoring of new equipment needs in the regional cache.
(2) Forest Supervisor:
a. Is responsible for all equipment and supplies received from other units or the Northeast Interagency Fire Cache in support of any incident on the Forest. Document any lost, stolen or damaged equipment with an AD-107, and furnish a copy to the sending unit.
b. Is responsible for maintenance on all incident equipment owned and/or used by their unit. Equipment returned to NEK for refurbishing or maintenance will require and account number from the user Forest.
(3) Forest Supervisor, Superior National Forest:
a. Is responsible for all the general supervision and operation of NEK at Grand Rapids, MN. Performance evaluation, training, and career development of cache employees and administrative support are also within the scope of the Forest Supervisor responsibilities.
b. Will develop and submit an operational plan for the cache to the Director, Aviation and Fire Management for approval.
c. Will prepare all billings to other agencies for cache support.
d. Will develop guidelines to secure additions to the cache inventory in accordance with established fiscal procedures.