US History – Chapter 19 Study Guide

World War I

Section 1: World War I Begins

·  4 Causes of World War I

·  Significance of assassination of Archduke of Austria-Hungary

·  Allied Powers

·  Central Powers

·  Schlieffen Plan – what it was and why it didn’t work

·  “no man’s land” and trench warfare

·  Western Front

·  Reasons why the US stayed neutral in the beginning

·  How the war affected the US economy (overall)

·  which countries we were naturally sympathetic to

·  U-Boats

·  Biased information/propaganda

·  Lusitania

·  Zimmerman Note

·  Sussex Pledge and its violation

·  Russian Revolution

Section 2: American Power Tips the Balance

·  Preparedness of the American military when we declared war

·  Selective Service Act

·  African Americans in the war

·  Convoy system

·  America’s effect on the war in Europe

·  American Expeditionary Force

·  New weapons

·  “shell shock”

·  Russia withdraws from the war – effect on German war effort

·  Second Battle of the Marne

·  Armistice

·  Effects of the War

Section 3: The War at Home

·  Role of federal government in the economy (overall)

·  War Industries Board

·  World War I and factory wages

·  Rationing

·  Victory gardens

·  paying for the war

·  Liberty Bonds

·  Committee of Public Information

·  Propaganda

·  Immigrants targeted in WWI

·  Espionage and Sedition Acts

·  Vigilantes

·  Great Migration

·  W.E.B. Du Bois’ stance on WWI

·  William Trotter’s stance on WWI

·  Flu Epidemic

·  19th Amendment

·  Schenck v US

Section 4: Wilson Fights For Peace

·  Wilson’s 14 Points

·  Idea of self-determination

·  League of Nations

·  Georges Clemenceau

·  David Lloyd George

·  who was absent from the Peace Conference

·  Versailles Treaty

·  France’s role in the Peace Treaty

·  War Guilt Clause

·  Reparations

·  How the US responded to the Peace Treaty

·  Reservationists

·  Irreconcilables

·  The Legacy of the War

** Years:

·  War started

·  US joined

·  Armistice

·  Officially ended

·  US signed the Peace Treaty