May 2011

Notes & Information

Social Skills Theme for the month of May is “Advocating for self in learning environments and social environments.”

Parent Program- May 4th

Center programs offer parents the knowledge to better support their children’s needs.They also give parents insight, and the language to use when working on behalf of their child. On Wednesday, May 4th from 7:00-9:00 pm, “Keeping Academic Skills Fresh During Summer Break”will be presented by Eileen Schroeder. Learn new approaches and strategies to promote summer learning. Call Larry Annett 513-871-6080 x 407 to register.

All School Recognition Assembly-Wednesday, May 25th

8:00 a.m. - Parents, grandparents, other guests, students, staff are invited to begin the day in the cafeteria with doughnuts, juice and hotbeverages.

8:45 a.m. - The All School Recognition Assembly begins in the auditorium.

At the end of each year we take time to recognize the efforts and contributions of our students and the dedication of our staff members.We will be highlighting our students’ work on their 3rdtrimester S.H.A.R.E. goals and service to their community.One change, this year, is that we have discontinued the Springer Spirit Award, because we recognize that our students demonstrate these qualities on a daily basis.We look forward to celebrating with you all that the students have accomplished this year.

Reception for Sue Belanger’s Retirement - Following the Recognition Assembly - This year our beloved school secretary, Sue Belanger will be retiring after 24 years of service to our community. Parents, grandparents and other guests at the Recognition Assembly are invited to join us for a reception in Sue’s honor immediately following the assembly. The reception will be held in the cafeteria. Springer students will not be participating in this reception, because we have planned other ways for them to honor and thank Sue.

Summer Learning Opportunities

We are excited about our summer offerings at Springer which engage children in a variety of skill building and creative experiences! Contact Dr. Mary Ann Mulcahey, Center Program Coordinator, for further information on Adventures in Summer Learning - ext. 403.

Student Council News

Springer's Student Council will be active throughout the final months of school. Elections for student council officers for the 2011-12 school year will be held on May 17th. Applications are due on May 6th and are available from current student council representatives and officers. On May 6th, Student Council will also be conducting a bake sale in the cafeteria. Springer Spirit Day is May 13th and we will celebrate by wearing our Springer t-shirts and sunglasses! On the evening of May 20th, Student Council will conduct a social gathering for students in the Intermediate and Upper School. The theme of the social is, "Rock 'n Roll." The proceeds from this social will go to the Save the Animal, rescue shelter. Finally, during the All SchoolOuting to the Cincinnati Sports Club, Student Council will lead games after the lunch break. In the past these have included a water balloon toss, three legged race, and tennis challenge. May will be a busy month for Springer's Student Council!

COSI on wheels

(Center of Science & Industry)

Thanks to the Springer Parent Association for sponsoring and staffing “What’s Wild” on April 20th. The students had a wonderful “hands on” learning experience about Ohio wildlife. To extend your childs’ experience during the summer, explore the following resources.

Websites to Surf









Books to Read

* Foxes for Kids by Judy Schuler

* The Kid’s Wildlife Book by Susan Milord

* Animal Habitats! by Judy Press

* Kids’ Easy-to-Create Wildlife Habitats: For Small Spaces in City-Suburbs-Countryside by Emily Stetson

* The Kids’ Science Book: Creative Experiences for Hands-On Fun by Robert Hirschfeld

* Animal Encyclopedia by Jayne Parsons



  • SPA Order Out Days are on Thursdays – May 5, 12, 19,& 26
  • Staff Appreciation Luncheon5/11
  • June Monthly Update in Wednesday Folder 5/25
  • SPA = Springer Parent Association

Coming Up

  • May 2 Student Council Officers’ Meeting-12:15-12:50
  • May 4 Center Parent Meeting “Keeping Academic

Skills Fresh” 7:00-9:00pm-cafeteria

  • May 6 Student Council Officers’ applications due
  • May 6 Student Council Bake Sale at lunchtime in cafeteria
  • May 9 Student Commencement Meeting 8:45am
  • May 9 Student Council Reps’ Meeting 11:20am-12:10pm
  • May 13 Springer Spirit Day! – Sunglasses Day!
  • May 13 Freedom Center & Krohn Conservatory field trip


  • May 17 Student Council Officers’ Election
  • May 19 Drafts of Commencement Speeches due to Principal
  • May 19 Intermediate Students visit Upper School classrooms 1:15pm
  • May 19 Upper School Grad activity-1:15pm
  • May 20 3rd Trimester S.H.A.R.E. ends
  • May 23 Student Council Officers’ Meeting 12:15-12:50pm
  • May 23 Commencement Speech Rehearsal 8:30am
  • May 24 Commencement Speech Rehearsal 11:30am
  • May 25 All School Continental Breakfast (8:00am) &

Recognition Assembly (8:45am) – All Parents Invited!

  • May 25 ParentReception for Sue Belanger following

the Recognition Assembly – cafeteria

  • May 26 Commencement Speech Rehearsal 11:30pm
  • May 27 ALL SCHOOL OUTING- Cincinnati Sports Club 10:00am-2:30pm
  • May 30 SCHOOL CLOSED – Memorial Day
  • May 31 Commencement picture – 9:00am

After-School Programs:

  • Chorus May 2, 9, 16 & 23 3:15-4:15pm

Choral Group performance May 23-3:30

  • Track Practices May 3 & 10 7:25-8:15am
  • Track Meets May 7 & 14

For the full Springer calendar, go to click calendar in the “Springer Experience” menu bar.

How to Reach Us

(513) 871-6080

Dr. Helmick x219Mr. Ploetzx244

Mrs. Hericks x312Mrs. Schinasix322

Mrs. McMahon x324Mrs. Schroederx404

Mrs. Moorhead x238Mrs. Sullivanx338

Mr. Phelps x330Ms. Thalerx341

Ms. Phelps x329 Ms. Williamsx306

*Mr. Williamson x220

*Indicates Team Leader