Methe CV Page 2
Scott Andrew Methe
Department of Psychology 2-173 Wheatley Hall
University of Massachusetts Boston Boston, MA 02125
Telephone: 617-287-3167 E-mail:
2005 Doctor of Philosophy, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
School Psychology (APA Accredited, NASP Approved)
Concentration: Curriculum-Based Measurement
2001 Master’s of Education, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
School Psychology
1999 Bachelor of Arts, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Major: Psychology, 3.89 GPA
Nationally Certified School Psychologist (NCSP). Certification # 39369
School Psychologist. Massachusetts Department of Education License # 379349
Honors and Awards
2013 Editorial Appreciation Award for productivity and timeliness, School Psychology Review
2011 Inducted into the Servire Society at ECU for exemplary community & professional service
2009 Inducted into the Servire Society at ECU for exemplary community & professional service
2009 Selected by the Institute for Education Sciences (IES) to a workshop using the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study (ECLS) database, Washington, DC
2009 Invited as an Early Career Scholar to participate in the School Psychology Research Collaboration Conference (SPRCC), Toronto, ON (deferred to 2011)
2008 Recipient of the Early Career Award, Society for the Study of School Psychology
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
Methe, S.A. Kilgus, S., Neiman, C, & Riley-Tillman, T.C. (2012). Meta-analysis of
interventions for addition and subtraction computation in single-case research. Journal of Behavioral Education.
Patel, A. S., Bowler, M. C., Bowler, J. L., & Methe, S. A. (2012). A meta-analysis of
workaholism. International Journal of Business and Management.
Methe, S.A., Begeny, J.G., & Leary, L.L. (2011). Development of conceptually-focused early numeracy skill indicators. Assessment for Effective Intervention, 36, 230-242.
Methe, S.A., Hojnoski, R., Clarke, B., Owens, B.B., Lilley, P.K., Politylo, B.C… et al. (2011). Innovations and Future Directions for Early Numeracy Curriculum-Based Measurement: Commentary on the Special Series. Assessment for Effective Intervention, 36, 200-209.
Methe, S.A. (2011). Innovations and Future Directions for Early Numeracy Curriculum-Based
Measurement: Commentary on the Special Series, Part II. Assessment for Effective Intervention, 36, 200-209.
Riley-Tillman, T.C., Methe, S.A., & Weegar, K. (2009). Examining the use of direct behavior rating methodology on classwide formative assessment. Assessment for Effective Intervention. 34, 224-230.
Methe, S.A. (2009). Big ideas: Missing pieces in early mathematics assessment. NASP Communiqué. 38(3). 1-4.
Methe, S.A. & Riley-Tillman, T.C. (2008). An informed approach to early mathematics intervention. School Psychology Forum. 2, 29-41.
Methe, S.A., Hintze, J.M., & Floyd, R.G. (2008). Development and validation of early numeracy skill indicators. School Psychology Review. 37, 359-373.
Hintze, J.M., Christ, T.J., & Methe, S.A. (2006). Curriculum-based assessment. Psychology in the Schools. 43, 45-56.
Methe, S.A. & Hintze, J.M. (2003). Evaluating teacher modeling as a strategy to improve silent reading. School Psychology Review. 32, 617-622.
Manuscripts Currently Under Review
Hulac, D., Methe, S.A., & Briesch, A.M. (2013). Procedures to reduce measurement error in
mathematics curriculum based measurement probes.
Methe, S.A. & Finch, J.F. (2013). Investigating the theoretical structure of early numeracy
curriculum-based measurement.
Manuscripts In Preparation
Howell, C., Methe, S.A, Kilgus, S.P., & Bowler, M.C. Examining the factor structure of a scale for
teacher assessment literacy.
Methe, S.A., Long, L.L., Murtagh, E.F., Wuensch, K.L. & Ivanescu, A. An analogue experiment
examining attending behavior and its effect on consultee follow-up.
Kilgus, S.P., Methe, S.A., & Maggin, D.M. A meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy evidence for
oral reading curriculum-based measurement.
Cin, A.D., Methe, S.A., & Martin, R.M. Intervention for early number sense: A case study.
Other Publications
Methe, S.A. (2003). A midyear primer on experimental approaches to behavioral assessment: Links to the future of our profession. Massachusetts School Psychology Association Newsletter. 21, 4-8.
Books and Chapters
Methe, S.A. & VanDerHeyden, A.M. (2012). Response to Intervention in Early Mathematics. In
V. Buysse & E. Peisner-Feinberg (Eds.), Handbook of Response to Intervention (RTI) in Early Childhood, pp. x-x. Baltimore: Brookes.
Methe, S.A., Riley-Tillman, T.C., & Jenkins, T. (Book: Under Contract). Interventionism: Moving From Concept to Action in School-Based Intervention Delivery. New York: Guilford Press. Representative: Natalie Graham.
Professional Presentation, National
Maggin, D., Kilgus, S.P., & Methe, S.A. (2013). Diagnostic test accuracy meta-analysis of curriculum-based reading measures. Accepted as a research methods panel presentation at the Campbell Collaboration Colloquium, May 21-23rd, Chicago, IL.
Methe, S.A., Hulac, D., & Briesch, A.M. (2013). Improving math curriculum-based measurement: Further methods for reducing measurement error. Paper presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Seattle, WA.
Kilgus, S.P., Methe, S.A., & Tomasula, J. (2013). Meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy evidence for curriculum-based measurement of oral reading. Paper presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Seattle, WA.
Methe, S.A., Clarke, B., Hojnoski, R.L. (2012). Innovations in Early Numeracy Assessment. (Symposium). Symposium presentation at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention. Philadelphia, PA.
Burns, M.K., Codding, R.S., Methe, S.A. (2012). Symposium presentation at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention. National Association of School Psychologists. Philadelphia, PA.
Methe, S.A. (2011) Efficacy of Interpersonal Skill Instruction for School Psychology Trainees. Poster presentation (PO 784). National Association of School Psychologists. San Francisco, CA.
Methe, S.A., (2010). Meta Analysis of the Correlational Research on Early Numeracy Assessment. Poster – National Association of School Psycholog ists, Chicago, Illinois.
Methe, S. A., Walcott, C., & Anderson, L. (2009). Informing Research and Practice Using the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study. Paper presented at National Association of School Psychologists,Boston, MA.
Methe, S. A. (2009). Early Math Intervention for Tier II and III: Case Study Data and Findings. Paper Presented at National Association of School Psychologists,Boston, MA.
Methe, S.A. & Weegar, K. (2008). Examining and Promoting Recreational Reading Habits in Elementary-Aged Children. Paper presented to the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention. New Orleans, LA.
Methe, S.A., Kelser, S.M., & Tosh, C.J. (2008). Methods for Designing and Evaluating Early Mathematics Interventions. Paper presented to the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention. New Orleans, LA.
Stoner, G., Clarfield, J., Watkins, M., O’Brien, A.G., & Methe, S.A. (2005). Using the Planning and Evaluation Tool (PET) to Advance Reading Reform. Paper presentation to the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA.
Methe, S.A., VanDerHeyden, A & Clarke, B.S. (2005). Early Math Assessment: Emerging Research and Prevention-Oriented Practices. Symposium presentation to the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA.
Methe, S.A., O’Brien, A.G. & Hintze, J.M. (2004). Integrating Internship, Schoolwide Academic Improvement, and NCLB: A Field Report. Paper presentation to the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Dallas, TX.
Methe, S.A. (2003). Sustained Silent Reading: Implementing and Evaluating the Effectiveness of Teacher Directed Strategies to Increase Student Engagement. Poster presentation to the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Toronto, ON.
Professional Presentation and Training, Local and Regional
Methe, S.A. (2013). Understanding numeracy in schools. Presentation to Boston-area school psychologists and special education directors, part of the annual internship colloquium, UMass Boston School Psychology Program, Boston, MA.
Marcotte, A.M., Whitcomb, S.G., & Methe, S.A. (2012). The multi-tiered intervention model: What it means for literacy, math, and behavior across the grade levels. Symposium presented at the Northeast Educational Research Association Annual Convention, Rocky Hill, CT.
Methe, S.A. (2009). Promoting Positive Patient Outcomes through Health Numeracy. Presented to the 5th Annual Jean Mills Health Symposium, Greenville, NC.
Methe, S.A., (2008). Early Numeracy Assessment and Intervention. Invited to present to the North Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics. October, 30, 2008. Greensboro, NC.
Methe, S.A., (2008). Toward “Big Ideas” in Beginning Mathematics: Linking Assessment to Intervention. Wake County School District Professional Development Day, Meredith College, Raleigh, NC.
Methe, S.A. (2007). Preventing early mathematics problems: An evidence-based enrichment program. Presented to the faculty and staff of Winstead Avenue Elementary School, Nash/Rocky Mount NC school district.
Feinberg, A.B., Methe, S.A., & Bruinooge, E. (2006). Improving Student Performance through Early Math Assessment. Paper Presentation at the 2nd Annual New England PBIS Conference, Norwood, MA September 27, 2006
Methe, S.A. (2005-2006). Strategies for the Treatment of ADHD in the Schools. Presented to the West Boylston Public Schools as part of district-wide professional development.
Methe, S.A. (2005-2006). Recognizing and Treating Bipolar Disorder in the Schools. Presented to the West Boylston Public Schools as part of district-wide professional development.
Methe, S.A. (2005-2006). Supporting and Promoting Inclusion for Students with Disabilities. Presented to the West Boylston Public Schools as part of district-wide professional development.
Methe, S.A. (2005-2006). Strategies for the Treatment of Autism. Presented to the West Boylston, MA Public Schools as part of district-wide professional development.
Methe, S.A. (2005-2006). Treating Anxiety and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in the Public Schools. Presented to the West Boylston, MA Public Schools as part of district-wide professional development.
Methe, S.A. (2005). Writing Quality Progress Reports: Surviving Report Writing for IEPs using Curriculum-Based Measurement (CBM). Presented to faculty and paraprofessionals Lee Public Schools 3/16/05.
Methe, S.A. (2005). Using the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills to Support Student Success and Teacher Responsiveness. Presented to the faculty and staff of the Lenox, MA public schools 3/22/05.
Methe, S.A. (2005). Creating an Effective Schoolwide Reading Program. Full day workshop presented to faculty and staff of the Lee Elementary School, 1/24/05.
Methe, S.A. (2004). Managing Non-Compliance in the Classroom. Half-day workshop presented to Faculty and Staff of Lee Elementary School as part of Professional Development Sessions. Lee, MA 10/22/05.
Methe, S.A. (2004). Interventions for Struggling Readers. Half-day workshop presented to Faculty and Staff of Lee Elementary School as part of Professional Development Sessions. Lee, MA 10/22/05.
Honoraria, Invited Presentations, and Extended Workshops
Methe, S.A. (2012). Using curriculum-based measurement in an RTI model. Presented to the North Carolina RTI Innovations Conference, Marriott Sunspree Resort, Wilmington, NC.
Methe, S.A. (2012). Research-based math instruction and intervention in elementary school. Presented to the North Carolina RTI Innovations Conference, Marriott Sunspree Resort, Wilmington, NC.
Methe, S.A. (2011). Blueprints for effective interventions. Presented to the North Carolina RTI
Innovations Conference, Marriott Sunspree Resort, Wilmington, NC.
Methe, S.A. & Harris, J.M. (2010). Grand Rounds: Best Practices in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Dyslexia. Presented to faculty and staff of the Pediatric Health and Clinical Behavior Medicine Ph.D. programs. November, 2010.
Methe, S.A. (2010). Using curriculum-based measurement in early mathematics. Presented to the Exceptional Children Division, Annual Conference, of the North Carolina Department of Education. Greensboro, NC.
Methe, S.A., (2010). Curriculum-based assessment and measurement. Presented to the North Carolina RTI Innovations Conference, Marriott Sunspree Resort, Wilmington, NC.
Methe, S.A., (2010). Math Intervention for Tiers II and III of RtI Models. Presented to the North Carolina RTI Innovations Conference, Marriott Sunspree Resort, Wilmington, NC.
Methe, S.A. (2010). Early mathematics assessment and intervention at Tier I and Tier II. Presented to the Wabash Valley Education Center, West Lafayette, IN. Full day intensive workshop.
Methe, S.A., (2009). Math Intervention for Tiers II and III of RtI Models. Presented to the North Carolina RTI Innovations Conference, Marriott Sunspree Resort, Wilmington, NC.
Methe, S.A. (2009). Keynote address at the North Carolina Department of Education State Improvement Project’s (NCSIP) Annual Conference for Math Improvement. Asheville, NC.
Methe, S.A. (2008). Delivering early mathematics interventions in an response-to-intervention framework. Full day workshop presented to the Hanover County, Virginia Public Schools. January 9, 2008.
Hosp, J., Methe, S.A., & Kelly, B. (2008). Curriculum-based evaluation in mathematics. Three-day workshop prepared for the National RTI Innovations Conference, Salt Lake City, UT.
Methe, S.A., (2008). Multi-Tiered Mathematics Intervention for Use in an RTI Model. Presented to the North Carolina Innovations Conference, Marriott Sunspree Resort, Wilmington, NC.
Methe, S.A., (2008). Toward “Big Ideas” in Beginning Mathematics: Linking Assessment to Intervention. Presented to the Wake County School District Title I Conference, McKimmon Center (NCSU), Raleigh, NC.
Methe, S.A. (2006). Careers in School Psychology. Honorarium presented to the Epoch Program of UMass Amherst Residence Life.
Methe, S.A. (2006). Differentiating Instruction. Presented to the Faculty and Staff of Osterville Elementary School, Osterville, MA.
Methe, S.A. (2006). Building Blocks of Mathematics Success: Assessment as Intervention. Invited Presentation to the Massachusetts Department of Education Math Liaison Group.
Methe, S.A. (2005). Data-driven models of academic improvement: Comprehensive methodological blueprints. Invited Presentation to the School Consultation Division of The May Institute, Inc.
Methe, S.A. (2004). Are We Still Using IQ / Achievement Discrepancies: Preparing for Changes in Special Education Policy and Practice. Invited Keynote Presentation to the Western Massachusetts Special Education Director’s Conference, Hyannis, MA. August 18-19, 2004.
Methe, S.A. Curriculum-Based Measurement and Evaluation for Mathematics. Invited Panel member, Massachusetts Department of Education Root Cause Analysis Training. Worcester, MA. March 4, 2004
Methe, S.A. & O’Brien, A.G. (2004). Using the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills and Curriculum-Based Measurement to Improve Outcomes for Students. Invited workshop presented to the 10th Annual Greenfield Special Education Conference, Greenfield, MA. March 2004.
Methe, S.A. & Byrne, T. (2004). Data Collection Strategies for the Classroom. Invited workshop presented to the 10th Annual Special Education Conference, Greenfield, MA. March 2004.
Methe, S.A. (2003) Psychology in the Schools: Decision Making, Prevention, and Systemic Collaboration. Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts (MCLA), March 2003.
Professional Experience
2012- Assistant Professor, Tenure-Track. College of Education and Human
Present Development, Department of Counseling and School Psychology, University of Massachusetts Boston
2007-2012 Assistant Professor, Tenure-Track. Harriott College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Psychology, East Carolina University
2006-2007 Visiting Assistant Professor. School of Education, Department of Pupil Personnel Services, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
2005- 2006 Lecturer. Department of Counseling and Applied Educational Psychology, Northeastern University
2005-2006 Consulting School Psychologist. Division of School Consultation, May Institute, Inc. Boston, MA.