Tomorrow is the last opportunity to join Mecha. Attend the Mecha meeting Friday in room 18 during lunch.

There will be a Boy's Basketball Meeting in Room 24TODAY during the last 15 minutes of lunch.

Students who are planning on taking the SAT or ACT there is help available at This website is sponsored by the Army however you do not need to register to the military to obtain the benefits. Please see the counseling office for more details.

If you are planning to do high school swim, you need to help in the snack bar this Friday during the JV game. It starts at 5 pm. Be there!

PSAT Signups are now open in the Counseling Office. The exam is scheduled for October 19th in the DPHS cafeteria.All Juniors and Sophomores interested in attending college should plan on taking this exam.

Don’t forget to order your 2016-17 yearbook in room 204. You can get it now for $75 with your name engraved on the cover for free. If you would like to buy a yearbook from last year, come to room 204 or ask any yearbook staff member.

SAT registration material and fee waivers for the October 1st exam are now available in the Counseling office.

SENIORS if you are planning on applying for Financial Aid please go to the counseling office for information you need.

There will be a Seal of Biliteracy meeting TODAY, Thursday,September 15th and another on Thursday, September 22nd in room 201 right after school. You must attend one of the meetings to receive accurate information about the process.

Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors - If you did not go to Round-up, you will need to take a student ID photo at picture retakes on Friday, September 23rd. Your name will be on a release list. No picture – no lunch pass. Also, if you purchased school pictures and were unhappy with them, you must bring the picture packet with you to school on that day to have them redone. Your picture packet will be your pass to go to the cafeteria.

Seniors – if you did not take a senior portrait over the summer, make-ups will be Friday, September 30th. You will receive an appointment slip to show your teacher in order to be excused from class. If you want your picture in the yearbook, you must go on that date. There will not be any other make-ups.

It’s Beat Los Banos Week! Dress up days will be as follows:

Today –Steal the Win! (Robbers)

Friday – BLUE OUT!!!!!!!!